Local Schools
Bernie School District Kindergarten ENROLLMENT and Preschool Screening
January 25th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Bernie, Missouri - Kindergarten Enrollment: Do you have a child who will be 5 years of age by July 31st and lives in the Bernie School District? If so, call 573-293-5335, Ext. 229 for an enrollment appointment. Your child WILL NOT start the first day of kindergarten unless they have been screened. This is the only screening date, all other kindergarten aged students will be screened after school starts in August and will not be able to attend until screening is complete.
Preschool Screening: Do you have a child 4 years of age and lives in the Bernie School District? If so, call 573-293-5335, Ext. 229 for a screening appointment. All four year olds will be considered for a spot in our preschool program.
Early Childhood Screening: Do you have a child ages birth to 3 years of age and lives in the Bernie School District? If so, call 573-293-5335 Ext. 229 for a screening appointment.
Enrollment/Screening Dates:
5 year old by July 31st (Kindergarten): Wednesday, March 20th
4 year old by July 31st : Thursday, March 21st
Birth to 3 year olds by July 31st : Friday, March 22nd
Bring with you to the appointment:
Shot records
Birth certificate
Social security card
Proof of residency (City of Bernie bill, Electric bill, rent receipt with the name of the renter on the receipt, or drivers license.
Last Updated on January 25th 2019 by Dee Loflin