Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Dexter, Missouri - You asked for it, and the exclusive worldwide print sale is back.
Starting today save 50% on collages and print sizes 5x7, 8x10, 11x14 & 16x20. Order today through August 21 at 11:59 pm PDT and get professional quality prints at unbelievable prices.
Just go to the Showme Times website, wwwshowmetimes.com and click PHOTOS at the top. Search for pictures of event, sports, schools, church event, and much more. Over 40,000 photos to choose from.
As with all sales and special offers there is no coupon code necessary to get the discount as long as you order directly from your Zenfolio account.
Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Dexter, Missouri – The Cub Scout Pack 200 will host a Water Carnival themed membership drive this Sunday, August 25th from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (RAIN OR SHINE)
Scouts, parents and leaders will be available at the West City Park in Dexter, Missouri to answer questions and recruit boys and area volunteers interested in working with the local Cub Scout Pack.
The Cub Scout Pack is open to young boys in grades 1 through 5. Scouts and volunteers can participate with the organization and help promote moral, character, and skill development for young males and provide year-long activities and programming.
Cub Scouts typically meet weekly, have a great summer camp experience and provide many ways to “earn your way”, which lessens the financial burden on mom and dad.
Any boy interested in joining Cub Scouts should come to the park prepared to get WET! Parents will be required to fill out a short registration form and pay a small fee of only $25. This will include national dues, a Boys’ Life subscription, and the appropriate Cub Scout Handbook. Information and other costs, fundraising, uniform information, and volunteer opportunities will also be available.
Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri-The Dexter Kiwanis will hold its’ 1st four person golf scramble on Friday, August 23rd, at 1:00 p.m. The scramble will be a shotgun start at the Hidden Trails Country Club.
The entry fee is $50 per player and this includes the green fees and a meal after the scramble
Flights and Pay Outs are determined the day of the scramble
Hole Sponsorships will be $100
Carts should be reserved through John Barge, Hidden Trails Country Club at 573-624-3638
Mail Registration and Payment should be addressed to:
Bill Aslin or Kevin Bishop
In care of Southern Bank
P.O. Box 216
Dexter, MO 63841
The Dexter Kiwanis support many local organizations. These organizations include: Boy Scouts (the Scout Bus and co-maintain the bus with the Methodist Church), Boys State, Daily Statesman SOS, Dexter Project Prom, Dexter Public Schools (school supplies), the Dexter Senior Center, Girl Scouts, Girls State, Goodwill Games, Kiwanis Key Leader Program, Mother-to-Mother, Offer two $1,000 scholarships, Shop With A Hero, Special Olympics, Stoddard County Gospel Mission, Trunk or Treat, UCAN, and many others as funds permit.
For more information call Bill Aslin or Kevin Bishop at 573-624-5525
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
Everyone is invited to enjoy as there will be lots of crafts, foods, artistic demonstrations, business displays, information booths and live music!
You won't want to miss this fun filled day. For more information please contact Donna West at 624-5141.
Written by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Wappapello Lake- Wappapello Lake is sponsoring a Mobility Impaired Modern Gun Deer Hunt on October 19 and 20, 2013, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation and the national Wild Turkey Federation. Applications are being accepted through August 30, 2013. The drawing will be conducted on September 3, 2013. Applicants must be at least 11 years of age and have a permanent physical condition that severely impairs their mobility, such as paralysis or amputation of lower extremities, and requires the assistance of a wheelchair, braces, crutches or similar aids of mobility.
First-time applicants must also provide a letter from a physician to verify the applicant's physical condition that severely impairs their mobility without proper assistance. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Hunters will be selected by random drawing for the two-day hunt to be conducted at various locations. Successful applicants will be notified by mail and a list of five alternates will be drawn in the event that some hunters are not able to attend after being selected.
Applicants must possess a valid Missouri managed firearms deer hunting permit for the Wappapello Lake Mobility Impaired Hunt. Hunters will be permitted to have an assistant in the blind during the hunt, but guides and assistants will not be permitted to possess firearms or other killing devices. Hunters and their assistants are restricted to the blind area only and may not hunt outside these parameters. Missouri hunter education certification requirements are applicable. The hunter and their guide or assistant must wear a solid blaze orange vest and hat at all times while hunting in the blind and during ingress and egress of the hunting area.
For applications or further information on the event, stop by or contact the Wappapello Lake Project Office at (573) 222-8562. E-mail inquiries may be directed to Jeremy.W.Jackson@usace.army.mil.