Local Schools

2015 DHS Homecoming Candidate - Miss Caroline Powers
October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin
2015 DHS Homecoming Candidate - Miss Caroline Powers

Dexter, Missouri -  Miss Caroline Powers was the seventh candidate this evening. 

Caroline is a junior and is the daughter of Chuck and Felicia Powers. 

She is active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Foreign Language Club, United Nations, Semo Showstoppers, Honors Choir, A-Capella, Refuge Youth Group, and Resonate Praise Band. 

Caroline is currently serving as President of Future Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).  She is also in the Top 10% of her class and a member of the football cheerleading squad and the Kicking Cats Dance team. 

In the future Caroline plans to attend college to study radiation biology to become a chemo-therapy nurse and minor in music therapy. 

Caroline was nominated by the Football Cheerleading Squad.

Escorting Miss Caroline tonight was Austin Chesser.  Austin is a senior and is the son of Scott and Cynthia Chesser.  Austin is a member of the Honors Choir and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  He is also on the Varsity football and basketball teams.

Last Updated on October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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