Auctioneer’s: Dale Moreland License #2 and Kenneth Moreland #8
Date of Auction: Saturday, May 1st 2021
Time of Auction: 10:00 a.m.
Rain Date: Sunday, May 2nd at 1:00 p.m
Public Auction-Owner Pam Parsley
8230 County Rd 283B
Puxico, MO 63960
Directions: From State Hwy 51, 3 Miles South of Puxico, take State Hwy J East to CRD 283 Turn North to CRD 283B. Watch for Signs.
Concessions will be available
1-Large Lot of Pocket Watches
1-Lot of Watch Repair Equipment
1-Vintage Single Stand Wash Tub
2-Vintage Liberty Lens Headlamp
Headlights (Early 1900’s)
1-Plastic Water Battery Fill Bottle
1-Old Allis-Chalmers One Row Planter
2-Antique Bench Vises
1-Antique Drill Press
1-Wooden Rabbit Trap
1-Vintage Green Enamel Flood Light
1-Block & Tackle Hook
1-AAA Emergency Service Sign
1-Honda 1973 CB125 (Not Running)
1-Ford 1953 2 Ton Flatbed Truck (Not Running)
1-Craftsman Laser Trac 1.0. HP Drill Press
1-Citation Model 1800 Steam Cleaner
1-Sanborn 5HP 60 Gallon Single Stage Compressor
1-Lot Portable Shop Lights on Stands
1-National Air Compressor
2-Water Fountains
1-Craftsman 2 Piece Tool Chest (Good Shape)
1-Snap on Tool Chest
1-S&K Tool Box
1-Craftsman Work Bench
1-Sears Floor Jack
1-Kenmore Elite 24,000 BTU Air Conditioner 220
1-Auto Zone Car Creeper
1-Chore Master 1750 PSI Power Washer (GAS)
1-Hand Crank Barrel Pump
1-Handyman Jack (New)
1-Lot Small Floor Jacks
1-Lot of Jack Stands
1-Chicago Electric Flux 125 Welder (New)
1-Lot Welding Helmets
1-Lot Welding Rods
1-Welding Cart (New)
2-Bottle Jack 4000 LBS
1-Lot Come-A-Longs
1-1 Ton Chain Hoist
1-Lot Wheel & Pulley Pullers
1-Sliding Adjustable Drill Press Vise
1-Lot Cylinder Hones
1-Rivet Spinner
1-Pneumatic Hose and Reel
1-100 Amp Battery Tester (New)
1-Lot Set Freon Gages
1-Temp Master Air Cooler
1-Craftsman Portable Tool Box
1-Lot Shop Chemicals and Cleaners
1-Lot Battery Chargers
1-Large Lot of Mechanics Tools-3/8” & ½” Drive
(Craftsman-S&K-Snap On-Wizard)
1-Lot Long Handle Tools
2-Sets Leather Punches
1-Lot Rechargeable Tools (Dewalt)
1-Lot Electric Power Tools
1-Lot Pneumatic Tools & Hoses
1-Lot Valve Spring Compressors
1-Lot C Clamps
1-Lot Drill Bits
1-Lot Grease Guns
1-Castration Crimping Tool
1-Lot Crow Bars
1-Set of 1” Sockets-Rachets-Brake Over Bar
1-Electric Saw Zaw (New in box-Harbor Freight)
1-Allis Chalmers Manual (1967)
1-Lot John Deere Parts
(Seals-Gaskets-Bearings-Steering Wheel)
1-Lot Tractor Hydraulic Cylinders
1-Lot of Sway Bars & Top Links
1-Lot of Tractor Mufflers
1-Universal Draw Bar
1-Lot Tractor Headlights
2-Tractor Seat Covers
1-John Deere Umbrella (New, but Damaged)
1-Large Lot of Lawn Mower Parts
(Seals-Gaskets-Bearings-Spark Plugs)
1-Large Lot Lawn Mower Engines (3 New)
1-Lot Riding Mower Wheels & Tires
(Front-Rear-New & Used)
1-Lot Mower Belts
1-Lot Lawn Mower Wheel Weights
1-Fish Cooker on a Stand
1-Tackle Box
1-Lot Rod & Reels
1-Large Lot of Chain Saws (Some are Parts only)
1-Large Lot of Chain Saw Parts
1-Lot of Chain Saw Cases
1-3.0 HP Tecumsea Wheeled String Trimmer
1-Lot String Trimmers (Some Parts only)
