The Stoddard County Commissioners met on Monday, June 13, 2022. Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington, Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell, and Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan were present.
Visitors were Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times, Kelley Mitchell, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission, Andrew Bohnert, Stoddard County EMA Director, and Carl Hefner, Stoddard County Sheriff.
New Business:
Kelley Mitchell from the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission updated the commissioners on a few items. She updated the commissioners on the latest information on the Department of Economic Development Grant that they had applied for. Stoddard County should receive $1,996,400.00 for Broadband Infrastructure Development to ensure 95% of residents who are underserved will have access to reliable broadband internet.
Also the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building is in need of a new roof through a grant. Mitchell stated that she would need three authorized signatures plus the Presiding Commissioner to sign off for the completion of the grand and to request funds for the roof prior to a check being written. She will be back on June 21st to pick up the document with the signatures.
Mitchell sent emails updating the Commission on the ARPA funds with a current list of requests on Monday, June 7th; however the commissioners did not receive the emails. She will send again today.
Andrew Bohnert, County EMA Director requested signatures for a Local Match Resolution # EMA-2022-003 for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (EMPG). The document states that the County of Stoddard has made application through the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for funding from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in the amount of $56,037.00 as the total project cost. The project is for a generator. The grant is based on a cost share basis with the federal share not exceeding 90% and the non-federal share being a minimum of 10%.
The Stoddard County Ambulance District (SCAD) will provide up to $5,603.70 of non-federal funds to be used to meet the minimum 10% match requirement for this mitigation grant application.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the motion to approve the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Commissioner Steve Jordan seconds that motion and all three commissioners voted yes.
SCAD will pay all expenses of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the generator and no expenses will be expressed upon Stoddard County. Once the grant monies are received it will be placed into a Stoddard County account. The Ambulance District will then seek reimbursement from the County.
Bohnert informed the Commission that there was a HazMat incident near Advance last week. A fertilizer truck overturned spilling less than 100 gallons of diesel fuel on Hwy 25. No major injuries were reported and they were able to "mop" up the mess.
Sheriff Carl Hefner asked the Commissioner to approve the purchase of a new awning/canopy to be installed above the door on the side of the jail. This door is used primarily to walk the inmates back and forth to court. They have to wait outside for several minutes waiting on someone to come and unlock the door from the inside. At times it is pouring down rain or sleeting. Material and labor would cost $6,760.00 according to a quote Hefner received on May 17, 2022. Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion, Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan seconds. Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Hefner also discussed the possibility of purchasing a scissor lift for the new jail area. In order to replace the lightbulbs or clean the window it would be necessary to be at least 25-30 feet off the ground. Has has found one quote for $8,200 + freight from a company in Columbia, Missouri. The Commissioners agree it would be good to have, but we they would like to get a few quotes from some local businesses first to compare. Hefner will get some additional information on costs and bring back to the Commissioners to vote on.
Hefner mentioned that having an LPN on board and having Telehealth has made a tremendous difference in transporting inmates to the hospital. He said, "Southeast Hospital in Dexter has been a Godsend for us, even over the last 30 years! Having the LPN has also saved us a tremendous amount of money. I am so grateful to have that relationship with them."
Old Business:
June 6, 2022 Minutes were approved today. Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the motion. Associate Commissioner Jordan seconds. Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Commissioner Jordan made a motion to approve the amended minutes from May 23, 2022. Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconds. Votes as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Commissioner Jordan made a motion to appoint Leslie Rainey Thompson to the IDA Board to fill out the remainder of Harold Miles' term ending 12/21/22. Associate Commissioner Jarrell seconds. Vate as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the Ads & Abates for May 2022. Associate Commissioner Jordan seconds. Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Commissioner Jordan made a motion to approve the minutes from May 31, 2022. Associate Commissioner Jarrell seconds. Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.
Meeting adjourned at noon today, June 13, 2022. Commissioner Jordan made the motion for the meeting to end. Jarrell seconds. Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.