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Stoddard County Commission Vote on Insurance and New EMA Director
October 24th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Vote on Insurance and New EMA Director

The Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 9 a.m. in the commission chambers.  Commissioner Danny Talkington started with the Pledge of Allegiance and Kay Asbell said the prayer.

Carol Jarrell made the motion to make Beau Bishop the Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency Director to start on November 1, 2022.  Salary will $50,400.00 and is a full-time position.  Commissioner Danny Talkington seconded the motion.  Both voted yes.

There were five bids for the Stoddard County employee insurance.  Arch Brokerage is the lowest bidder and Southeast Hospital as the main hospital.  Fixed cost $337,857.36  and their variable cost was 337,857.36 and a maximum cost of $696,322.44.  Based on 77 employees and one spouse.  The brokerage company is located south of St. Louis and is not a local brokerage with a contract of 1 year.  Cost per month for each employee $319.00  $1,500 deductible.  You will be able to go to St. Francis, but your deductible will be higher at $2,500.  The Commissioners did not take the lowest bid, but decided based on the overall plan.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to accept Arch Brokerage and their insurance plan for a contract of 1 year to cover the Stoddard County employees with insurance.  Commissioner Talkington seconded the motion.  Both voted yet.

Debra Robey attended the meeting and asked about the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  Water District #5 had requested $31,311.  She asked what the turn-around time was for getting paid once the paid receipts are turned in.  Talkington stated that if they are turned in by Thursday, the commissioners can pay it out on the following Monday.  Water District #5 will have their first new board meeting on Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30 p.m.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to accept the minutes from October 17th.  Talkington seconded the motion.  Both voted yes.

According to Katelyn Lambert at the Bootheel Regional Planning, the Hazard Mitigation Plans are due.  The Commissioners need to sign to update the plan.  Once they are signed by FEMA, SEMA, and Bootheel Regional Planning a copy will be available to the Commission.

The engineer selected for Stoddard County’s Broadband grant, Conexon, is working to obtain permission to use Ozark Borders network to complete the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). Once the PER is complete the project can be bid out for construction. Travis Elliot, county attorney, is working to draft a lease agreement to be used after the Broadband Infrastructure is constructed between the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the county.

The lease is supposed to insure that the county is not responsible for any of the infrastructure maintenance or anything once it is constructed. That way the County is not out any extra money to maintain the infrastructure.

Commissioner Jarrell made the motion to adjourn at 11:55 a.m.  Talkington seconded it.  Both voted yes.

Last Updated on October 24th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioners Meeting for Monday, August 29th
August 29th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioners Meeting for Monday, August 29th

The Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled Monday morning meeting from 9 a.m. - Noon.

Minutes from Monday, August 22, 2022 were approved.  Commissioner Steve Jordan made the motion to accept the minutes as written.  Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconded the motion.  All voted yes.

The  Dan Hudgens' family spoke to the Commission about the 40 acres next to their property which will have chicken houses in the near future.  There are more than 40 families that live in the area off County Road 442 and really do not wish to have the chicken houses next to their properties.  

"There are no zoning laws in the county," stated Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington.

Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion to order AED $1,680.72, Trauma Bag is 42.99 and the SCAD will stock that bag, and the Biohazard 5.79 100 in a box for the Justice Center Building and Government Building.  Jordan seconded the motion.  All voted yes.

Emergency Management Director (EMD), Andrew Bohnert reported on the possible microburst that occured in Dexter on Friday, August 26th around 4 p.m.  It was in the heat of the day and caused some damage in the city of Dexter.  The last time this happened in Dexter the winds blew the train cars off the tracks.  This time there was minor damage to the roof of Busy B, First Baptist Church, FM Bank, and a roof was blown off of Maw Maws Sale Barn next to Jackson's Florist on Walnut Street.  Power was out in the area for about three to four hours.

Commissioner Steve Jordan made a motion to accept Erin Brown to fill the rest of the term for John Pruitt on the Industrial Development Authority of Stoddard County (IDA) Board. Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconded the motion.  All voted yes.

ACH Direct Deposit and Investment Policy were presented with final adjustments made by County Collector/Treasurer Josh Speakman.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to accept the ACH Direct Deposit for county employees.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion.  All voted yes.

A letter of resignation was provided by Andrew Bohnert, Emergency Management Director.   September 18th will be his last day.  

