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Retiring Football Homecoming Queen - Miss Kassidey Bollinger
October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Dexter, Missouri - The retiring Football Homecoming Queen is Miss Kassidey Bollinger.
She is the daughter of Jim Bollinger and the late Michelle Bollinger.
Kassidey is a senior and is active in Future Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Future Teachers of America, and DECA.
Her future plans are to attend college to obtain her a business degree.
Kassidey was nominated by the football team.
Kassidey is being escorted tonight by Nick Trout. Nick is the son of Hank and Renee Trout. He is a sophomore and is active in football, student council, Future Business Leaders of America, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Last Updated on October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin