Local Schools

Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2020
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2020

Bernie, MO - The Bernie School Board held their monthly meeting on April 13, 2020  Below are the minutes from that meeting.

The Board of Education met in regular session on Monday the 13th of April.

Summer school was set to be held tentatively from May 19, through June 5, 2020.

The Board approved the Vocational Program Evaluation.

The Board re-adopted the Health Insurance plans through EBA-BC/BS and also set the Board Insurance Cap.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

During executive session the recipient of the Rutland Scholarship was selected.

The Board accepted the resignation from Jackie Bennett as the Jr. Beta Sponsor and Courtney McGarity as the PAT Coordinator.

The Board approved Extra Duty Assignments as follows:

Athletic Director, Jason Long,

Boys Basketball HS Head, Jason Long,

Boys Basketball SH Asst, Marcus Massey;

Junior High Basketball Head, Marcus Massey;

Junior High Basketball Asst, Jordan Ellsworth;

Basketball Elem, Jordan Ellsworth;

Baseball Head (fall and spring), Marcus Massey;

Baseball Asst (fall and spring) Jordan Ellsworth;

Baseball Junior High, Dustin Hicks;

Baseball Junior High Asst., Mark King;

Cheerleading JH, Kelli Anthony;

Cheerleading HS, Kelli Anthony;

Softball SH Head, Cendyl McGowan;

Softball SH Asst, Lari Spitzer;

Softball JH Head, Jason Long;

Softball JH Asst, McKenzie Bess;

Volleyball SH Head, Jason Long;

Volleyball SH Asst, McKenzie Bess;

Volleyball JH Head, McKenzie Bess;

Volleyball JH Asst., Jayme Harris;

Volleyball Elem Jayme Harris;

Band, Mark King;

FCCLA, Tammy Boyle;

FFA, Matt Blevins;

FBLA, Leigh Ann Kincy;

Senior Beta, _________; Senior Beta Co-Sponsor, Bridget Heiser;

Junior Beta, Crystal Presson;

Junior Beta Co-Sponsor, Jayme Harris;

Scholar Bowl, Alex Beaird;

Drama/Speech; Kristy Bates,

Student Council, Tiffany Terrell;

Yearbook/Newspaper, Leigh Ann Kincy.

Prom Coordinator, Lindsay Beaird.

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2020
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2020

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met in a regular board meeting on April 21, 2020 at 6 p.m.  Below are the minutes from that meeting.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members present.  He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Consent Agenda:  The Consent Agenda was approved.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments made.    

Old Business:  

A.    None

New Business: 

A. The board approved MSBA annual membership for the 2020-21 school year.

B. The board approved budget amendments for the 2019-20 school year.

C. The board approved Phase 2 building projects with CTS.

D. The board approved a bid to seal coat and paint the district’s asphalt parking lots.

E. The board approved textbook purchases for the 2020-21 school year.

Discussion Items:

A. The superintendent gave his report to the board.

B. The next board meeting was set for May 19, 2020 at 6:00 pm

In Closed Session:

1.  The board approved the employment of the Coaches and Sponsors for the 2020-21 school year.

2.    The board approved transfer requests for the 2020-21 school year.

Tonya Cato - Central Elementary Building Aide

3. The board approved resignation effective at the conclusion of the 2019-20 school year.

Haley Orf - HS Girls Basketball Asst. Coach

Whitney Tanksley - HS Football Cheerleading

Jessica Christian - HS English

4. The board approved new extra duty positions for the 2020-21 school year.

Angie Duncan - Director of Federal Programs

Summer McGowan - Assessment Coordinator

Laura Stone - Assessment Coordinator

Jess Lambert - Wellness Coordinator

5.    The board approved HS STUCO Sponsor for the   2019-20 school year.

                Alana Dowdy

6. The board approved employment of the 2020-21 classified staff.

7. The board approved adding a new library aide position at TS Hill Middle School for the 2020-21 school year.

8. The board approved Jimmy Deberry as the 2nd assistant track coach for the 2020-21 school year.

Items at the conclusion of Executive Session

A. None

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Jillian Avery Receives Shelter Insurance Scholarship
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Jillian Avery Receives Shelter Insurance Scholarship

Shelter Insurance Foundation and Matt Thurmon, Shelter Insurance Companies Recipient of Local High School Scholarship.

This spring, the Shelter Insurance® Foundation awarded a $2000 scholarship to Jillian Avery a graduate of Dexter High School.  Shelter Agent Matt Thurmon sponsors and partially funded this scholarship.

Beginning the fall after the recipient’s high school graduation, Jillian  can direct the scholarship funds toward tuition, fees or campus housing for any course of study leading to an academic degree at any accredited college or university.

A committee of local high school officials and community leaders selected the local recipient.  The committee considered each applicant’s scholastic achievements, educational goals, citizenship, moral character and participation and leadership in school and community activities.  The scholarship is given without regard to race, disability, religion, national origin or gender of applicants.  The name of the recipient will be announced at the close of the school year.

The scholarship is paid directly to the school the recipient selects. Jillian  received a certificate from Matt Thurmon on behalf of the Shelter Insurance® Foundation.

One purpose of the Shelter Insurance Foundation is to fund scholarships within the operating territory of Shelter Insurance®. It is sponsored by the Shelter Insurance Companies, headquartered in Columbia, Missouri.  Shelter offers auto, home, life, farm and business insurance services via a network of local insurance agents in our operating territory.

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Southeast’s Business Administration Program Coming to Sikeston, Kennett, Poplar Bluff in Fall 2020
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Southeast’s Business Administration Program Coming to Sikeston, Kennett, Poplar Bluff in Fall 2020

Southeast Missouri State University will extend its Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) program to its regional campuses in Sikeston and Kennett, Missouri, and to the University’s Poplar Bluff delivery site beginning in fall 2020.

The degree program will be offered as an evening program for working adults, allowing them to major in general business and to select 24 credit hours across marketing, management, accounting, economics, finance and entrepreneurship courses.

“We have noticed a need for a business program in the region for some time, but more than that, for an evening program for working adults. This program fills both needs,” said Nathan Bullock, dean of Extended Studies at Southeast. “It will be offered at night with some online instruction. Our plan is that it provides a means for working adults to complete their education conveniently and move forward in their careers while maintaining their current jobs, or for younger students to get a business degree without leaving home.”

Regional economic analysis and occupational employment projections indicate a need and demand for a BSBA program in the Missouri Bootheel, Bullock said. The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center projects management occupations to increase by 5.81% and financial operations occupations by 6.07% in southeast Missouri through 2026. Many of the top job titles in these occupations require a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Courses in the program at Southeast’s regional campuses will be offered through a hybrid of Interactive Television (ITV), Zoom, face-to-face and online courses, Bullock said.

“We are very happy in the Harrison College of Business and Computing that our Regional Campus students will now have the opportunity to earn a BSBA from Southeast,” said Dr. Alberto Davila, dean of the HCBC. Offering this opportunity to our Regional Campus students was one of our top priorities and seeing this opportunity come to fruition is an exciting development for us.”

He says the economic opportunities and benefits of the BSBA for southeast Missouri will be tangible in the very near future.

“Increased business human capital opportunities from this degree will promote the entrepreneurial mindset in southeast Missouri as well as make this area even more attractive for domestic and international investment,” Davila said.

For more information and to register, contact the Kennett Regional Campus at kennett@semo.edu; the Sikeston Regional Campus at sikeston@semo.edu; or the Poplar Bluff Delivery Site at poplarbluff@semo.edu.

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Luke Becker Receives Shelter Insurance Scholarship
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Luke Becker Receives Shelter Insurance Scholarship

Shelter Insurance Foundation and Matt Thurmon, Shelter Insurance Companies Recipient of Local High School Scholarship.

This spring, the Shelter Insurance® Foundation awarded a $2000 scholarship to Luke Becker a graduate of Dexter High School.  Shelter Agent Matt Thurmon sponsors and partially funded this scholarship.

Beginning the fall after the recipient’s high school graduation, Luke can direct the scholarship funds toward tuition, fees or campus housing for any course of study leading to an academic degree at any accredited college or university.

A committee of local high school officials and community leaders selected the local recipient.  The committee considered each applicant’s scholastic achievements, educational goals, citizenship, moral character and participation and leadership in school and community activities.  The scholarship is given without regard to race, disability, religion, national origin or gender of applicants.  The name of the recipient will be announced at the close of the school year.

The scholarship is paid directly to the school the recipient selects. Luke received a certificate from Matt Thurmon on behalf of the Shelter Insurance® Foundation.

One purpose of the Shelter Insurance Foundation is to fund scholarships within the operating territory of Shelter Insurance®. It is sponsored by the Shelter Insurance Companies, headquartered in Columbia, Missouri.  Shelter offers auto, home, life, farm and business insurance services via a network of local insurance agents in our operating territory.

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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