Local News

Local Businesses Be Aware of Burglaries
January 09th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Local Businesses Be Aware of Burglaries

Dexter, Missouri - Several businesses in the Dexter area have been "burglarized" this week. Normally the ShowMe Times doesn't promote any negative news; however we want local businesses to be aware that unfortunately these things happen in our small community.  Here are some tips to help keep those unwanted burglars out of your business.

"We have had some break-ins this week to a few local businesses," commented Dexter Police Chief Sammy Stone.  "We are advising businesses to not leave money at their business, but if they do to leave as little as possible.  Also leave a light on inside as well as have good locks on the front and back doors."

"You can't completely keep anyone out, but you can slow them down or discourage them from trying."

1. Locks - The ultimate frustration for the burglar is the double-cylinder dead lock which must be opened by a key from either side.

2. Alarm - If you can't afford an elaborate alarm system,at least a cheaper building-type local alarm system - which wakes the entire neighborhood and alerts the burglar, as well - is preferable to no alarm at all. At least it may scare off the thief before he's completed the job.

3.  Money - Sometimes it's hard because of different people opening and closing, but try to leave as little as possible in your building or no money at all.  Even hiding it outside of the cash register someplace a burglar may not look.

4.  Put the burglar in the spotlight! Providing a lot of light, both inside and outside, usually is effective. Leave a light on inside, perhaps someone driving by may notice a not so familiar face in your business.

5.  Install video cameras.  Now days they are very inexpensive and you can view them on your phone via an ap.

You won't be able to completely keep a burglar out, but the more you do to discourage him or her the safer your business will be at night.

Last Updated on January 09th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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