The Stoddard County Commission began their weekly meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for the Stoddarad County Clerk's office, police and the farmers who are beginning their planting season.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning, ARP Funding Update
Bell City Fire Department - "They have completed their paperwork and have a bill for $11,085.00 to help build the new fire station," commented Lambert. "This portion was to lay concrete and move electrical lines."
The amount is higher due to moving electrical lines the invoice is more than the original contract; however the amount was still within the approved ARPA funds pre-approved amount.
Motion to accept the invoice in the amount of $11,085.00 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Water District #2 - They need a copy of the minutes from Water District #2 to show they voted to get the new meters. They also need to get to Mrs. Lambert some documentation itemized invoice of the meters and the canceled check that they paid for the meters. If the additional request goes over $10,000 they will have to bid out the computers
The final acceptance of the Engineer/Consultant's Certification for acceptance and final Payment request on the CDBG Grant for the work done at the Bootheel Regional Planning office and the Commission will sign off on the portion of the final payment for Smith & Company.
Motion to sign the engineer certification and final payment to Smith & Company and the Zoellner Electric made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell and seoncded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Puxico Library Roof is ARPA eligible to accept as a project,: according to Mrs. Lambert. The city of Puxico will need to get some paperwork to Bootheel Regional Planning and then the Commission will vote on the acceptance of ARPA funding for the new roof.
Ira Tucker, Puxico Weekly Press and private citizen
First time in history that the Puxico Weekly Press now has color. Worked as a park ranger at Wappappello Lake and was the oldest ranger in the state of Missouri.
David Scherer Bell City Fire Department
"They poured concrete today for the new fire department building. In three to four weeks they will have the building up and then the inside can be worked on and we might be in the building by the first of May, 2024 if everything goes according to plan," commented Scherer.
Motion to accept Stoddard County Road 752 Bridge Replacement (BRO-R103(075) to Smith & Co. Engineers in the amount of $5,860.29made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed. The monies will be reimbursed to the County at 100% from the BRO Program.
Motion to accept Stoddard County Road 766 (BRO-R103(76) to Smith & Co. in the amount of $5,500.79 to Smith & Co. for Bridge Replacement made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed. The monies will be reimbursed to the County at 100% from the BRO Program.
Motion to accept the open session minutes from February 13th made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed session minutes from February 13th made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Stoddard County Commission is now accepting sealed bids on Stoddard County Drainage Ditch 13/33 and Stoddard County Drainage Ditch 14. The project will consist of mopping and cleaning out the drainage ditches as well as smoothing down the spoil piles. It will also consist of timber removal and disposal. The project consists of three main sections.
Ditch 14 - Starting at C Highway where Ditch 14 turns southeast and then continues east until it reaches Ditch 13/33. Approximately 1.65 miles.
Ditch 14 Lateral - Starting at Hwy 25 continuing east, then turning north until it meets Ditch 14. Approximately .88 miles.
Ditch 13/33 - Starting at Hwy 25 moving south and southeast, stopping at Ash slough in Sec 17, TWP 28N, Range 11E. Approximately 2.35 miles.
If anyone would like to look at or have questions of this project consisting of Drainage District 14 and 13/33 you may call C.D. Stewart at (573) 820-0991.
Motion to enter into closed session at 11:02 a.m. made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.

The Stoddard County Commission opened the meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer over all county employees.
New Business
Peter Coutavas, Puxico City Alderman - Puxico Public Library
Mr. Coutavas explained that the roof at the Public Public Library is in need of a new roof. He brought estimate for wooden shingles/metal shingles for $12,000 for the Puxico Public Library out of the ARPA Funds.
Jim Tweedy, Attorney at Law
Has a client, the Burch Family, who owns property on County Road 535. They are asking that the road be considered abandoned at the locked gait area. Castor Township has voted in favor of closing the road. Mr. Tweedy has a copy of the minutes stating they voted to close the County Road 535.
Motion to close County Road 535 except the first 1298.32 feet from State Highway AB made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Other Business
Motion to approve the Ads/Abates for January 2024 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the January 29th regular meeting minutes made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the January 29th closed meeting minutes made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the February 5th regular meeting minutes made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the February 5th closed session meeting minutes made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to enter into closed session made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart at 11:00 a.m., seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Pictured are Stoddard County Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis, District 2 Commissioner Carol Jarrell, and District 1 Commissioner C.D. Stewart bowing their heads for prayer. Photo by Dee Loflin

The Stoddard County Commission met for the first time in February of 2024. Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer over the County.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission ARPA Update
Mayor Mullins with city of Dudley did get all the necessary documentation and paperwork in order and they are now requesting a check in the amount of $55,570.00 in ARPA funding for the replacement of water meters. The city of Dudley will pay the $310.00 difference in the original bid.
