Stoddard County Drainage Ditch #19 is accepting sealed bids for mopping and cleaning out the drainage ditch.
The drainage ditch starts on D Highway in Stoddard County and will end at the County line going south.
It is approximately 7 3/4 miles of ditch.
This will also consist of smoothing out spoil pile.
If anyone would like to look at Drainage Ditch #19 you can call Keith Mayberry at (573) 421-2427 and he will assist you.
The last day to accept bids will be February 29, 2024. The bids must be sealed and will reopened on Monday, March 4, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the Stoddard County Government office in the Stoddard County Commissioners' office.
Any bids need to be mailed to this address: Stoddard County Clerk's Office, Bid Drainage Ditch #19, P.O. Box 110, Bloomfield, MO 63825
Or if you wish to drop off the bid here is the address: Stoddard County Clerk's Office, Bid Drainage Ditch #19, 401 S. Prairie Street, Bloomfield, MO 63825.
Please make sure that you put on your envelope that it is a bid for Stoddard County Drainage Ditch #19 and make sure it is sealed.