Dexter, Missouri - The Lunch Box, a Meals on Wheels Active Adult Center located at 23 W. Stoddard St. is seeking a self-motivated, team player to join their team!
They prepare over 200 meals for homebound senior citizens Monday thru Friday, and also a daily meal for those individuals who are able to get out and spend time with friends in our center.
Individuals need cooking experience, plenty of energy, the ability to work Monday - Friday 7 hours a day and be able to lift and carry 50 lbs. Also this person must work both individually without supervision and as a part of a team.
If interested apply at The Lunch Box, 23 W. Stoddard St. in Dexter. For questions call 573.624.7234.

Multi-family INDOOR Yard Sale on Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th at the Activity Building behind First General Baptist Church in Dexter from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location is 27 East Castor Street in Dexter.
Items include clothing (boys: NB-2T, and 12/Large), (girls: NB-5/6), (Men’s: L-XL; shoes 11-12), (Women’s: S-L, shoes 8-10), kid’s toys and books, Little Tike car, 2 tricycles, Hot Wheels car collection and multiple piece track set, bedspreads, pictures/frames, home decor, craft items, crib/toddler mattress, formal dresses and much more!

Bloomfield, Missouri - Multi-family Garage Sale on Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. both days.
Garage Sale is located at 508 and 510 Christian Drive in Bloomfield.
Items included: Ralph Lauren Men’s Long Sleeve Shirts (L), Men’s Dockers 38x34, Men’s dress pants 38x34, Leather Jackets, Boys coats, Baby clothes, Umbrella Baby Stroller, Dishes, Pots and Pans, Misc Household Items, 2 Chairs, and Dog Ramp.
CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS! Take Hwy 25 to East Missouri St.; go north on Reed St. then right on Christian Drive.