Local News

Stoddard County Hazardous Mitigation Plan Approved
January 09th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Hazardous Mitigation Plan Approved

The Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission, or BRPC, received word that the Stoddard County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for 2023 has been approved. 

Approval was designated by State Emergency Management Agency, or SEMA, as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA. Updates are required every five years for participating communities to be eligible for certain types of FEMA funding. SEMA estimates that every dollar spent on mitigation planning saves $8 in disaster recovery funds.

The planning process began with a kick-off planning meeting in February 2023. A series of three meetings was held in Bloomfield, Missouri, in the County Commissioners’ Chambers. County commissioners, mayors, city clerks, emergency personnel, economic developers and the public were all invited to be part of the update process, voicing their opinions on what mitigation projects should be prioritized with limited resources. A public survey gathered opinions from others throughout the county.

Beau Bishop, Stoddard County Emergency Management Director commented on the importance of the plan.

“Hazard Mitigation planning reduces loss of life and property by minimizing the impact of disasters,” Bishop said. “All applicable stakeholders within a community should be represented during this process. BRPC provided a very thorough planning process which ensured that all hazards were considered and discussed, and that all voices were heard. In doing so, they took the lead in completing a comprehensive Mitigation plan for the citizens of Stoddard County.”

Besides the content of the plan, the process of updating it created an opportunity for BRPC to meet with county and community leaders as well as stakeholders. 

Jim Grebing serves as the executive director of BRPC.

“Hosting community meetings allowed members of our staff to meet with community members and hear their needs,” Grebing said of the process. “We look forward to assisting communities with projects they designated themselves to make their communities safer and more resilient to natural hazards.”

Stoddard is the first of six county plans that will be updated in the coming months in the Missouri Bootheel. The plan will serve as a resource to communities for years to come. To access a copy of the plan, go to https://bootrpc.com

Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission exists to promote and support the economic development of the region and to guide local units of government in a coordinated effort to develop the region in a way which would best promote public health, safety, general welfare and economic prosperity in accordance with existing and future needs. This is accomplished by providing technical assistance to cities, counties, businesses and other development organizations in the area, and by networking extensively with state and federal resource agencies. BRPC works with Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott and Stoddard Counties.

Last Updated on January 09th 2024 by Dee Loflin

Dexter License Office Contract Up For Bid
May 08th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Dexter License Office Contract Up For Bid

The Missouri Department of Revenue has announced the upcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) of the license office in Dexter, Missouri, located at 119 Vine Street, Dexter, MO 63841. Bids will start being accepted May 10, and must be submitted by May 23.

For a list of bid opportunities and bid response instructions, please visit Missouri’s statewide electronic procurement system, MissouriBUYS, at https://missouribuys.mo.gov/. Interested groups or individuals who wish to bid to operate the Dexter License Office must have an active Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and must submit the proposal under the legal entity name for which the FEIN was assigned. The Missouri Department of Revenue, through the Office of Administration, is posting an RFP for the Dexter License Office contract, since the current contract is close to expiring. Interested bidders have approximately 10 business days to submit their proposal for the operation of the license office in the competitive bid process, as outlined in the RFP. A scheduled tour of the current location may be requested by emailing the procurement contact listed on MissouriBUYS.

Proposals will be evaluated on items as outlined in the RFP. All of the proposals will be evaluated by a review team at the Department of Revenue, and the proposal that scores best in the areas outlined in the RFP will be selected to operate the office.

Resources to Help Guide Potential Bidders:

Missouri License Office Locations - https://dor.mo.gov/license-office-locator/

Estimated Transactions and Processing Fees Collected at Missouri License Offices FY22 - https://dor.mo.gov/contact/documents/FY2022MVandDLEstimatedTransactionsandProces...

Recent Evaluations of Awarded Bids - https://dor.mo.gov/resources/purchasing/

License offices are operated by independent contractors and are overseen by the Missouri Department of Revenue. All license office contracts in Missouri are awarded through a competitive bid process.

Last Updated on May 08th 2023 by Dee Loflin

City of Dexter Board of Aldermen Approved Election Results; Vote on Resolutions
May 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin
City of Dexter Board of Aldermen Approved Election Results; Vote on Resolutions

The Dexter Board of Aldermen passed multiple resolutions and the newly elected aldermen were sworn in at Monday’s meeting.

Terry Battles representing Ward I, Tim Aslin representing Ward II and Glen Robinson representing Ward II took the oath of office which was administered by city clerk Crystal Bishop. Tim Aslin was then elected president of the board of aldermen.

The first resolution passed allowed the city to join the county’s hazardous mitigation plan. This will allow the city access to hazardous mitigation funds for the city should a disaster occur. This allows the city administrator David Wyman to apply for a loan/grant with the State of Missouri. The loan/grant will be for the construction of lead service line inventory, lead service line replacement plan and lead service line replacement.

The aldermen then passed an ordinance for the purchase of outbuildings from Rosemary Ford. One building measures 30 feet x 100 feet and the second is 30 feet by 40 feet. The total cost of the purchase is $6,000.

Economic Development

Wyman delivered the Economic Development report due to Alisha Trammell being unable to attend the meeting. Wyman said the chamber golf scramble is May 12, the chamber luncheon is May 16 and the Farmers Market begins this Thursday at 4 p.m. at East Park.

There are two upcoming ribbon cuttings, the first at the Meadow on May 24 and the second at the Regional Healthcare on May 30.

City Administrator

Wyman is working on a city action plan so the city can apply for a U.S. Department of Transportation grant. This grant will assist with any projects related to transportation, such as the new cross walks being discussed near the schools.

Wyman has been in contact with engineers to do water/sewer testing in town. He said a facility plan for the new water plant must be sent to the state by the end of June. 

Wyman said the employee performance reviews for the city are being completed.

Other Business

The Dexter Police Department received a Bullet Proof Vest 50/50 grant. Five vests were purchased with the grant. A mini click it or ticket will be held May 22 through June 4.

Dexter Fire Chief Don Seymore said hydrant testing is completed. The fire department will have a list of needed repairs ready later this week.

Crews are still removing sludge from the east lagoon. The first cell has had sludge removed down to 112 inches and crews are working on the second cell. Overall the project is about 50 percent done.

Sewer pipes are being run to the new Gill Group building. Water is hooked up but the building is still using a temporary tank until the sewer can be hooked up.

El Cabrito was granted a temporary liquor license for the Grille It Up event in July. Greg Mathis was reappointed to the cemetery board, Larry Thompson and Tom Love were reappointed to the airport board, Marissa Mills, Chris Warren and Adam Sadler were reappointed to the parks and recreation board and the standing committees were appointed following some corrections. The corrections were not released.

Article and photo provided by Josh Ayers, Editor of the Dexter Statesman.

Last Updated on May 05th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Dexter Aldermen Pass Ordinances, New City Administrator Attends First Meeting Officially
February 09th 2023 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Aldermen Pass Ordinances, New City Administrator Attends First Meeting Officially

With just 15 days under his belt, new City of Dexter Administrator, Dave Wyman, attended his first city council meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023. 

Mayor Jason Banken opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building by reviewing and voting on the approval of the previous month's minutes January 3, 2023.

Citizen's Input:

1. Bobbi Kay Parker has a business on the south side of Stoddard Street in downtown Dexter and came to discuss a solution to remove snow/ice in front of her business.

2. Ray Rowland said he and his son own Monarch Building and he wants to purchase some additional property next to that property.  He has offered to pay $3,800 to the city for the purchase of that property.  Mayor Jason Banken stated they would take it under advisement and discuss. He was glad to have the map of the land from Rowland and that he completed the first step in the process.

Ordinance #5078 was duly passed.  This ordinance was to accept CR Contracting, Inc's Bids of $410,950.00 for construction of water line and sewer line extensions along Arvin Road; authorizing the Mayor to execute such contract or agreement with CR Contracting, Inc. to complete the projects, authorizing the City Administrator to execute any and all other documents necessary for this project; providing for an effective date hereof.  This was the lowest and best bid.

Ordinance #5079 was duly passed.  This ordinance was to amend schedule II of Title III of the Dexter city code to provide for the erection of stop signs on the eastbound and westbound lanes of Houston Street at its intersection with Forrest Street.  Any person, persons, firm, or corporation violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined, not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than two hundred twenty five dollars ($225.00).

C.P.A. Eddie Cato presented the financial report for December.  The report showed the city had nearly $9,982,000 in cash and investments.  This amount is up from previous meeting due to property tax collections. 

Ordinance #5080  was in regards to January 2023 disbursements.  It was noted that in December 2022 there were three pay days and that made it look like more money had been paid out.  This usually happens twice a year because of their Friday payroll disbursements.  Total was $626,585.15 including accounts payables, payroll, health accounts, etc.

