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Stoddard County Commission Meeting, Monday, June 13, 2022
June 13th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commission Meeting, Monday, June 13, 2022

The Stoddard County Commissioners met on Monday, June 13, 2022.  Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington, Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell, and Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan were present. 

Visitors were Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times, Kelley Mitchell, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission, Andrew Bohnert, Stoddard County EMA Director, and Carl Hefner, Stoddard County Sheriff.

New Business:

Kelley Mitchell from the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission updated the commissioners on a few items.  She updated the commissioners on the latest information on the Department of Economic Development Grant that they had applied for.  Stoddard County should receive $1,996,400.00 for Broadband Infrastructure Development to ensure 95% of residents who are underserved will have access to reliable broadband internet.

Also the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission building is in need of a new roof through a grant.  Mitchell stated that she would need three authorized signatures plus the Presiding Commissioner to sign off for the completion of the grand and to request funds for the roof prior to a check being written.  She will be back on June 21st to pick up the document with the signatures.

Mitchell sent emails updating the Commission on the ARPA funds with a current list of requests on Monday, June 7th; however the commissioners did not receive the emails.  She will send again today.   

Andrew Bohnert, County EMA Director requested signatures for a Local Match Resolution # EMA-2022-003 for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. (EMPG).  The document states that the County of Stoddard has made application through the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for funding from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in the amount of $56,037.00 as the total project cost.  The project is for a generator.  The grant is based on a cost share basis with the federal share not exceeding 90% and the non-federal share being a minimum of 10%.  

The Stoddard County Ambulance District (SCAD) will provide up to $5,603.70 of non-federal funds to be used to meet the minimum 10% match requirement for this mitigation grant application.

Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the motion to approve the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Commissioner Steve Jordan seconds that motion and all three commissioners voted yes.

SCAD will pay all expenses of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the generator and no expenses will be expressed upon Stoddard County.  Once the grant monies are received it will be placed into a Stoddard County account.  The Ambulance District will then seek reimbursement from the County.  

Bohnert informed the Commission that there was a HazMat incident near Advance last week.  A fertilizer truck overturned spilling less than 100 gallons of diesel fuel on Hwy 25.  No major injuries were reported and they were able to "mop" up the mess. 

Sheriff Carl Hefner asked the Commissioner to approve the purchase of a new awning/canopy to be installed above the door on the side of the jail.  This door is used primarily to walk the inmates back and forth to court.  They have to wait outside for several minutes waiting on someone to come and unlock the door from the inside.  At times it is pouring down rain or sleeting.  Material and labor would cost $6,760.00 according to a quote Hefner received on May 17, 2022.  Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell made a motion, Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan seconds.  Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Hefner also discussed the possibility of purchasing a scissor lift for the new jail area.  In order to replace the lightbulbs or clean the window it would be necessary to be at least 25-30 feet off the ground.  Has has found one quote for $8,200 + freight from a company in Columbia, Missouri.  The Commissioners agree it would be good to have, but we they would like to get a few quotes from some local businesses first to compare.  Hefner will get some additional information on costs and bring back to the Commissioners to vote on.

Hefner mentioned that having an LPN on board and having Telehealth has made a tremendous difference in transporting inmates to the hospital.  He said, "Southeast Hospital in Dexter has been a Godsend for us, even over the last 30 years!  Having the LPN has also saved us a tremendous amount of money. I am so grateful to have that relationship with them."

Old Business:

June 6, 2022 Minutes were approved today.  Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the motion.  Associate Commissioner Jordan seconds.  Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to approve the amended minutes from May 23, 2022.  Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell seconds.  Votes as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to appoint Leslie Rainey Thompson to the IDA Board to fill out the remainder of Harold Miles' term ending 12/21/22.  Associate Commissioner Jarrell seconds.  Vate as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Commissioner Jarrell made a motion to approve the Ads & Abates for May 2022.  Associate Commissioner Jordan seconds.  Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Commissioner Jordan made a motion to approve the minutes from May 31, 2022.  Associate Commissioner Jarrell seconds.  Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Meeting adjourned at noon today, June 13, 2022.  Commissioner Jordan made the motion for the meeting to end.  Jarrell seconds.  Vote as follows: Jordan Yes, Jarrell Yes, Talkington Yes.

Last Updated on June 13th 2022 by Dee Loflin

DED Awards More than $41 Million to Missouri Counties and Cities; Bloomfield, Dexter, Puxico and Stoddard County Receive Millions
June 10th 2022 by Dee Loflin
DED Awards More than $41 Million to Missouri Counties and Cities; Bloomfield, Dexter, Puxico and Stoddard County Receive Millions

DED awards more than $41 million through Community Development Block Grant program to 41 communities for COVID-19 projects

The Department of Economic Development (DED) announced today it will award $41.2 million through its Community Development Block Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) program to 41 Missouri communities to help them prevent, prepare for, and respond to the lasting effects of COVID-19. Funded project types include broadband development, infrastructure improvements, public facility construction, and more.

