The Stoddard County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled Monday morning meeting from 9 a.m. - Noon.
Minutes from Monday, August 22, 2022 were approved. Commissioner Steve Jordan made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconded the motion. All voted yes.
The Dan Hudgens' family spoke to the Commission about the 40 acres next to their property which will have chicken houses in the near future. There are more than 40 families that live in the area off County Road 442 and really do not wish to have the chicken houses next to their properties.
"There are no zoning laws in the county," stated Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion to order AED $1,680.72, Trauma Bag is 42.99 and the SCAD will stock that bag, and the Biohazard 5.79 100 in a box for the Justice Center Building and Government Building. Jordan seconded the motion. All voted yes.
Emergency Management Director (EMD), Andrew Bohnert reported on the possible microburst that occured in Dexter on Friday, August 26th around 4 p.m. It was in the heat of the day and caused some damage in the city of Dexter. The last time this happened in Dexter the winds blew the train cars off the tracks. This time there was minor damage to the roof of Busy B, First Baptist Church, FM Bank, and a roof was blown off of Maw Maws Sale Barn next to Jackson's Florist on Walnut Street. Power was out in the area for about three to four hours.
Commissioner Steve Jordan made a motion to accept Erin Brown to fill the rest of the term for John Pruitt on the Industrial Development Authority of Stoddard County (IDA) Board. Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconded the motion. All voted yes.
ACH Direct Deposit and Investment Policy were presented with final adjustments made by County Collector/Treasurer Josh Speakman.
Commissioner Jordan made a motion to accept the ACH Direct Deposit for county employees. Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion. All voted yes.
A letter of resignation was provided by Andrew Bohnert, Emergency Management Director. September 18th will be his last day.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to advertise for an open EMD position. Commissioner Jordan seconded the motion. All voted yes.
There will be no meeting on Monday, September 5th due to the Labor Day holiday.
Commissioner Jordan made a motion to adjourn at 11:59 a.m. Commissioner Jarrell seconded the motion. All vote yes.