Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week. These students were rewarded for their good behavior!
Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.
These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!
Front row from left to right?
Terris is frequently caught helping his classmates tie their shoes. Thanks, Terris!
Aniyah had a great week.
Paisley broke her arm, but has not made one single excuse! She's getting really good at writing with her other hand!
Caleb is a very hard worker!
Haden gave his best effort during a lesson in ELA
Back row from left to right:
Alex Kester did great in Art class last week.
Brandon took time to help Ms. Renea clean the bathroom while other kids were playing around.
Allison worked super hard on her reading this week.
Emma is a great friend and leader in the classroom.
Isabella gave another student an idea for their graphic organizer since they were having trouble thinking of anything.
Jazelle did great in Art class last week.