In the thirty-Fifth Judicial Circuit, State of Missouri Administrative Order
Covid-19 Operational Directives: Phase Four, Effective May 20, 2021
Beginning May 21, 2021, all Circuit, Associate Circuit and Municipal divisions of the Thirty-fifth Judicial Circuit will begin operations subject to Phase Four operational directives set out in this Administrative Order. These operational directives will remain in effect until further order of the Court.
Phase four operational directives must remain in effect until further order of the Missouri Supreme Court and they may be extended if the incidence of COVID-19 significantly increases above the current relatively low level. In the event of dangerous increase in the incidence of COVID-19, the Court may revert to lower Phase Zero or order a complete closure of the Court. Different phases may be applied to different counties or different municipal divisions as circumstances warrant.
The Court will continue to apply the operational directives that have been in place. It is ORDERED that:
1. No person exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or who has been exposed to a person exhibiting those symptoms may enter a court facility.
2. The use of face masks by litigants and staff if required. The Court has masks to distribute if needed. The face masks or covering requirement can be modified for good cause shown in a particular proceeding, such as when a witness is testifying.
3. Only litigants, witnesses and attorneys will be admitted inside the building. Family members and supporters must remain outside.. If a litigant believes that he or she cannot proceed without support, the litigant should contact his or her attorney and request a continuance. The press will be admitted upon reasonable request.
4. Everyone will exercise social distancing.
5. Court personnel will work a full-time schedule, with exceptions to be allowed for vulnerable court personnel.
6. All facilities will be cleaned no less than twice a day and everyone will practice good handwashing and protective hygiene. Furthermore, hand sanitizer will be made available and encouraged to be used frequently throughout the day.
7. In-person court proceedings have resumed and will continue to be conducted including grand and petit jury proceedings and will be in compliance with social distancing protocols and occupancy rate limitations applicable to the local community and comply with Supreme Court Operational Directives on Jury Proceedings.
8. Matters involving vulnerable individuals ** may be taken up by video conferencing where possible and, where that is not possible, continuances shall be granted liberally.
9. A copy of this order shall be posted at every public entrance to each court facility.
DATE: May 21, 2021
Robert N. Mayer, Circuit Judge
** Vulnerable individuals are defined by the CDC as individuals 65 years or older or individuals with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled,including those who suffer from chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthmas, serious heart conditions, immune disorders, obesity or chronic kidney or liver disease.