The Stoddard County Commissioners held a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the Government Building.
Doug Lowery attended the meeting on behalf of the Duck Creek Township on the grant funding with Bootheel Regional Planning Commission. Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington will get with Katelyn Lambert, BRPC, to see if there are any updates.
Colter Gabler, Smith & Company Engineering had a change order for a culvert on County Road 760 as it needs to be replaced. Both Commissioners signed the order.
Russ Oliver, Prosecuting Attorney for Stoddard County, dropped off a request to purchase a table, some storage items, and his computer.
"There will be two additional meetings following Christmas before the end of the year," commented Talkington. One regular meeting on Tuesday, December 27th at 9:00 a.m. the other meeting will be a meeting on Friday for any additional budget changes, time will be announced later.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion to take the interest income on the ARPA funds to be added to the ARPA funds as a line item from the General Revenue. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
Greg Mathis, new Presiding Commissioner, dropped in. He had been to see Cecil Weeks, County Clerk, and asked if he could use one of his employees to take the minutes for the Commissioners in 2023. He said that Weeks would provide someone. He also invited him to attend meetings, it is up to Weeks as to whether he attends or not.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 12, 2022. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.
Here are the minutes from that meeting:
Visitors: Kay Asbell - Recorder, Dee Loflin - ShowMe Times, Josh Ayers - Dexter Statesman, Josh Speakman - Collector, Matthew Dowdy - Citizen, Katelyn Lambert - BRPC, and Tiffany Belcher - BRPC.
Associate Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to award the 2022 single audit to Devereux & Company CPAs & Business Advisors for $17,500. Passed
Associate Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the revised minutes for November 21, 2022 to state the audit bids to be submitted by Friday 12/9/22 at 4:00 p.m. Passed
Associate Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the minutes for December 5, 2022. Passed
Associate Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to adjourn. Passed
Gary Snider, citizen, entered the meeting to discuss his concerns about the clean-out of Ditch #14. He says if we get heavy rain it floods the area. Commissioner Talkington gave him a list of board members to contact.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to adjourn at 11:37 a.m. Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion. Both voted yes.