1-Lot String Trimmer Parts
1-Remington Electric Pole Saw 10”
John Deere 2030 with Loader, Bucket & Hay Spike (Diesel)
Massey Ferguson 135
Ford 8N
Kioti DS411OHS with a KL402 Loader
Allis Chalmers WD 45
McCormick Farmall Cub with Front Blade, Plow & Disc
2-John Deere Model A (Parts only 1941 & 1946)
2-Allis Chalmers WD (Parts only)
1-Boom Pole
1-Hay Spike (3 Point)
1-John Deere Loader (for 2 Cylinders)
2-Allis Chalmers Loaders (for WD or WD45)
1-3 Blade Disc Plow
1-Six’ 3 Point Blade
1-Six’ Box Blade
1-Seven’ Box Blade
1-Five’ 3 Point Disc
1-3 Point 2 Bottom Plow
2-Allis Chalmers Belly Mount Plows
(1-3 Bottom 1-2 Bottom)
1-John Deere 4-Row Planter
1-Gravity Flow Wagon
1-3 Bottom-3 Point Oliver Plow
1-John Deere 3 Point Sickle Mower
1-John Deere 4 Cylinder Engine
1-3 Point 6’ Cultivator
1-Boom Pole
3-Steel Taps
1-Lot Chains
1-Aluminum Motorcycle Ramp
1-Lot Threaded Pipes
1-Lot Rachet Straps
1-Lot Anti-Freeze
1-Lot Oil & Grease
1-Lot Jumper Cables
1-Lot Corn Knives
1-Lot Shop Manuals
1-Lot Gas Cans & L.P. Bottles
1-Lot Galvanized Stove Pipe
1-Lot Shop Manuals
1-Pump of Sprayer
1-Lot Receiver Hitches & Balls
1-5 Brick Ventless Heater
1-Lot 12-2 Wire
1-250lb ATV Wench (New in Box) N.I.B.
1-Behren Funnel
1-Lot Levels
1-Lot 1/2“ Cargo D-Ring Anchors
1-Lot Auto Mirrors
1-Lot Leak Stop
1-Lot Caster Wheels
1-Lot Oil
1-Lot Anti-Freeze
1-Lot Light Bulbs
1-Small Block Chevrolet Oil Pump N.I.B.
1-Six’ Bench
2-Pickup Bed Trailers
3-16’ Flat Bed Trailers
1-5’ x 8’ Tilt Trailer
1-Card Table & 4 Chairs
1-Dual Tandem Pintle Hitch Trailer
1-Lot Plywood
1-Watch Repair Table
2-Filing Cabinets
1-Camp Stove
Don’t miss this Sale!!

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 24, 2021 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.
Properly disposing of prescription drugs helps keep them out of our waters and landfills. To find a take back location near you, CLICK HERE.
Local Police Departments participating are Dexter Police Department, Bernie Police Department, Malden Police Department and Puxico Police Department.

Bloomfield City Council Meeting held a regular session meeting on March 15, 2021 at 6:20 p.m. Below are the minutes and discussions from that meeting.
Council members present were: Frank Sifford, Donna Deardorff, Pat Wilson and Bonnie Blue. Robin Northern, city attorney, was also present. Mayor Aslin called the meeting to order. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Public Comments: none
Consent Agenda: Ald. Sifford made a motion that was second by Ald. Blue to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed 4-0 vote.
Unfinished Bus: Ald. Sifford moved to pay MO Rural Services Work Comp Ins. Trust for 2021-2022. Ald. Deardorff second. Motion carried 4-0.
There was more discussion on whether the City will keep its municipal court or turn it over to the County. The deadline has been extended to August 1. Ald. Blue moved to table discussion until the April meeting. Ald. Deardorff second. Motion carried 4-0. Daniel will present cost variable findings at the April meeting.