“As our state moves on from the COVID-19 crisis, we’re proud that Missourians stayed the course through its difficulties,” said Governor Mike Parson. “The Community Development Block Grant program is helping Missouri communities invest in improvements to prepare for future challenges. By addressing key needs in infrastructure and public safety, these projects are building a stronger tomorrow and a more resilient Missouri.”

“The Community Development Block Grant program strengthens communities, as well as our state’s economy,” said Maggie Kost, Acting Director of the Department of Economic Development. “We’re proud of the progress made using these funds and grateful for the support of our federal partners, as we help Missourians prosper.”

About the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

CDBG programs are designed to support the well-being of Missouri communities and create greater capacity for growth, whether by addressing local health and safety concerns or improving local facilities, such as senior centers and community centers. Grants are available in a variety of categories and can be utilized for a variety of community development initiatives.

For questions or to learn more about the CDBG-CV program or other CDBG categories, visit ded.mo.gov/cdbg or contact mocdbg@ded.mo.gov.

CDBG-CV award recipients:

City of Bloomfield - Public Office Building Construction - The City will construct a new community center to address the unmet need for a safe location for citizens to meet.  $1,963,104.00

City of Caruthersville - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the City will ensure 100 percent of residents have access to fiber internet.  $1,996,399.00

City of Dexter - Wastewater Treatment Improvements - The City will build disinfection facilities to detect COVID-19 and E-coli that would help prepare for any future outbreak.  $1,440,313.00

City of Gallatin - Automated Metering Infrastructure - The City will construct automated metering equipment to protect staff and prevent interactions that could spread Covid-19.  $351,705.00

City of Holland - Community Facility Construction - The City will construct a community facility and offer services to residents, such as civic gatherings and blood drives, and better address the City's needs. $766,945.00

City of Homestown - Community Center Construction - The City will build a new community center after a fire burned down its previous location that will host vaccine clinics, blood drives, and gather while practicing COVID-19 protocols. $619,340.00

City of Jefferson - Cole County Emergency Medical Services Facility - Cole County EMS will expand its services and strengthen its preparedness and capacity to respond to COVID-19 and other emergencies.  $2,000,000.00

City of Jefferson - Transformational Housing - The City will create a rapid rehousing facility to help safeguard vulnerable populations against COVID-19. $575,760.00

City of Kennett - Fire Station Construction - The City will construct a new fire station to better respond to COVID-19 and the rise of emergency call volume.  $1,755,700.00

City of Kirksville - 911 Emergency System Stabilization - The City will expand its current 911 call center and implement technology upgrades to better serve the community during emergencies.  $627,103.00

City of La Plata - Supplement Funding for La Plata’s Street Improvements - The City will complete its street improvement project. $220,279.00

City of LaPlata - Electronic Metering Improvements - The City will construct automated metering equipment to protect staff and prevent interactions that could spread COVID-19.  $167,333.00

City of Lexington - Police Department Covid-19 Counter Measures - The City will implement HVAC improvements to its police department to help stop the spread of COVID-19 among police officers, first responders, etc.  $132,813.00

City of Lexington - Fire Department and EMS Covid-19 Counter Measures - The City will implement HVAC improvements to its fire department and EMS facility to help stop the spread of COVID-19 amongst firefighting staff, EMS providers, etc.  $185,937.00

City of Lexington - Wastewater Treatment Plant Covid-19 Counter Measures - The City will implement HVAC improvements to its wastewater treatment facility to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and detect it in wastewater.  $427,133.00

City of Licking - Texas County Memorial Hospital Emergency Response Site - The City will create a new emergency health care response site so that residents have access to nearby health care services. $1,690,000.00

City of Macon - Macon Broadband Accessibility Wi-Fi Park - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the City will create a public WiFi park.  $1,370,000.00

City of Madison - Electronic Metering Improvements - The City will construct automated metering equipment to protect staff and prevent interactions that could spread COVID-19.  $119,317.00

City of Malden - Community Center Renovation - The City will make renovations and make the community center more effective, useful, and adequate to allow for social distancing and other COVID-19 guidelines. $1,427,038.00

City of Moline Acres - Community Center Construction - The City will construct a community facility to meet the need for a public facility along a public transportation route. $1,089,500.00

City of Morehouse - Community Center Construction - The City will construct a new community center to have a place to gather while following COVID-19 protocols. $594,540.00

City of Parnell - Water Distribution System Improvements - The City will make repairs to its water tower and distribution system to alleviate the health and security risks the city is currently facing. $667,788.00

City of Perry - Multi-purpose Building Construction - The City will construct a multi-purpose facility to create a space to gather while practicing social distancing and other CDC COVID-19 guidelines. $1,162,700.00

City of Puxico - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the City will ensure 100 percent of residents have access to fiber internet.  $748,400.00

