Written by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Dexter, Missouri - The local chapter of Rotary International sponsors the Rotary Interact Club, which is primarily for students who are ages 14 – 18 and are attending high school. Any Stoddard County student may join and are encouraged to attend monthly meetings. At the first meeting of the new school year, Dexter, Richland, and Bloomfield students make up the mix that will represent Rotary Interact.
Dexter Rotarians, Jay Rodgers, Dee Loflin, and Dan Talkington were on hand as they are Committee Members from the local chapter.
Dan Talkington discussed the history of Rotary and how this organization is somewhat different from other clubs as it is self-governed and requires a great deal of commitment by the students to accomplish so many wonderful projects throughout the year.
"We give everyone a scholarship in this club if you meet the criteria," stated Talkington. "You must be a Rotary Interact member your Junior and Senior year, attain 60% attendance, and participate in 2/3 of the activities throughout the year. There is the Stoddard County Fair, a couple of fundraisers and a Chili Supper in January that all require your participation."
Elections were also held and the new officers are Kendra Stevenson, President; Jacob Miller, Vice-President; and Kerigan Brady, Secretary. Students also voted on a set meeting time each month and learned about making motions and voting as a group. Kendra and Jacob are both seniors this year and Kerigan is a sophomore. Congratulations to all three!
The students have chosen to meet at the Evangelical Free Church on the north outer road on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m. All students are encouraged to attend.
Why join Interact? It is simple, “Service Above Self”. It is Rotary’s foremost guiding principle for the entire world. The Interact Club’s service projects are designed to improve the quality of life at home and abroad. These projects often address today’s most critical issues, such as violence, drug abuse, AIDS, hunger, the environment, and illiteracy.
Each Interact club is required to complete at least two major service projects annually, one to serve the community and another to promote international understanding. Each should involve all or most of the members of the club.
If you would like to join the Rotary Interact club follow them on their Facebook page or contact a Rotary Interact member!
Next meeting is Sunday, September 8th at 4:00 p.m.