Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the meeting the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers in Bloomfield.
Garry Brady - Stoddard County employee with the Sheriff's Department.
He had many concerns about the new insurance the County has acquired. First they have not been able to get my name corrected on the insurance. They have my first name spelled incorrectly and my last name as Atkinson. "We have asked several questions to Mr. McCarty with the new insurance and he answers each time he doesn't know, but he will find out. We haven't received those answers. Also my prescription went up 42% and we were told there would not be any changes or if so very little. That's not a little change."
I want to know if the county saved money by changing insurance as multiple people have issues at the moment?"
Commissioner Maths stated he has spoken to Mr. McCarty on more than one occasion. He also stated that on October 27, 2022 the formers commissioners accepted the policy. There have been multiple changes to the insurance since then.
Mathis then turned the floor over to Commissioner Carol Jarrell due to her being the only commissioner involved in the insurance decision in 2022.
"I apologize that you did not get any answers from Mr. McCarty at Arch Brokerage. I have heard that the premiums have gone up," stated Commissioner Carol Jarrell. "On December 19, 2022 we signed and accepted the new plan. I am not sure why Mr. McCarty does not know the answers."
Jarrell stated that they went with this company believing it would save the county some money. Now she is unsure as she has heard the premiums have gone up. She also said that Week and former Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington had discussed the insurance on numerous occasions with Mr. McCarty.
She asked Weeks who was standing in the doorway if the premiums had gone up. his response was that he had not sat in on any of the insurance business meetings and did not know anything.
Jarrell alleged that Talkington poke to Weeks about the insurance and that McCarty himself had stated that he had seen a lot of time in Weeks' office talking to him about the insurance and gathering information.
According to Cecil Weeks, County Clerk the premium is $776.21 per employee per month paid for by the County and not the employee. About half of that is administrative fees per person per month paid to the insurance company for things like answering questions and fixing issues.
Both Mathis and Jarrell apologized to Mr. Brady. Mathis said if McCarty did not call him back the County would look at options to pursue something else. Mathis said he would personally keep Brady in the loop.
Loyd Rice
SEMO Electric Cooperative has been awarded a $16.6 million grant as part of the Missouri Department of Economic Development's (DED) $261 million Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program. It is a reimbursable grant and will cover approximately 80% of the total cost of the cooperative's future projects.
Mathis asked if this money would finish the project for the western part of Stoddard County? Rice stated along with the $1 million ARPA matching funds that would finished the project.
Doug Lowery - Duck Creek Township
Mathis stated that he and the rest of the Commission has spoken to all folks that requested ARPA funds that people requested almost a year and a half ago. No one from the previous Commissioner returned their phone calls. Mathis stated that Mrs. Lambert was also here and would give an update on the ARPA funds.
Dave Cooper - Water District #5
Wondering where we were on ARPA funds specific to the requests made by Water District #5. Mathis stated that Katelyn Lambert was here to give us an update.
Katelyn Lambert - Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Bloomfield City - The attorney for the county, Travis Elliot, did not recommend using ARPA funds to pay any debt services like a loan. This would be in reference to the city of Bloomfield's request for $400,000 to pay on a USDA Loan. There was no one present at the meeting representing the city of Bloomfield.
Water District #5 - According to Elliot, the reimbursements for meter replacements, water value replacements, and utility location marking would be eligible. He sent an email to Lambert stating the Commission looked good and the sent an email to Lambert to recommend to pay those funds to Water District #5 if the Commission elected to do so in a meeting.
Bell City Fire Department's request for ARPA funds was for the building of a new fire station. "Funds available under the revenue loss eligible use category generally may be used to meet the non-federal cost-share or matching requirements of other federal programs; however, they would need to be aware that by doing so, the requirements of ARPA swell as the CDBG program would both apply."
City of Bernie - Elliot stated in an email that renovating the lift station, purchasing an alarm, and acquiring backup lift pumps would all be eligible uses, subject to the Commission agreeing to those taking into consideration the existing request of $480,000 for the backwash basin.
PWDS #4 - Elliot stated in an email that the new piping is an eligible use, but they should be very careful with understanding the numerous requirements where USDA loan and other grants are involved.
Stoddard County Ambulance District - Under the standard allowance, the County could fund the purchase of new computers in the amount of $8,809.15
Duck Creek Township - Everything looked good for their requests. They would need to do the basic 3 bids for each project etc going forward like any other grant funding.
She also provided a new and up-to-date Distribution Agreement that was done by the County attorney. This reporter had not seen such an agreement in any other meeting. Apparently all entities requesting ARPA funds were supposed to sign a Distribution Agreement with previous Commission.
Stoddard County Sheriff Carl Hefner
Sheriff said his biggest issue is manpower. "We have an ad running on our Facebook page." There are 87 people in jail currently. He reminded the Commission about the pay-out on PTO time from the previous meeting. He has an employees with a lot of PTO, but will lose it if he doesn't use the time off.
Mathis suggested to the other commissioners of approving a vacation pay-out for one year with option of changing it back. The option would be paying out vacation time rather than taking vacation hours.
Carol Jarrell mades the motion to authorizes County employee purchase their vacation time for the 2023 year with the stipulation that the county commission will revisit the 2024 budget. Seconded by Greg Lintz. All three voted yes. Employees will now be able to purchase their unused vacation time.
Motion made by Commissioner Greg Lintz for $13,200.15 for Water District #5 for ARPA Reimbursement Funds.
Stoddard County Hazard Mitigation Plan Kick-Off
About 25 people attended the Stoddard County Hazard Mitigation Plan Kick-off at 11 a.m. at the Stoddard County Commissioner's chamber in Bloomfield.
Christy LeGrand, Community Development Specialist from the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission made the presentation.
What is this plan? It reduces long-term risk to people and property. "We will be proactive," stated LeGrand.
What's new this year? Climate Change is new this year and we will address what impact this has on our County.
One reason we do this is because if each town or school district can apply for FEMA funding and other grants for non-disaster funding. FEMA makes funding available through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs including Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program (BRIC), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program.
"Timeline begins with the Kick-Off Meeting today then have a second meeting in March. We will send out a questionnaire to each and have you complete. You must complete in order to be a part of this plan. We will have meetings in April as well. Then we will meet with the commission for public comments and initiate resolution. In June we will finalize resolutions and submit first draft to SEMO/FEMA by July 14, 2023," according to LeGrand.
What is required of each organization? Each organization must pass the Resolution for their school district and/or city.
The last Mitigation Plan was created in 2018 and finalized in 2019.
The Stoddard County Commissioners have two Mondays in a row that are holidays for the County. Monday, February 13th is Abe Lincoln's Birthday therefore the weekly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting minutes from Monday, January 30, 2023 were not available to approve.
Next week Smith & Company will be on the agenda to discuss the Water Project at Bernie.
Motion to adjourn at 12:07 p.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell. Seconded by Commissioner Lintz. All voted yes.

With just 15 days under his belt, new City of Dexter Administrator, Dave Wyman, attended his first city council meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023.
Mayor Jason Banken opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building by reviewing and voting on the approval of the previous month's minutes January 3, 2023.
Citizen's Input:
1. Bobbi Kay Parker has a business on the south side of Stoddard Street in downtown Dexter and came to discuss a solution to remove snow/ice in front of her business.
2. Ray Rowland said he and his son own Monarch Building and he wants to purchase some additional property next to that property. He has offered to pay $3,800 to the city for the purchase of that property. Mayor Jason Banken stated they would take it under advisement and discuss. He was glad to have the map of the land from Rowland and that he completed the first step in the process.
Ordinance #5078 was duly passed. This ordinance was to accept CR Contracting, Inc's Bids of $410,950.00 for construction of water line and sewer line extensions along Arvin Road; authorizing the Mayor to execute such contract or agreement with CR Contracting, Inc. to complete the projects, authorizing the City Administrator to execute any and all other documents necessary for this project; providing for an effective date hereof. This was the lowest and best bid.
Ordinance #5079 was duly passed. This ordinance was to amend schedule II of Title III of the Dexter city code to provide for the erection of stop signs on the eastbound and westbound lanes of Houston Street at its intersection with Forrest Street. Any person, persons, firm, or corporation violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined, not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than two hundred twenty five dollars ($225.00).
C.P.A. Eddie Cato presented the financial report for December. The report showed the city had nearly $9,982,000 in cash and investments. This amount is up from previous meeting due to property tax collections.
Ordinance #5080 was in regards to January 2023 disbursements. It was noted that in December 2022 there were three pay days and that made it look like more money had been paid out. This usually happens twice a year because of their Friday payroll disbursements. Total was $626,585.15 including accounts payables, payroll, health accounts, etc.
Police Chief Hank Trout reported the department received a $10,000 block grant for safety equipment. He also attended the Public Safety Committee meeting prior to the city council meeting and is now asking that Josh Benton and Jonathan Hall be re-hired back to the Dexter Police Dept. Mayor Banken asked for a motion and all alderman were in favor by raising their hands.
Fire Chief Don Seymore reported since the cold weather/ice storm hit last week that they have had numerous calls regarding frozen sprinkler systems and accidents.
Street & Sanitation Superintendent Jeremiah Robinson reported his department has been very busy with lots of extra hours clearing ice. They are very ready for spring weather.
Assistant Park & Recreation Superintendent Rob Ward reported that new equipment was installed at Lucy's Dog Park, also concrete had been poured at the fish pond and that Boon Park will soon be seeing construction.
Water and Wastewater Superintendent Jim Overall stated that there had been a lot of leaks in the city including 4" and 6" pipes breaking due to ice and movement of the ground. They will have some inspections from DNR set for February 22nd and March 1st.
Librarian Jordan Myers reported that First Impact Program will be held February 16th. Also he has ordered new flag and flag rope as the old one came down. So far no complaints and that's good, but he is working on getting the new flag put up.
City Engineer's Report by Mr. Rich Cochran. He stated that he was glad County Commissioners shifted the ARPA funds and that the contractor was ready to hit the ground running. he also stated that equipment would be available next week to get rid of the sludge from the lagoon.
City Administrator's Report by Dave Wyman. He stated that there was still a debris field, from the tornado, in the creek near Dexter Queen. He couldn't find anyone to clean it out and he appreciated the city's employees for cleaning it out as it looked very good. He also stated that he was in contact with MoDOT and that they are going to replace two bridges on Highway 114. These projects will begin in January 2025 and will create a road closure on Highway 114. Senator Bean's office had contacted him and invited anyone who wanted to attend his capitol event on February 15th to let Wyman know and he would make sure they could attend. Wyman congratulated the Dexter Bearcats on their Bloomfield Christmas Tournament win and the SCAA Tournament win.
Mayor Jason Banken stated that Dexter One Mile Phillips 66 requested a liquor license. A motion was made and all aldermen raised their arm in agreement to approve the Liquor License Application.
Alderman Aslin noted that GoSEMO Fiber was finishing up on the south and west of town. They do plan to come to Dexter in the summer or early fall of this year as they want to offer an alternative internet option in the city of Dexter.
Alderman Bryce Matthews suggested a school crossing on Grant Street as there are numerous kids crossing on that street.
Meeting adjourned into closed session.
The Dexter Board of Aldermen met in executive session immediately following the regular Board meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023. The following actions were taken:
Gary Williams hired as part-time building/zoning inspector.
Vincent Hill hired as full-time street/sanitation department.
Josh Robinson hired as full-time water/wastewater department.

Citizens of voting age in Stoddard County, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 262-577, R.S. Mo. 1969, will have an opportunity to vote and elect members to the University of Missouri Stoddard County Extension Council in February 2023. The elected and appointed members of the extension council will guide and direct extension work within the county.
Listed in alphabetical order, the following persons have accepted the nomination to run for an open seat on the Stoddard County Extension Council.
James Childers
Robinn Daves-Huey
Pam Elder
Ashley Jarrell
Kelly Midkiff
Additional nominations may be made by petition of 25 or more qualified voters residing within Stoddard County, filed with the council within 20 days after the publication of this notice of election. Forms for nominations are available in your county extension office located at:
316 South Prairie Street
Bloomfield, MO 63825

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the weekly Commissioners' meeting stating he had spoken to Katelyn Lambert at Bootheel Regional Planning Commission about the ARPA Funds.
He stated, "Lambert had no update in relation to the ARPA funds; however she had reached out to a few people who wanted to still consider their application for the funding."
Commissioner Carol Jarrell said Lambert had also reached out to Water District #4 and they still wished to proceed with their application.
Lambert said she had a meeting with Bell City Fire. She said Bell City Fire was informed of a possible grant was available later in the year. Lambert said Bell City was interested in this. She then recommended retaining the ARPA request Bell City Fire submitted until it is determined what type of match this grant will require. Lambert also said she was waiting to hear from her legal team as to whether a new building would be covered under the ARPA funding. Bell City Fire is requesting funding to build a new fire station.
IDA Director Peter Coutavas said part of the building his office is in has been condemned. Coutavas said he would like to see this part of Bloomfield restored as part of his effort to bring more businesses to the county.
Coutavas said he also had a woman wanting to move in and open a boutique. Coutavas said he believed she preferred the old pharmacy building. Mathis asked Coutavas to submit a list of what she needs and what the building needed.

Stoddard County Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion to open the 2023 budget hearing. This was seconded by commissioner Greg Lintz. And the hearing opened with a 3-0 vote.
Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis went through the budget briefly for those in attendance during the hearing. Mathis opened by asking that Jarrell and Lintz to look at the equipment and remodeling budget. He said the collector/treasurer's office had a budget that was $6,000 less than the previous year.
Mathis said Stoddard County Collector Josh Speakman sent the commission Missouri Statute 52.317 that said the budget of his office may not be less than the previous year. Mathis said Speakman does not anticipate any remodeling but for legal reasons the budget was adjusted to what it was the previous year.
Mathis then called their attention to Legal Delinquency and Status Offenses. Mathis said the juvenile office received an email from the state that said whenever delinquency issues occur within the county's school districts, those juveniles will now be represented by the public defenders office. Mathis stated these attorneys would come out of St. Louis when their schedule permitted. Rather than potentially bogging down delinquency issues within a school administration $30,000 was put in the budget for a local attorney to handle the cases. Mathis said these cases could be handled on a weekly basis rather than wait for an attorney out of St. Louis.
Mathis pointed out a $37,000 increase to the juvenile office. He said this was simply due to the addition of a new employee.
Mathis then addressed the coroner's office and the refrigeration rental for storage of deceased individuals while the coroners office worked on the case. Mathis was renting refrigeration space to the Stoddard County Coroner's office $650 due to the county not having its own facility. Mathis said he stopped charging the county for this service once he presiding commissioner.
Mathis said he called the ethics commission prior to taking office and found this service could be bid out and if no one bid he could legally collect the $650 a month rent. Mathis said with everything that has gone on in the commissioners' office the last year it would be better if this went away. He said the money he had collected via the rent went to Midwest Crematory.
Next Mathis went to the Sheriff's Commissary Fund. He stated that the Sheriff's Department has had a part time nurse and has requested it become a full time job. The Sheriff's Department has direct video and audio with Southeast Health. This allows the nurse to communicate with a doctor and address an inmates' medical needs without transporting the inmate to a clinic. This will save the county both time and money.
The inmate will still be transported to a medical facility if the situation requires it. The Stoddard County General Revenue Fund and the Sheriff's Department will each pay half of the salary and benefits for the nurse position.
Mathis said the sheriff's salary is now mandated by the state. This is why there is an increase on this. Mathis said that the sheriff got a pay bump in the middle of last year plus back pay to meet state statutes.
Employees and office holders were given a three percent pay raise. Mathis said the commission and office holders did a good job with the budget, Mathis stated that he wanted to keep this budget as close to last year's as possible and this was a good budget.
In the 2023 budget the county has $5,794,913.92 in total accumulated revenue along with $15,801,625 in new revenue for a total of $121,596,538.92. The county has $21,532,694 in budget expenditures which covers salaries, benefits, utilities and any other expense that one of the county offices could incur. The county has a revenue surplus of $63,844.92 in the 2023 budget.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell motioned to accept budget, Commissioner Greg Lintz seconded. The budget passed with a 3-0 vote.
Article by by JOSH AYERS, Editor of the Dexter Statesman