The Dexter Board of Aldermen passed multiple resolutions and the newly elected aldermen were sworn in at Monday’s meeting.
Terry Battles representing Ward I, Tim Aslin representing Ward II and Glen Robinson representing Ward II took the oath of office which was administered by city clerk Crystal Bishop. Tim Aslin was then elected president of the board of aldermen.
The first resolution passed allowed the city to join the county’s hazardous mitigation plan. This will allow the city access to hazardous mitigation funds for the city should a disaster occur. This allows the city administrator David Wyman to apply for a loan/grant with the State of Missouri. The loan/grant will be for the construction of lead service line inventory, lead service line replacement plan and lead service line replacement.
The aldermen then passed an ordinance for the purchase of outbuildings from Rosemary Ford. One building measures 30 feet x 100 feet and the second is 30 feet by 40 feet. The total cost of the purchase is $6,000.
Economic Development
Wyman delivered the Economic Development report due to Alisha Trammell being unable to attend the meeting. Wyman said the chamber golf scramble is May 12, the chamber luncheon is May 16 and the Farmers Market begins this Thursday at 4 p.m. at East Park.
There are two upcoming ribbon cuttings, the first at the Meadow on May 24 and the second at the Regional Healthcare on May 30.
City Administrator
Wyman is working on a city action plan so the city can apply for a U.S. Department of Transportation grant. This grant will assist with any projects related to transportation, such as the new cross walks being discussed near the schools.
Wyman has been in contact with engineers to do water/sewer testing in town. He said a facility plan for the new water plant must be sent to the state by the end of June.
Wyman said the employee performance reviews for the city are being completed.
Other Business
The Dexter Police Department received a Bullet Proof Vest 50/50 grant. Five vests were purchased with the grant. A mini click it or ticket will be held May 22 through June 4.
Dexter Fire Chief Don Seymore said hydrant testing is completed. The fire department will have a list of needed repairs ready later this week.
Crews are still removing sludge from the east lagoon. The first cell has had sludge removed down to 112 inches and crews are working on the second cell. Overall the project is about 50 percent done.
Sewer pipes are being run to the new Gill Group building. Water is hooked up but the building is still using a temporary tank until the sewer can be hooked up.
El Cabrito was granted a temporary liquor license for the Grille It Up event in July. Greg Mathis was reappointed to the cemetery board, Larry Thompson and Tom Love were reappointed to the airport board, Marissa Mills, Chris Warren and Adam Sadler were reappointed to the parks and recreation board and the standing committees were appointed following some corrections. The corrections were not released.
Article and photo provided by Josh Ayers, Editor of the Dexter Statesman.