BEWARE! Reports have been coming in from all over Stoddard County, Missouri and the Piggott, Arkansas area that employees from a company named Clear Home may be posing as NewWave Communications employees asking to come into YOUR home and inspect YOUR equipment. They then try to sell you Internet and Cable packages for their company.
These are NOT NewWave employees. If you have questions regarding NewWave Communications please call 888-863-9928. If you feel someone is trying to SCAM you please contact your local police department immediately!
Please be diligent when sales people come to your door. If you know of a an older person or someone that does not stay informed via social media, take time to give them a call and let them know these people are targeting our area going door to door.

Dexter, Missouri - Multi-family yard sale on Saturday, May 19, 2018 beginning at 7:00 a.m. at 1108 Oakcrest Lane in Dexter.
Lots to choose from including, but not limited to cabinets, interior door, TV, housewares, kids and adult sized clothing and lots of toys.
Oakcrest Lane directions are: Take highway AD south from the Wal-Mart exit, turn right on Brookhaven Drive, then left on Oakcrest!!
If you would like to place an ad for a Yard Sale, contact Dee Loflin at the ShowMe Times (573) 380-3318. Wednesday noon is deadline.
Each ad is shared to numerous Yard Sale and Buy & Sell Facebook pages including the ShowMe Times Facebook page!

Striping crews must travel slowly as they paint roadway markings to ensure a good quality line. The striping trains move between 8 and 12 mph when workers are painting white and yellow lines on the highways. The trucks have flashing lights, boards with flashing arrows and signs that say "SLOW VEHICLES" and "WET PAINT."
MoDOT crews will be striping two-lane roadways in the spring and fall and working on freeways and expressways in June, July and August.
Crisp, easy-to-see striping is a significant safety feature on roadways. The paint contains glass beads that reflect light from headlights in the dark.
Most of the striping is done during daylight hours; however, it is not uncommon to see crews working at night on interstate highways and other high-volume divided highways. Rain or very damp conditions will cancel or cut short any striping work that is scheduled.
Check out these safety tips that will help you navigate striping operations:
- Please don't drive distracted. Wear your seat belt and put your phone down. Be patient if you come across MoDOT crews. and give them space to do their jobs safely.
- Start to slow down as soon as you see the lights and signs, and keep your distance until it is safe to go around the trucks.
- On four-lane divided highways, pull around the striping train by merging carefully into the open lane, then passing all the trucks in the train before moving back into the lane.
- On two-lane highways, stay behind the last truck in the striping train. This vehicle is placed well behind the striping truck to give the new paint the few minutes it needs to dry. If traffic backs up behind the striping train, MoDOT crews will pull out of the way where it is safe to do so and let congestion clear.
- MoDOT uses water-based paint in all of its highway operations. If you drive through wet paint, clean your car as quickly as possible with a high-powered water hose, such as those used in car washes.