Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
The Dexter Senior High School Bearcats play the New Madrid County Central Eagles on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m.
Regional Healthcare Foundation is sponsoring a pregame and post-game tailgate event in the parking lot of the Bearcat Event Center beginning at 4 pm.
This year's Homecoming is going to be spectacular! "We are going to make this year's event something to be proud of and one that we can repeat year after year with even more spirit and Bearcat pride!" stated Lisa Thrower, Executive Director of Regional Healthcare Foundation.
You can rent an 18’x20’ booth for $80 or if you need to include a table and six chairs the cost will only be $100. We invite businesses, class reunions, civic groups and individuals to join us and help kick-off the Super Bearcat Homecoming weekend of events.
Food, music, games will all be part of the fun. Make your reservations by September 9th by contacting Lisa Thrower at the Regional Healthcare Foundation at 573-624-1607 or visit our website at www.regionalhf.org for more information and an application.
There are still events in the planning stages, but to date there will be lots of music, dancing, 5th quarter, tailgate activities, children's activities, 5k Color Run, Car, Truck and Tractor Show, and BBQ cook-off.
The ShowMe Times will keep you up-to-date on each event with announcements, contact names/numbers and what to expect before and after game and on Saturday, October 5th. Begin making your plans today to tailgate with Regional Healthcare Foundation!
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri - The local chapter of Rotary International sponsors the Rotary Interact Club, which is primarily for students who are ages 14 – 18 and are attending high school. Any Stoddard County student may join and are encouraged to attend monthly meetings. At the first meeting of the new school year, Dexter, Richland, and Bloomfield students make up the mix that will represent Rotary Interact.
Dexter Rotarians, Jay Rodgers, Dee Loflin, and Dan Talkington were on hand as they are Committee Members from the local chapter.
Dan Talkington discussed the history of Rotary and how this organization is somewhat different from other clubs as it is self-governed and requires a great deal of commitment by the students to accomplish so many wonderful projects throughout the year.
"We give everyone a scholarship in this club if you meet the criteria," stated Talkington. "You must be a Rotary Interact member your Junior and Senior year, attain 60% attendance, and participate in 2/3 of the activities throughout the year. There is the Stoddard County Fair, a couple of fundraisers and a Chili Supper in January that all require your participation."
Elections were also held and the new officers are Kendra Stevenson, President; Jacob Miller, Vice-President; and Kerigan Brady, Secretary. Students also voted on a set meeting time each month and learned about making motions and voting as a group. Kendra and Jacob are both seniors this year and Kerigan is a sophomore. Congratulations to all three!
The students have chosen to meet at the Evangelical Free Church on the north outer road on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m. All students are encouraged to attend.
Why join Interact? It is simple, “Service Above Self”. It is Rotary’s foremost guiding principle for the entire world. The Interact Club’s service projects are designed to improve the quality of life at home and abroad. These projects often address today’s most critical issues, such as violence, drug abuse, AIDS, hunger, the environment, and illiteracy.
Each Interact club is required to complete at least two major service projects annually, one to serve the community and another to promote international understanding. Each should involve all or most of the members of the club.
If you would like to join the Rotary Interact club follow them on their Facebook page or contact a Rotary Interact member!
Next meeting is Sunday, September 8th at 4:00 p.m.
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri - Capital Mortgage Solutions opened their doors recently and held an open house event and ribbon cutting.
They offer the best mortgage tools available on the Internet - easy, convenient, online shopping for the best loan programs and most current rates available, together with the assistance of an experienced live loan officer to guide you through the often difficult and confusing process of choosing and getting the exact loan to meet your specific needs.
Purchasing a new home? Congratulations on your decision to buy a new home! There are many important things to consider throughout the process, especially if you're a first-time homebuyer.
Applying for a loan? Our online application process is conveniently designed to allow you to stop any time and pick up where you left off. After you submit an application, you can check loan status at your convenience.
Remodeling your home? If you are planning on remodeling your home - be it a kitchen, bathroom or backyard - you can contact one of our mortgage professionals who will help find the right loan for you.
Capital Mortgage Solutions is located at 506 C One Mile Road. Give them a call at 573-891-0736 or email Lea Jenkins at lea@capitalmtgsolutions.com. They also have a website: Capital Mortgage Solutions.
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Dexter, Missouri - You asked for it, and the exclusive worldwide print sale is back.
Starting today save 50% on collages and print sizes 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 & 16x20. Order today through August 21 at 11:59 pm PDT and get professional quality prints at unbelievable prices.
Just go to the Showme Times website, wwwshowmetimes.com and click PHOTOS at the top. Search for pictures of event, sports, schools, church event, and much more. Over 40,000 photos to choose from.
As with all sales and special offers there is no coupon code necessary to get the discount as long as you order directly from your Zenfolio account.
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Dexter, Missouri – The Cub Scout Pack 200 will host a Water Carnival themed membership drive this Sunday, August 25th from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (RAIN OR SHINE)
Scouts, parents and leaders will be available at the West City Park in Dexter, Missouri to answer questions and recruit boys and area volunteers interested in working with the local Cub Scout Pack.
The Cub Scout Pack is open to young boys in grades 1 through 5. Scouts and volunteers can participate with the organization and help promote moral, character, and skill development for young males and provide year-long activities and programming.
Cub Scouts typically meet weekly, have a great summer camp experience and provide many ways to “earn your way”, which lessens the financial burden on mom and dad.
Any boy interested in joining Cub Scouts should come to the park prepared to get WET! Parents will be required to fill out a short registration form and pay a small fee of only $25. This will include national dues, a Boys’ Life subscription, and the appropriate Cub Scout Handbook. Information and other costs, fundraising, uniform information, and volunteer opportunities will also be available.