Motion to accept the city of Dudley's request for $55,570.00 in ARPA funds for the replacement of water meters made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All there voted yes and motion passed.
Lambert stated she never got back with Chuck Kasting, Stoddard County Ambulance District Director, for the remainder of their ARPA funds. It totals about $8,000. Kasting has said he wanted to purchase additional computers.
Lambert also updated the Commission on Water District #2. They hired an attorney for their ARPA funds and the attorney has sent a letter to Lambert. She revised and answered the questions and hd on Friday sent the letter back. As of this morning she has not heard anything from Joe Blanton, Water District #2's attorney. Water District #2 is the only entity that has hired an attorney to request the ARPA funds from the Commission.
Drainage Ditch Discussion with Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer
Drainage Ditch #14 and drainage Ditch #1333 have been discussed in previous Commission meetings. The ditches need to be cleaned out. This is in Mr. Stewart's district and he will contact the Soil Conservation Office to get specs on the ditch. Those specs will be used to create a bid request to run in the Dexter Statesman.
Ecology Acres/ Stoddard County Park
A resident of Ecology Acres has asked about the park owned by the County. The question was if the park could be sold. Mr. Mathis stated he wasn't sure about the park or any information on how they obtained it. The Commission will do some searching and get back to the person who asked about the park.
Deobligation of the CDGB Grant
The Missouri Department of Economic Development has sent a letter to the Commissioners to close out the CDGB grant for the Puxico broadband.
On December of 11, 2023 the Commission paid back to Bootheel Regional Planning Commission a check in the amount of $21,600 from general revenue for administrative fees.
Stoddard County Cyber Security Grant
Missouri Department of Public Safety (DPS)/Office of Homeland Security (OHS) Grant in the amount $3,780.00 and an additional great in the amount of $199,722.26 to be used for cyber security. The total is $203,502.26
Stoddard County Sheriff's department applied for a Cyber Security grant on behalf of the Stoddard County Commission.
The Commission will enter into Closed Session to discuss details of the Cyber Security Grant and how it will be used.
Motion to accept the Buffington Brothers Heating and Cooling annual service agreement contract for $13,752.00 for the Stoddard County jail made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the regular meeting minutes from Monday, January 29, 2024 were not made during open session due to Mr. Mathis wanting to add an item to a specific paragraph.
Motion to accept the closed session meeting minutes from Monday, January 29, 2024 were not made during open session and will be held until next Tuesday.
Mr. Mathis stated that the County offices will be closed the next two Mondays, February 12th for Lincoln's birthday and February 19th for Washington's Birthday/President's Day. Meetings will be held on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. following a holiday.
Motion to enter into closed session at 11:14 a.m. by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.

The Stoddard County Commissioner meeting started their weekly Monday morning with a prayer over the county and a Pledge of Allegiance.
BRPC Commission Block Grant Closeout Hearing
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission Block Grant Closeout Hearing made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed. The Public Hearing is open as directed. Mr.Greg Mathis, Presiding Commissioner, turned the meeting over to Mrs. Melissa Clary from the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission.
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building roofing replaced, guttering, electrical, replaced some windows, new doors put in, HVAC replaced, computer lab with new hook-ups,
"There will be a public computer lab with 10 terminals," stated Lambert. "There will be a printer available."
Presiding Commissioner Mathis asked if there will be rules set up and Mrs. Lambert stated yes. At this time there is no time limit and anyone can utilize the computer.
Motion to close the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission Block Grant made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
ARPA Funds Update, Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Water District #2 - December 19th is the last time Mrs. Lambert has heard from Water District #2.
City of Dudley - Mrs. Lambert updated the city of Dudley with their replacement of water meters. She has spoken to Mrs. Mullins.
Ambulance District - She spoke to Chuck Kasting about the $8,000+ that was left on the Stoddard County Ambulance District funds.
Liability Insurance Update with Alan Hedrick, Leavitt Group Insurance Company in Dexter (formerly County Wide Insurance)
"The insurance industry is in a harder market than in year past driven by cost repair, number of losses, and catastrophes (not in our area), but in other areas," explained Hedrick. "You are looking at an 18% increase overall. It is a significant increase on this size of the premium."
"We did try additional market places for you. We had two declines and one that felt they didn't have enough time to get their information in to us," continued Hedrick.
In the last four years $227,000+ in reserves brought about and $69,000+ paid out on claims," stated Hedrick.
Hedrick went on to say that employee manuals, policies and procedures in place and having them available can prevent claims in the future. We have requested these items from Travelers, but haven't been able to obtain them.
Commissioner Stewart asked about the Earthquake Insurance and there is about 2.5 million and the County has ascertained Earthquake insurance from an outside source as well in April of last year.
