The Stoddard County Commissioner meeting started their weekly Monday morning with a prayer over the county and a Pledge of Allegiance.
BRPC Commission Block Grant Closeout Hearing
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission Block Grant Closeout Hearing made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed. The Public Hearing is open as directed. Mr.Greg Mathis, Presiding Commissioner, turned the meeting over to Mrs. Melissa Clary from the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission.
Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building roofing replaced, guttering, electrical, replaced some windows, new doors put in, HVAC replaced, computer lab with new hook-ups,
"There will be a public computer lab with 10 terminals," stated Lambert. "There will be a printer available."
Presiding Commissioner Mathis asked if there will be rules set up and Mrs. Lambert stated yes. At this time there is no time limit and anyone can utilize the computer.
Motion to close the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission Block Grant made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
ARPA Funds Update, Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Water District #2 - December 19th is the last time Mrs. Lambert has heard from Water District #2.
City of Dudley - Mrs. Lambert updated the city of Dudley with their replacement of water meters. She has spoken to Mrs. Mullins.
Ambulance District - She spoke to Chuck Kasting about the $8,000+ that was left on the Stoddard County Ambulance District funds.
Liability Insurance Update with Alan Hedrick, Leavitt Group Insurance Company in Dexter (formerly County Wide Insurance)
"The insurance industry is in a harder market than in year past driven by cost repair, number of losses, and catastrophes (not in our area), but in other areas," explained Hedrick. "You are looking at an 18% increase overall. It is a significant increase on this size of the premium."
"We did try additional market places for you. We had two declines and one that felt they didn't have enough time to get their information in to us," continued Hedrick.
In the last four years $227,000+ in reserves brought about and $69,000+ paid out on claims," stated Hedrick.
Hedrick went on to say that employee manuals, policies and procedures in place and having them available can prevent claims in the future. We have requested these items from Travelers, but haven't been able to obtain them.
Commissioner Stewart asked about the Earthquake Insurance and there is about 2.5 million and the County has ascertained Earthquake insurance from an outside source as well in April of last year.
Commissioner Jarrell asked about the policies and procedures are needing to be given to the insurance company and the response was yes, not just the handbook but the policies and procedures for example the Sexual Harassment policy or the use of cell phones while driving are good examples of polices that should be in place.
There is no need to bid out the insurance as it hasn't been four years since the last bid. They also do not need to file a motion to accept the new increase, the Commission can just sign the voucher and a check be written for the liability insurance.
Motion to accept the minutes from January 22, 2024 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the closed session minutes from January 22, 2024 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Beau Bishop, EMA Director
Storm Sirens that were approved through FEMA. I have received two bids. Bid opening was on January 7, 2024 at the Stoddard County Ambulance District building.
Three new storm sirens and upgrades to the software for setting off the sirens.
Outdoor Warning Consultants - $169,207.00 "We currently have now and are electronically sirens. We can also have voice recordings."
Table Rock Alerting Systems - $129,710.00 "They use century sirens and are electro-mechanical sirens. This does not allow for voice recordings."
All the software will work together on both systems. Battles Communications handles the maintenance on the sirens.
Motion to allow Beau Bishop to accept the Table Rock Alerting Systems at $129,710.00 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Radios paid for from the ARPA Funds
All 16 radios have been delivered to Battles and are getting programmed. "I will be keeping up with the radios and will have a spreadsheet showing who has the radio. Also that since these radios are county property then I will have a letter to the recipient of the radio to sign and I will keep up with those as well."
RADAR OMEGA Project - Price per camera 3 year contract for $5,000. Bishop will get a formal request or invoice from the Radar Omega for the project.
Motion to enter into closed session at 11:05 a.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.