Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the weekly Commissioners' meeting stating he had spoken to Katelyn Lambert at Bootheel Regional Planning Commission about the ARPA Funds.
He stated, "Lambert had no update in relation to the ARPA funds; however she had reached out to a few people who wanted to still consider their application for the funding."
Commissioner Carol Jarrell said Lambert had also reached out to Water District #4 and they still wished to proceed with their application.
Lambert said she had a meeting with Bell City Fire. She said Bell City Fire was informed of a possible grant was available later in the year. Lambert said Bell City was interested in this. She then recommended retaining the ARPA request Bell City Fire submitted until it is determined what type of match this grant will require. Lambert also said she was waiting to hear from her legal team as to whether a new building would be covered under the ARPA funding. Bell City Fire is requesting funding to build a new fire station.
IDA Director Peter Coutavas said part of the building his office is in has been condemned. Coutavas said he would like to see this part of Bloomfield restored as part of his effort to bring more businesses to the county.
Coutavas said he also had a woman wanting to move in and open a boutique. Coutavas said he believed she preferred the old pharmacy building. Mathis asked Coutavas to submit a list of what she needs and what the building needed.