Dexter, Missouri - The sixth candidate this evening was Miss Melanie McKuin.
Melanie is the daughter of Barry and Kim McKuin.
She is a senior and is active in Foreign Language Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Dexter Honor Society, Speech, Drama, and the Debate Club. Melanie is in the top 10% of her class. Melanie also is a member of the Varsity Basketball team.
In the future, Melanie plans to attend college and later attend pharmacy school.
Melanie was nominated by the football team.
Escorting Miss McKuin tonight is Tyler Stevenson.
Tyler is a senior and is the son of Kay Stevenson of Dexter and Keith Stevenson. He is active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, DECA, Rotary Interact, Dexter Honor Society, Boy Scouts, and Children of the American Revolution. Tyler is also in the top 10% of his class and is a member of the Varsity Football team.