Local News
From the Dexter Police Department
March 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin

From the Dexter Police Department - In order to clear up some rumors and misconceptions, we would like to take this opportunity to address the news of several burglaries that have occurred here in Dexter over the past two weeks.
So far, these burglaries have occurred at businesses that are located in close proximity to each other.
We have no reason to believe that homes are being targeted. As a reminder, these incidents are still under active investigation and we cannot release details that relate to these crimes.
We would ask that business owners keep in mind to ensure their doors are securely locked, especially doors located at the rear of their business.
Ensure that deadbolts and locking mechanisms are sufficient for the door size and are installed correctly.
Remove or limit the amounts of petty cash that is kept onsite.
If you have a video surveillance system, please check that it is in good working order, or perhaps consider upgrading your current system.
With advances in technology, there are systems with high resolution cameras that are affordable for even the smallest of storefronts.
Most citizens are asleep during the prime times for burglary (between 10pm - 5am), but if you are out and about during those hours, please report any suspicious activity you observe.
Last Updated on March 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin