Local Schools

Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - December 10, 2018
December 12th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - December 10, 2018
Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie School Board of Education met in regular session on Monday evening the 10th of December.  below is the press release from Bernie Schools.

Filing dates were announced for election to the Board of Education.  Those dates are December 11th at 8:00 AM through January 15th at 5:00 PM.  Positions up for re-election this year are David Mayberry and Zack Tanner.

The Board announced the opening for nominations to the Hall of Fame.  Nominations will be accepted through the end of December and will be reviewed at the January Board Meeting.
Program Evaluations on Technology and Guidance were approved.

The Board reviewed bids for the north gym roof and accepted the low bid from Pyramid Roofing Company.  The project is to be done in the summer of 2019.

The Board reviewed & approved the 2017/18 Financial Audit and approved paying the bills and replenishing petty cash.

During executive session, the administration presented a mid-year staff review and Mr. Hicks presented his goals to the Board.

The Board approved adding Kelley Lambert to the Substitute Employee Listing.

Last Updated on December 12th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2018
November 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2018

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie School Board met in a regular session on Monday, November 12, 2018.

Below are the minutes from that meeting.

Announcement of filing dates for election to the Board of Education were announced to be December 11th - January 15, 2019.

Board members whose positions are up for re-election are David Mayberry and Zack Tanner.

Anyone interested in filing may do so beginning December 11, 2018 at 8 a.m. until January 15, 2019 at 5 p.m. in the Central Office during regular business hours.

The Board approved Program evaluations on Assessment and Health Services.

The Board also approved adding a 457(b) Retirement option to the staff benefit options.

The Board approved school trips as follows:

 Gifted Club to Discovery Park in Union City, TN - November 29, 2018

Jr. Beta Convention in Springfield, MO - December 4th - December 6, 2018

Sr. Beta Convention in Springfield, MO - December 6th - December 9, 2018

The Board approved Christmas gifts for the staff.  The staff will choose between a monogrammed fleece jacket (choice of black or gray), turkey or ham.

Nothing to report during Executive Session.

The next meeting of the Board of Education will be December 10, 2018.

Last Updated on November 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals for Week of November 12, 2018
November 12th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals for Week of November 12, 2018

Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week.  These students were rewarded for their good behavior!

Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.

These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!

Front row from left to right?

Terris is frequently caught helping his classmates tie their shoes. Thanks, Terris!

Aniyah had a great week.

Paisley broke her arm, but has not made one single excuse! She's getting really good at writing with her other hand!

Caleb is a very hard worker!

Haden gave his best effort during a lesson in ELA

Back row from left to right:

Alex Kester did great in Art class last week.

Brandon took time to help Ms. Renea clean the bathroom while other kids were playing around. 

Allison worked super hard on her reading this week. 

Emma is a great friend and leader in the classroom. 

Isabella gave another student an idea for their graphic organizer since they were having trouble thinking of anything. 

Jazelle did great in Art class last week.

Last Updated on November 12th 2018 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Bernie School Board Agenda for Monday, November 12, 2018
November 07th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School Board Agenda for Monday, November 12, 2018

Last Updated on November 07th 2018 by Frank M. Kromann

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Bernie Positive Office Referrals Week November 5, 2018
November 05th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie Positive Office Referrals Week November 5, 2018

Bernie, MO - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week.  These students were rewarded for their good behavior!

Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.

These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!

Picture front row from left to right: 

Shanell had a great week.

Jeremiah was a team player who helped others to succeed. He teamed up to help a student play a sight word game in class. 

Mark is always respectful, follows directions quickly, and works hard in class. 

Aurora is always kind to everyone.

Leah always tries her best.

Back Row from left to right:

Liliana was reading AR like she was supposed to after indoor recess while the other students were goofing off.

Alexa was reading AR like she was supposed to after indoor recess while the other students were goofing off.

Tatum was respectful to a student she was competing against during a competition and showed a positive attitude despite winning or losing.

Braxton is a terrific student.

Dyson always has great manners and holds the door for the class everyday.

Jake was respectful to a student he was competing against during a competition and showed a positive attitude despite winning or losing.

Rylan saw a student who dropped his art box and they stopped to help him pick it all up. 

Cade saw a student who dropped his art box and they stopped to help him pick it all up. 

Leightin was reading AR like he was supposed to after indoor recess while the other students were goofing off.

Last Updated on November 05th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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