The Stoddard County Commission met for the first time in February of 2024. Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer over the County.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission ARPA Update
Mayor Mullins with city of Dudley did get all the necessary documentation and paperwork in order and they are now requesting a check in the amount of $55,570.00 in ARPA funding for the replacement of water meters. The city of Dudley will pay the $310.00 difference in the original bid.
Motion to accept the city of Dudley's request for $55,570.00 in ARPA funds for the replacement of water meters made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All there voted yes and motion passed.
Lambert stated she never got back with Chuck Kasting, Stoddard County Ambulance District Director, for the remainder of their ARPA funds. It totals about $8,000. Kasting has said he wanted to purchase additional computers.
Lambert also updated the Commission on Water District #2. They hired an attorney for their ARPA funds and the attorney has sent a letter to Lambert. She revised and answered the questions and hd on Friday sent the letter back. As of this morning she has not heard anything from Joe Blanton, Water District #2's attorney. Water District #2 is the only entity that has hired an attorney to request the ARPA funds from the Commission.
Drainage Ditch Discussion with Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer
Drainage Ditch #14 and drainage Ditch #1333 have been discussed in previous Commission meetings. The ditches need to be cleaned out. This is in Mr. Stewart's district and he will contact the Soil Conservation Office to get specs on the ditch. Those specs will be used to create a bid request to run in the Dexter Statesman.
Ecology Acres/ Stoddard County Park
A resident of Ecology Acres has asked about the park owned by the County. The question was if the park could be sold. Mr. Mathis stated he wasn't sure about the park or any information on how they obtained it. The Commission will do some searching and get back to the person who asked about the park.
Deobligation of the CDGB Grant
The Missouri Department of Economic Development has sent a letter to the Commissioners to close out the CDGB grant for the Puxico broadband.
On December of 11, 2023 the Commission paid back to Bootheel Regional Planning Commission a check in the amount of $21,600 from general revenue for administrative fees.
Stoddard County Cyber Security Grant
Missouri Department of Public Safety (DPS)/Office of Homeland Security (OHS) Grant in the amount $3,780.00 and an additional great in the amount of $199,722.26 to be used for cyber security. The total is $203,502.26
Stoddard County Sheriff's department applied for a Cyber Security grant on behalf of the Stoddard County Commission.
The Commission will enter into Closed Session to discuss details of the Cyber Security Grant and how it will be used.
Motion to accept the Buffington Brothers Heating and Cooling annual service agreement contract for $13,752.00 for the Stoddard County jail made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the regular meeting minutes from Monday, January 29, 2024 were not made during open session due to Mr. Mathis wanting to add an item to a specific paragraph.
Motion to accept the closed session meeting minutes from Monday, January 29, 2024 were not made during open session and will be held until next Tuesday.
Mr. Mathis stated that the County offices will be closed the next two Mondays, February 12th for Lincoln's birthday and February 19th for Washington's Birthday/President's Day. Meetings will be held on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. following a holiday.
Motion to enter into closed session at 11:14 a.m. by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.