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to advertise for an open EMD position.  Commissioner Jordan seconded the motion.  All voted yes.

There will be no meeting on Monday, September 5th due to the Labor Day holiday.     

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to adjourn at 11:59 a.m.  Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion.  All vote yes.

Last Updated on August 29th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Bootheel Solid Waste Management District Hiring Part-Time Recycling Education Consultant
August 22nd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Bootheel Solid Waste Management District Hiring Part-Time Recycling Education Consultant

The Bootheel Solid Waste Management District is seeking to hire a part-time Recycling Education Consultant for this school year.

This position is responsible for promoting the overall reduce/reuse/recycle goals, the benefits of recycling, and the opportunities available around the district.

The district is looking specifically for a kid friendly candidate with demonstrable experience in effective classroom leadership, lesson organization, and electronic lesson preparation and presentation.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, please see full job announcement listed on the Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development Commission website by clicking bootrpc.com/job-openings or Facebook page @bootrpc.

All resumes and list of references will be accepted until September 7, 2022 at 3:00 pm at the Bootheel Solid Waste Management District, Kent Luke, 105 East North Main Street, Dexter MO 63841 or electronically via email to kluke@bootrpc.com

The Bootheel Solid Waste Management District is an equal opportunity employer.

Last Updated on August 22nd 2022 by Dee Loflin

County Commission Record, Stoddard County, MO - Minutes from August 8, 2022
August 16th 2022 by Dee Loflin
County Commission Record, Stoddard County, MO - Minutes from August 8, 2022

County Commission Record, Stoddard County, MO - Minutes from August 8, 2022

To read the full article from the Commissioner Meeting click HERE.

Last Updated on August 16th 2022 by Dee Loflin

Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting for Monday, June 27, 2022
June 28th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting for Monday, June 27, 2022

Bloomfield, MO - Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

David Bays and Trey Reese with Liberty National gave a presentation on supplemental insurance for county employees such as an accident plan, cancer plan, life insurance etc.  They did not have a rate sheet available, but will put one together for the commissioners and email to Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington.

Commissioner Steve Jordan asked about the update on the big clock at the old courthouse.  It should be chiming by September stated Talkington!  There were some wiring issues that needed to be addressed.

Opening of bids began at 10:00 a.m. for a Body Scanner for the Sheriff's Department.  Funding for the Body Scanner will come out of the ARPA funds according to Commissioner Talkington.   

Bid notification/Public Notice was sent to the Bernie Banner newspaper from the County Clerk's office and was printed on June 15th and June 22nd.  The Commissioners received only  2 bids.

Bid #1 was received June 17, 2022 at 1 p.m. ICS Jail Supplies, Waco, TX  $201, 635.63  Compass Dual View Body Scanner

Bid #2 was received June 23, 2022 Romaine Company, Hopkinsville, KY  $166,250.63 Compass Dual View Body Scanner.  There were other fees listed for installation, software, and warranty not included in the main price.

Danny Talkington stated, "We will need to go thru both bids to look at the details and make sure we have a warranty, training, installation, shipping and software."  Looking on the surface they are comparing apples to oranges due to the way the bids were itemized.

"We already do business with Romaine.  We have purchased barrels for the laundry detergent and other items, like the intake shower is from Romaine as well," commented Sheriff Carl Hefner. "Other area jails have purchased these types of body scanners and have purchased them from Romaine Company as well."

Dan Seger, Jail Administrator and Andy Holden, Chief Deputy were also present.

No decision was made today.  Once Commissioner Talkington has had a chance to go over the entire itemized bids and information it will be brought back to the commissioners for a vote.

Minutes from June 20, 2022 were approved.  Presiding Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion to accept the revised minutes. Presiding Commissioner Steve Jordan seconded the motion and it passed.  One change was made.  Steve Jordan was absent during the meeting, but was able to come in early and sign vouchers.  His name was removed from the attendance list.

Commissioner Talkington brought up the fact that the Federal Government is changing the mileage rate for July - the end of the year to 62 cents.  Currently the Commissioners set the budget for 2022 to 58.5 cents per mile.  They discussed and decided not to increase at this time.  All Commissioners were in agreement to leave as is and not change the budget, but may look at it again next year.

 Presiding Commissioner Talkington said that MoDOT has approved bridge 784 to be repaired. Keith Simpson to start on the bridges in July.

Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 12:01 p.m.

Last Updated on June 28th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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