City of Risco - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the City will ensure 100 percent of residents have access to fiber internet.  $540,298.00

City of Sikeston - Homeless Shelter Construction - The City will construct a new homeless shelter. $1,991,450.00

City of Steele - Steele Head Start Facility - The City will construct a new Head Start facility designed to minimize the health and safety risks from COVID-19 and other diseases. $1,655,000.00

City of Vandalia - Electronic Meter Reading Improvements - The City will construct automated metering equipment to protect staff and prevent interactions that could spread COVID-19. $463,853.00

County of Carter - Carter County Nutrition Center Renovations - The County will make renovations to better serve citizens’ using its nutrition center, which has seen a record number of users since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. $363,619.00

County of Dunklin - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the County will ensure 90 percent of residents would have access to fiber internet.  $1,996,400.00

County of Macon - Public Water Supply District #1 Improvements - The County will construct a new water tower and distribution system upgrades to address the need for safe and reliable drinking water for two communities. $1,719,800.00

County of Marion - Douglass Community Services Facility Improvements - The County will make renovations and upgrades to their Douglas Community Services facility to better serve their users. $2,000,000.00

County of Pike  - Public Water Supply District #1 Improvements - The County will upgrade its water distribution system to better meet its needs.  $734,000.00

County of Ripley - Public Water Supply District #1 Improvements - The County will upgrade its water distribution system to better meet its needs.  $426,208.00

County of Ripley - Public Water Supply District #2 Improvements - The County will upgrade its water distribution system to better meet its needs.  $927,071.00

County of Ripley - Ripley County Jail Improvements - The County will complete construction of its jail facility and install needed equipment.  $531,933.00

County of St. Francois - St. Francois County Behavioral Health Care Project - The County will create a single location mental health service for those in need of behavioral health services in southeast Missouri.  $2,000,000.00

County of Stoddard - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the County will ensure 95 percent of residents who are underserved will have access to reliable broadband internet.  $1,996,400.00

County of Wayne - Wayne County Nutrition Center Renovations - The County will make renovations to better serve citizens’ using its nutrition center, which has seen a record number of users since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  $198,428.00

County of Wayne - Broadband Infrastructure Development - After COVID-19 exposed the lack of reliable high-speed internet, the County will ensure residents have access to fiber internet.  $971,999.00

State of Missouri - MACOG Broadband Planning - MACOG will develop broadband modeling and engineering feasibility plans throughout the state.  $613,750.00



Last Updated on June 10th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Music for the Mind Tickets on Sale Now - Please Help Honor Josh Monroe's Life
June 08th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Music for the Mind Tickets on Sale Now - Please Help Honor Josh Monroe's Life

Wappapello, MO - In honor of the late Josh Monroe, the family would like to pay forward the love and the blessings they received during that tragic time of their lives to other families that have experienced trauma. 

It is their hope that mental wellness will be an important healing process with love offerings to help families with their needs during traumatic times or are battling mental illness.

Josh was a fine musician, and he and his wife Stephanie met and created their relationship because of music. 

So, a music festival seems the perfect way to help those in need as we pay tribute to Josh's legacy.

Music heals, and it's their hope this charity will honor Josh and help mend the hearts and minds of those that experience the unfortunate.

Where words fail, music speaks.

MUSIC FOR THE MIND FESTIVAL AUGUST 19-20TH 2022  To get tickets click HERE.

If you can't attend, but would like to donate please click HERE.

Presented by Tom Nunnelee Family, The Ed Nunnelee Memorial Charitable Trust, Holden Communities LLC., Legacy Companies, National Title & Escrow ,Burchard & Associates, Inc., Hair Lingo, & Young Real Estate LLC.

Last Updated on June 08th 2022 by Dee Loflin

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Eastbound U.S. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Shoulder Repairs
June 06th 2022 by Dee Loflin
Eastbound U.S. 60 in Stoddard County Reduced for Shoulder Repairs

Eastbound U.S. 60 in Stoddard County will be reduced as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform shoulder repairs.  

This section of roadway is located from County Road 641 to Cole Street near Birch Tree, Missouri. 

Weather permitting, work will take place Thursday, June 9 from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

The work zone will be marked with signs.  Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area. 

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT

Last Updated on June 06th 2022 by Dee Loflin

U.S. Dept of Agriculture Partners with Dexter Schools to Provide Free Meals
June 02nd 2022 by Dee Loflin
U.S. Dept of Agriculture Partners with Dexter Schools to Provide Free Meals

Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture partners with local organizations like Dexter R-XI School District to provide free meals to children when school is out for the summer.

Any child between the ages of 1 - 18 may eat free during the Summer School Program dates of June 1st - June 28th.

Breakfast will be served between 7:15 a.m - 8:00 a.m. and lunch will be served 10:50 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at Central Elementary, Southwest Elementary and Dexter High School.

In accordance with Federal Civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Last Updated on June 02nd 2022 by Dee Loflin

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