Local News
Indoor Yard Sale at Activity Bldg Behind First General Baptist Church
September 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Multi-family INDOOR Yard Sale on Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th at the Activity Building behind First General Baptist Church in Dexter from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location is 27 East Castor Street in Dexter.
Items include clothing (boys: NB-2T, and 12/Large), (girls: NB-5/6), (Men’s: L-XL; shoes 11-12), (Women’s: S-L, shoes 8-10), kid’s toys and books, Little Tike car, 2 tricycles, Hot Wheels car collection and multiple piece track set, bedspreads, pictures/frames, home decor, craft items, crib/toddler mattress, formal dresses and much more!
Last Updated on September 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin