Local News

Thank You to the Dexter Street Crew
January 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Thank You to the Dexter Street Crew

The sound of a snow plow coming down the street can be a great comfort to you. Our city of Dexter employees spent numerous hours clearing our roads so you could get to work or the grocery store.

Best estimate is that Dexter received around 7 inches of snow in a 24+ hour period. Some have seen less and others measured more. The official amount from the National Weather Service is 6 inches.

With all that snow, sleet, and ice we would like to thank the Dexter Street Crew!

The snow and ice removal team put in quite the effort over the past couple of days to clear our streets! They are still out there today and continuing their efforts!! With temperatures dropping below zero at night and not getting above freezing during the day, Mother Nature hasn't put in much effort to melt the snow, so it's been up to city workers to get the main roads cleared.

"They have worked tirelessly," commented Dexter City Administrator Mark Stidham. "We have on inventory between 65 - 70 miles of roads in Dexter city limits. They plowed some areas at least 6 times due to the rate the snow was falling."

That's nearly 400 miles of roads they plowed in just a couple of days.

Along with plowing of roads city workers were using cinders and a liquid salt solution on streets depending on the traffic flow in those areas. In all they used around 5,000 lbs of treatment. One could almost say that's about 70 lbs per mile. What an effort!!!

On behalf of the Dexter residents, we thank each and every one of you who spent time in the frigid temperatures to help us get back on the roads!

Last Updated on January 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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