Local Schools

Bernie Board of Education March 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes
March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Board of Education March 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Bernie, MO - The Bernie Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, March 16th. Regular items on the agenda included the approval of minutes, approval of program evaluations on the Parents as Teachers Program and Transportation. Bills were also reviewed and approved.

The Board approved the budget revision # 2 made to the 2019/20 budget.

The Board is tentatively approving the Student Trips as follows due to the fact the school will not be in session from March 18 through April 3, 2020:

FBLA to State Competition in Springfield, MO - April 19-21, 2020 Band to Humboldt, TN – May 8, 2020

National Jr Beta Convention, June 19-22, 2020

National Sr Beta Convention- June 15-June 18, 2020

During executive session certified staff reviews were held. The board approved Lyndsey Stone, Marcus Massey and Leigh Ann Kincy being tenured and approved giving contracts to tenured and non-tenured certified staff.

The Board accepted resignations for the end of the 2019/20 School Year from Amanda Robinson, 4th Grade Teacher, Lisa Henry, Sr Beta Sponsor and Ben Frazier, Bus Driver.

The Board also approved adding Mariah Walker to the Substitute Employee listing.

Positions filled during executive session:

Amber Eaton as the 4th Grade Teacher and McKenzie Bess as JH/HS Support Staff.

The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be April 13, 2020

Last Updated on March 19th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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