New Bus: Park board members Amy Haas, Ken Allen, and Morgan Wilkinson requested permission to accept applications for seasonal part-time park cleaning instead of contract cleaning. The position will be approximately 12 hours per week, depending on park activities, at an hourly rate of $10.41. Ald. Deardorff moved to approve this request. Ald. Blue second. Motion passed 4-0.
Ald. Deardorff moved to approve flooring cost for City Hall’s basement from Stan’s Carpet. Ald. Wilson second. Motion carried 4-0.
Bill #2021002 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE ANNUAL EXECUTE ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, CHANGE ORDERS, AND ANY AND ALL OTHER NECESSARY INSTRUMENTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE STREET OVERLAY PROJECT OF THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI. Read one time and a motion was made by Ald. Blue and second by Ald. Sifford to allow a second read. Motion carried 4-0. Read a second time and Ald. Deardorff moved to approve Bill #2021002. Ald. Sifford second the motion. Ayes – 4, Nays – 0.
Other Matters: Spring clean-up will be April 26, 2021.
Brief discussion was had in reference to the city tax collector position. Council will wait for election results.
Justin Bell gave a brief update on PWSD #5. They have made some personnel changes. Their water account with the City remains past due with an approximate balance of $27,546.00. Date of last payment was Feb. 22, 2021.
April meeting is scheduled for 04/19/2021 at 6:30pm. The auditors will be here presenting FY2020 audit results.
With nothing further to discuss, Ald. Sifford moved to adjourn. Ald. Blue second. Motion passed 4-0.

Bloomfield, MO - The City of Bloomfield will host their annual Spring Clean Up on April 26, 2021.
Please set your allowable items at the curb the night before.
Here is a list of items that are NOT allowed: Hazardous Waste, Liquid Oil, Freon Tanks, Propane Tanks, Liquid Paint, Sheetrock Mud, Floor Glue, Tires and Batteries, Yard Waste, Major Appliances, Burnt Trash, Construction Material and Electronics.

Bloomfield, MO - Lots of people are talking about the BEAR in Bloomfield. Please do NOT attempt to get photos or video unless you are safe inside your home or car. Bears are territorial in nature! The Missouri Department of Conservation is aware that there is a bear roaming near J Highway in Bloomfield.
If you would like to view a short video by Courtney Aslin click HERE.
Stay alert and avoid confrontation
Make noise so you don’t surprise a bear - clap, sing, or talk loudly.
Pay attention to your surroundings and watch for bear sign such as tracks or claw or bite marks on trees.
Keep dogs leashed.
If you see a bear, leave it alone! Do not approach it. Make sure it has an escape route.
If you encounter a bear up close
Never corner a bear – make sure it has an escape route.
Back away slowly with your arms raised.
Speak in a calm, loud voice.
Do not turn your back to the bear.
Walk away slowly – DO NOT RUN.
Odors attract bears
Keep a clean campsite. Follow these guidelines when camping in black bear country.
Store all food and toiletries like toothpaste and deodorant in a secure vehicle or strung high between two trees.
Store garbage securely in a vehicle or strung high between two trees. Never burn or bury garbage or food waste.
Never feed a bear!
Feeding bears makes them lose their natural fear of humans, and teaches them to see humans as food providers. They will learn to go to places like homes, campsites, and neighborhoods to look for food, instead of staying in the forest.
A bear that has gotten used to getting food from humans may become aggressive and dangerous. When this happens, the bear has to be destroyed.
Help bears stay wild and healthy, and keep yourself and your neighbors safe. Don’t feed bears.
Never feed a bear, on purpose or accidentally.
Don’t leave pet food sitting outside. Feed pets a portion they’ll eat at each meal and remove the empty containers.
Store garbage, recyclables, and compost inside a secure building or in a bear-proof container until the day of trash pick-up.
Keep grills and smokers clean and store them inside.
Don’t use bird feeders from April through November in bear country. If you must, hang them at least 10 feet high and 4 feet away from any structure.
Use electric fencing to keep bears away from beehives, chicken coops, vegetable gardens, orchards, and other potential food sources. Get more detailed tips on black bear control, including electric fencing.
Contact your county Conservation Agent for help with making your property unwelcoming to bears.