Local Schools

Bernie Board of Education Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2020
May 15th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Board of Education Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2020

Bernie, MO - The Bernie Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, May 11, 2020.  Below are the board notes from that meeting.

Items on the Agenda included approving the Facilities and Special Services Programs, the Elementary and High School Handbooks.

The Board approved increasing all meals .10¢ for the 2020/2021 school year. 

The Board approved changes to the Elementary and High School Handbooks and also readopted the Athletic Handbook.

The Board also approved the financial report and paying the bills.

The Board approved awarding a step on the salary schedule to the classified and certified employees for the 2020/2021 school year.  

In Executive Session:

Classified staff evaluations were reviewed and the Board approved rehiring all classified staff.

The Board approved hiring Amanda Robinson for the PAT Coordinator.

Last Updated on May 15th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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