Dexter, Missouri - Multi-Family Garage Sale at 1202 State Highway AD in Northwest Oaks Subdivision on Friday, May 18th and Saturday, May 19, 2018. Friday hours are 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday hours are 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lots of home decor, small dinette set and hutch, lots of clothes, purses, shoes jewelry, & toddler boy clothes. Too many items to list! Please come out and shop at their great sale!!
If you would like to place an ad for a Yard Sale, contact Dee Loflin at the ShowMe Times (573) 380-3318. Wednesday noon is deadline.
Each ad is shared to numerous Yard Sale and Buy & Sell Facebook pages including the ShowMe Times Facebook page!

BEWARE! Reports have been coming in from all over Stoddard County, Missouri and the Piggott, Arkansas area that employees from a company named Clear Home may be posing as NewWave Communications employees asking to come into YOUR home and inspect YOUR equipment. They then try to sell you Internet and Cable packages for their company.
These are NOT NewWave employees. If you have questions regarding NewWave Communications please call 888-863-9928. If you feel someone is trying to SCAM you please contact your local police department immediately!
Please be diligent when sales people come to your door. If you know of a an older person or someone that does not stay informed via social media, take time to give them a call and let them know these people are targeting our area going door to door.

Dexter, Missouri - Multi-family yard sale on Saturday, May 19, 2018 beginning at 7:00 a.m. at 1108 Oakcrest Lane in Dexter.
Lots to choose from including, but not limited to cabinets, interior door, TV, housewares, kids and adult sized clothing and lots of toys.
Oakcrest Lane directions are: Take highway AD south from the Wal-Mart exit, turn right on Brookhaven Drive, then left on Oakcrest!!
If you would like to place an ad for a Yard Sale, contact Dee Loflin at the ShowMe Times (573) 380-3318. Wednesday noon is deadline.
Each ad is shared to numerous Yard Sale and Buy & Sell Facebook pages including the ShowMe Times Facebook page!