The Stoddard County Commissioners signed a Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation today, April 1, 2024.
Whereas, children are vital to our county's future success, prosperity and quality of life as well as being our most vulnerable assets;
Whereas, all children deserve to have the safe, stable, nurturing homes and communities they need to foster their healthy growth and development;
Whereas, preventing child abuse and neglect is a community responsibility affecting both the current and future quality of life of a community;
Where, communities that provide parents with social support, knowledge of parenting and child development and concrete resources they need to cope with stress and nurture their children, ensure all children grow to their full potential;
Whereas, effective child abuse prevention strategies succeed because of partnerships created among citizens, human service agencies, schools, faith communities, health care providers, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community;
Therefore, the Stoddard County Commission does hereby proclaim April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and call upon all citizens, community agencies, faith groups, medical facilities, elected leaders and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the communities in which we live.
Motion made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell to adopt the proclamation, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three Commissioners voted yes and the proclamation passed.
Other events planned are a Community Pinwheel Walk on April 13th at 10 a.m. - Noon at West Park in Dexter, MO. No registration is needed. Wear blue and enjoy the free donuts and drinks, face painting and more! There will be vendors on hand with information. You might even win a prize.
The event is sponsored by the Stoddard County Family Resource Center and Dexter Community Regional Healthcare Foundation in partnership with the Missouri Prevention Program and Dexter, Richland, Bloomfield Parents as Teachers Program.
According to the flyers presented at the meeting, "Preventing child abuse is a community effort and there are many ways to get involved. The Community Pinwheel Walk is a great way to raise awareness about child abuse prevention and show solidarity with survivors of abuse."