Local Schools

2015 DHS Homecoming Attendant - Miss MaKayla Waldner
October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin
2015 DHS Homecoming Attendant - Miss MaKayla Waldner

Dexter, Missouri - Miss MaKayla Brooke Waldner was the tenth and final candidate for Homecoming Queen on Friday evening.

MaKayla is a senior and is the daughter of Bob and Kim Waldner. 

MaKayla is active in Student Council and is Senior Class President.  She is also a Fellowship of Christian Athletes team captain.  MaKayla is a member of the tennis and track teams and is also on the St. Louis Gallagher Soccer Team. 

In the future, MaKayla plans to attend Mississippi State University to play soccer and study Biomechanical Engineering. 

MaKayla was nominated by the tennis team.

Escorting Miss Waldner tonight was River Chism.  River is the son of Rob and Michelle Chism.  River is a senior and is a member of Future Farmers of America.  He is also a member of the football and golf teams, and basketball cheerleading squad.

Last Updated on October 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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