Police Chief Hank Trout reported the department received a $10,000 block grant for safety equipment.  He also attended the Public Safety Committee meeting prior to the city council meeting and is now asking that Josh Benton and Jonathan Hall be re-hired back to the Dexter Police Dept.  Mayor Banken asked for a motion and all alderman were in favor by raising their hands.

Fire Chief Don Seymore reported since the cold weather/ice storm hit last week that they have had numerous calls regarding frozen sprinkler systems and accidents.  

Street & Sanitation Superintendent Jeremiah Robinson reported his department has been very busy with lots of extra hours clearing ice.  They are very ready for spring weather.

Assistant Park & Recreation Superintendent Rob Ward reported that new equipment was installed at Lucy's Dog Park, also concrete had been poured at the fish pond and that Boon Park will soon be seeing construction.

Water and Wastewater Superintendent Jim Overall stated that there had been a lot of leaks in the city including 4" and 6" pipes breaking due to ice and movement of the ground.  They will have some inspections from DNR set for February 22nd and March 1st.

Librarian Jordan Myers reported that First Impact Program will be held February 16th.  Also he has ordered new flag and flag rope as the old one came down.  So far no complaints and that's good, but he is working on getting the new flag put up.

City Engineer's Report by Mr. Rich Cochran.  He stated that he was glad County Commissioners shifted the ARPA funds and that the contractor was ready to hit the ground running.  he also stated that equipment would be available next week to get rid of the sludge from the lagoon.

City Administrator's Report by Dave Wyman.  He stated that there was still a debris field, from the tornado, in the creek near Dexter Queen.  He couldn't find anyone to clean it out and he appreciated the city's employees for cleaning it out as it looked very good.  He also stated that he was in contact with MoDOT and that they are going to replace two bridges on Highway 114. These projects will begin in January 2025 and will create a road closure on Highway 114.  Senator Bean's office had contacted him and invited anyone who wanted to attend his capitol event on February 15th to let Wyman know and he would make sure they could attend.  Wyman congratulated the Dexter Bearcats on their Bloomfield Christmas Tournament win and the SCAA Tournament win.

Mayor Jason Banken stated that Dexter One Mile Phillips 66 requested a liquor license.  A motion was made and all aldermen raised their arm in agreement to approve the Liquor License Application.

Alderman Aslin noted that GoSEMO Fiber was finishing up on the south and west of town.  They do plan to come to Dexter in the summer or early fall of this year as they want to offer an alternative internet option in the city of Dexter.

Alderman Bryce Matthews suggested a school crossing on Grant Street as there are numerous kids crossing on that street.

Meeting adjourned into closed session.

The Dexter Board of Aldermen met in executive session immediately following the regular Board meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023.  The following actions were taken:

Gary Williams hired as part-time building/zoning inspector.

Vincent Hill hired as full-time street/sanitation department.

Josh Robinson hired as full-time water/wastewater department.

Last Updated on February 09th 2023 by Dee Loflin

Wyman Named City Administrator for City of Dexter
December 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Wyman Named City Administrator for City of Dexter

The Dexter Board of Aldermen have unanimously selected David Wyman as their new City Administrator.

Wyman, a licensed engineer within the state of Missouri, brings a vast list of credentials which include a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, a master’s degree in Business Administration, as well as extensive training and education in leadership and management.

While working for the Missouri Department of Transportation, Wyman spent 25 years inMaintenance, Design, Construction, and Administration.

“I look forward to serving the residents of Dexter,” Wyman said. “Except for the years I spent living in Columbia going to college, Stoddard County has always been my home. It will be an honor to work with everyone to improve and develop our community.”

Wyman has been married to his high school sweetheart, Carrie, since 1996. They have a daughter, Kate, who is currently a Senior at Mizzou, and a son, Joe, who is a Junior in high school. They also have several friends and relatives that live within Dexter and the surrounding area.

Wyman’s selection as City Administrator makes him only the third Administrator in city history. Mark Stidham was the first City Administrator ever appointed by the City of Dexter, and he successfully managed the city for 20 years until he passed away in December 2020. Trevor Pulley was then selected as the second City Administrator in April 2021. Pulley worked successfully with the city until his recent decision to resign and move to the City of Cape Girardeau.

“Over the next year, the City of Dexter will be proudly celebrating 150 years as a city within the state of Missouri. If you look at the City of Dexter’s motto, it states that is has “A Bright Future ~ A Proud Past”......I am excited for the opportunity to work with a hard-working staff of city employees, a dedicated Board of Aldermen, a devoted Mayor, and an entire city full of good people to continue to make this the best place to live in southeast Missouri,” states Wyman.

Last Updated on December 12th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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