Local News
Sparklight Helping People with Service Disrupted by Tornado, Local Numbers to Call for Assistance
July 12th 2021 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, MO -The local Sparklight office has set up two numbers to call 573-614-7825 or 573-614-7829. These numbers are used for those who have been affected by the EF2 Tornado only.
There is also temporary Wifi hotspot service set up at Pavilion #2 in West Park. No password is required.
Roughly 1,000 customers experienced some type of disruption after the EF2 tornado ripped through part of Dexter on Saturday evening around 8:32 p.m. About 200 customers are still without service, but some of those customers may also not have electricity yet.
Last Updated on July 12th 2021 by Dee Loflin