Bloomfield, MO - The Bloomfield City Council met in regular session on Monday, June 21, 2021. Four new city ordinances were passed.
Council members present were: Donna Deardorff, Pat Wilson, Tim Clary and Cecil Haley. Robin Northern, city attorney, was also present. Mayor Aslin called the meeting to order. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Public Comments: Council agreed to allow the Bloomfield Park Board to purchase balance beams for the park. Consent Agenda: Ald. Haley moved and second by Ald. Clary to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed 4-0 vote.
Unfinished Bus: Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector proposed that the county could take over collecting city taxes with a cost of approximately $2800 to the city. Ald. Deardorff moved to table discussion until the July meeting. Ald. Wilson second. Motion carried 4-0.
The situation concerning the alley between E. Court and E. Shawnee has been resolved.
New Bus Bill #2021-006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 215.020, WEEDS, HIGH GRASS OTHER VEGETATION NUISANCES, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI. Read one time and a motion was made by Ald. Deardorff and second by Ald. Haley to allow a second read. Motion carried 4-0. Read a second time and Ald. Haley moved to approve Bill #2021006. Ald. Clary second the motion. Ayes – 4, Nays – 0.
Bill #2021-007 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 125.320, COURT COSTS, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI, BY THE ADDITION OF A STATE AUTOMATION SURCHARGE. Read one time and a motion was made by Ald. Deardorff and second by Ald. Wilson to allow a second read. Motion carried 4-0. Read a second time and Ald. Deardorff moved to approve Bill #2021007. Ald. Clary second the motion. Ayes – 4, Nays – 0.
Bill #2021-008 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MISSOURI OFFICE OF STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR REGARDING SERVICES RELATING TO THE SHOW ME COURTS IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS. Read one time and a motion was made by Ald. Wilson and second by Ald. Haley to allow a second read. Motion carried 4-0. Read a second time and Ald. Haley moved to approve Bill #2021008. Ald. Clary second the motion. Ayes – 4, Nays – 0.
Bill #2021-009 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2021, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS PURSUANT THERETO. Read one time and a motion was made by Ald. Deardorff and second by Ald. Wilson to allow a second read. Motion carried 4-0. Read a second time and Ald. Wilson moved to approve Bill #2021009. Ald. Haley second the motion. Ayes – 4, Nays – 0.
Other Matters: Ald. Deardorff moved to approve Kenneth Allen as a Housing Authority board member, replacing Ron Dreschel. Ald. Haley second. Motion passed 4-0.
Ald. Clary moved to not purchase property located at 806 S. Prairie. Ald. Haley second the motion. Motion passed with the votes as follows:
Clary AYE Deardorff AYE
Haley AYE Wilson abstain
Ald. Haley approved the appointment of Laranda Stanley as the municipal court clerk with an annual salary of $8500.00. Ald. Clary second. Motion passed 4-0.
With nothing further to discuss, Ald. Haley moved to adjourn. Ald. Clary second. Motion passed 4-0.
Minutes recorded by: Kari Standley, City Clerk