Local Schools

Bernie Board of Education August 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes
August 12th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Board of Education August 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Bernie, MO - The Bernie School Board of Education held their monthly meeting on August 10, 2020.  Below are the minute notes from that meeting. 

The Board of Education held their annual Tax Rate Hearing before the start of the regular school board meeting on Monday the 10th day of August.  The tax rate in the General fund was set at 2.9978.  The tax rate in the Debt Service Fund was held at $.30.

The Board approved Program Evaluations on School Climate and Summer School.  

The Board accepted the 2019/20 Annual Secretary of Board Report.

The Board approved the financial statement and bills were authorized for payment.

During Executive session, Superintendent Goals were reviewed.

The Board accepted the resignation from Ginger Beaird, as the Explorer Sponsor.

The substitute employee list for the 2020/2021 school year was approved

The Board approved adding Chris Hillis and Peyton Bullock  to the Substitute listing.  

The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, September 14, 2020.

Last Updated on August 12th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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