The Stoddard County Commission will be accepting sealed bids for maintenance of two parking lots until 10 a.m. on Monday, July 12, 2021.
Bids will include asphalt repair, seal coating and line striping of the parking lots.
Parking Lot 1 is located across the street from the First Baptist Church at 201 Center Street in Bloomfield.
Parking Lot 2 is located across the street from the JUstice Center at 403 South Prairie Street in Bloomfield.
To review the project scope, bidders should contact William Dowdy at (573) 421-7741 to schedule an appointment.
Envelopes containing bids should be addressed as "Parking Lot Bid"
Sealed bids must be delivered by 10 a.m. on Monday, July 12, 2021 to the Stoddard County Clerk Office at 401 South Prairie Street or P.O. Box 110, Bloomfield, MO 63825; (573) 568-3339.
Stoddard County Commission reserved the right to reject any bids received.