Commissioner Jarrell asked about the policies and procedures are needing to be given to the insurance company and the response was yes, not just the handbook but the policies and procedures for example the Sexual Harassment policy or the use of cell phones while driving are good examples of polices that should be in place.
There is no need to bid out the insurance as it hasn't been four years since the last bid. They also do not need to file a motion to accept the new increase, the Commission can just sign the voucher and a check be written for the liability insurance.
Motion to accept the minutes from January 22, 2024 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed session minutes from January 22, 2024 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Beau Bishop, EMA Director
Storm Sirens that were approved through FEMA. I have received two bids. Bid opening was on January 7, 2024 at the Stoddard County Ambulance District building.
Three new storm sirens and upgrades to the software for setting off the sirens.
Outdoor Warning Consultants - $169,207.00 "We currently have now and are electronically sirens. We can also have voice recordings."
Table Rock Alerting Systems - $129,710.00 "They use century sirens and are electro-mechanical sirens. This does not allow for voice recordings."
All the software will work together on both systems. Battles Communications handles the maintenance on the sirens.
Motion to allow Beau Bishop to accept the Table Rock Alerting Systems at $129,710.00 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Radios paid for from the ARPA Funds
All 16 radios have been delivered to Battles and are getting programmed. "I will be keeping up with the radios and will have a spreadsheet showing who has the radio. Also that since these radios are county property then I will have a letter to the recipient of the radio to sign and I will keep up with those as well."
RADAR OMEGA Project - Price per camera 3 year contract for $5,000. Bishop will get a formal request or invoice from the Radar Omega for the project.
Motion to enter into closed session at 11:05 a.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.

The Stoddard County Commission began their regular meeting with a prayer over the county and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Budget Hearing
While the Budget Hearing was in process, Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the comment that the Public Hearing Notice was not in the Dexter Statesman on January 10th as required by law.
"I reached out to the Attorney General's office and said that they could not give an opinion," commented Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis. "They stated they would reach out to the other office within the Attorney General's office and get clarification. We did proceed to approve the budget as no one come in and asked any questions about the budget."
"If anything else needs to be done we will do that," stated Mathis. "The Budget was approved and passed."
Rebecca Gratton, City Clerk for the City of Dudley
Gratton produced a "Letter to request ARPA Funds" from the Mayor of the city of Dudley, Lucille Mullins.
"We have been working with Katelyn Lambert, of the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission," stated Gratton. "This request is for water meters."
The 3 bids included in the letter:
IMCO - $62,524.05 - does not include installation, system training, or plastic lids for the meter boxes.
Midwest Meter - $55,570.00 - Includes installation, system training and plastic lids for the meter boxes. These items are necessary fore the city to ensure the proper installation.
Core & Main - $46,238.62 - Does not include installation, system straining, or plastic lids for the meter boxes, but does offer software training.
The letter goes on to say that replacing their water meters is not just a necessary expense, but also a strategic investment in the future of Dudley. "This project will have a positive impact on residents, environment, and the city's financial well-being. We are confident that funding this initiative aligns with Stoddard County's commitment to supporting infrastructure improvements and sustainable water resource management within its communities."
On the detailed spreadsheet from previous year, the City of Dudley, was not on the initial listing. The paperwork had been misfiled. Loflin of SthowMe Time and Lamber of BRPC found the paperwork while auditing the files. It was unfortunate that the city of Dudley did not get approved for funding sooner.
Motion to accept and approved the funding of $55,570.00 to be paid to the city of Dudley for water meter replacement made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Mathis instructed Gratton to turn in the invoices etc to Katelyn Lambert as soon as possible and then a check could be processed.
Old Business:
Motion to accept the December Ads and Abates made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
2024 Budget Appropriation Order must be signed within 5 days after approving the budget by the Commission. It will need to be sent into the Missouri State Auditors office.
Motion to sign the 2024 Budget Appropriation Order made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three votes yes and motion passed.
You can find the requirements RSMO 51 - 60 online if you are interested in running or just want to see what the qualifications are for each elected official.
Cecil Weeks, County Clerk - Election 2024
Filing for County offices start at 8 a.m. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 and ends on March 26th at 5 p.m. in the Clerk's Office.
Public Administrator, Sheriff, Collector/Treasurer, Coroner, Associate Commissioner District 1, Associate Commissioner District 2, Assessor and Surveyor for Stoddard County are all positions that will be on the ballot in the primary in August 2024.
Township County Committee man or Committee Woman Republican Central Committee and Democratic Central Committee - cost is $100 to the committee
Motion to accept the meeting minutes from January 16, 2024 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed session meeting minutes from January 16th made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the minutes from the budget hearing from January 18th made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to enter into Closed Session at 10:57 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.