Local Schools

2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Rylee Cochran
October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin
2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Rylee Cochran

The Dexter High School honored their graduating athletes at the annual Fall Senior Night during the pre-game of the Bearcats vs Scott City Rams football game on Friday, October 25, 2024.  Each graduating athlete will be recognized in a separate article.

Rylee Cochran is the son of Cari Long and Josh Cobb.

He is a four year member of the football team.

His future plans are to attend realtor school, earn his real estate license and get rich selling properties!

His most memorable football moment was from his junior year when Coach Jamerson stared freestyle rapping on the bus coming back from East Prairie.

Last Updated on October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Zach Billingsley
October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin
2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Zach Billingsley

The Dexter High School honored their graduating athletes at the annual Fall Senior Night during the pre-game of the Bearcats vs Scott City Rams football game on Friday, October 25, 2024.  Each graduating athlete will be recognized in a separate article.

Zach Billingsley is the son of Amy Martin and Darren Martin.

He is a three year member of the football team.

Zach is active in Future Business Leaders of America.

His future plans after high school graduation is join the workforce.

Zach's most memorable football moment was competing against Garrett Coons for two years in practice.

Last Updated on October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Nolan Alford
October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin
2024 DHS Fall Senior Night Featuring Nolan Alford

The Dexter High School honored their graduating athletes at the annual Fall Senior Night during the pre-game of the Bearcats vs Scott City Rams football game on Friday, October 25, 2024.  Each graduating athlete will be recognized in a separate article.

Nolan Alford is the son of Bob and Angela Alford and is a three year member of the football team.

He plans to continue playing football at the collegiate level after high school graduation.

His most memorable football moment was his first touchdown against Scott City his sophomore year.

Last Updated on October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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PBHS Students Named to 2024 All-District Choir
October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin
PBHS Students Named to 2024 All-District Choir

Fourteen Poplar Bluff High School students have been named to the 2024 Missouri Choral Directors Association All-District Choir.


A total of 19 choral students auditioned on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Cape Central High School against educational institutions throughout Southeast Missouri. The audition consisted of a solo component – preparing an art song for a panel of judges, and sight-reading – identifying key signatures and performing a melody.


Representing PBHS in the 9th/10th grade choir will be: Alexis Agee, Kate Harris and Jazlynn LeGrand in the soprano section; Dalton Rommel as tenor; and Bryden McElhaney – bass. Participating in the 11th/12th grade choir will be: Victoria Conover, Cheyann Downing and Gabby Rushing in the soprano section; Frances Nelson and Virginiagrace Vandewarker as altos, Andrew Noble – tenor; and Elijah Bosch, Cayden Innes and Avain Pettigrew in the bass section.


The concert will take place on Saturday, Nov. 9, in Cape Girardeau. Families, friends and educators are encouraged to attend. Upperclassmen will be eligible to additionally try out for the All-State Choir.

(Back row, from left) Jazlynn LeGrand, Victoria Conover, Bryden McElhaney, Elijah Bosch, Virginiagrace Vandewarker and Andrew Noble; and (front row, left to right) Alexis Agee, Cheyann Downing, Gabby Rushing, Avain Pettigrew, Cayden Innes, Frances Nelson and Kate Harris.

Photo and article by Tim Krakowiak, Communications Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on October 29th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - October 15, 2024 - Several Policies Updated
October 18th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - October 15, 2024 - Several Policies Updated
Regular Board Meeting Notes
October 15, 2024
12:00 PM-Regular Board Meeting

1,2,3. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge:  

The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members, with Mr. Aaron Mathis, Mr. Ron Glaus, and Mrs. Bonnie Howard being absent.  The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

4.  Consent Agenda:  The consent agenda was approved.

5.  Public Comments:  There were no registered guests.  


6.  Old Business:  

A.     The September MCE policy update was approved.  The following policies will be updated.  The full policy may be viewed on the district website.  

Policy and Regulation 1210-School Year and School Day:

The legislative enactment sets out the minimum number of 

school days on a 5 and 4 day school week.  It also modifies how 

make-up days are utilized beginning July 1, 2026, sets 

requirements for a district moving from a five to four-day school 

week.  Finally, on July 1, 2026, incentives will be provided for

districts with a five day school week.  

Policy 2220-Compulsory Attendance Age:

This change allows the Superintendent/designee to determine 

that a student’s disabilities limit their ability to attend school, 

those days absent will be excused.  

Regulation 2310-Student Attendance:

Here the legislature provided students who are subpoenaed to 

testify in a criminal proceeding, participation in the preparation 

for a criminal proceeding, or attending the proceeding will not be

found in violation of the district’s attendance policy.  

Policy 2340-Truancy and Educational Neglect:

The policy update reflects adding greater focus on truancy.  The

corresponding regulation has been deleted. 

Regulation 2785-Student Suicide Awareness:

The legislature has increased the information contained on the 

student ID cards which relate to suicide prevention resources.  

Policy 3470-Average Daily Attendance -Early Childhood 


This policy increases the total number of 3-5 year olds that can 

be included in the district’s calculation of ADA from 4%-8%.  

Policy 4130-Certified Staff Contracts:

The legislature has expanded the “Visiting Scholar Program.”  

The changes allow individual holders of Visiting Scholars 

Certificates to renew their certificates if certain conditions are


Regulation 4221-Support Staff Duties, Schedules, Working 


The Federal government recently released new rules which, 

among other things, increase the annual compensation test to 

determine whether a worker is exempt under the Fair Labor 

Standards Act.  Optional Update.

Policy 4505-Salary Schedules:

Here, the legislature has allowed district to utilize differentiated 

salary schedules to facilitate retention of teachers in “Hard to 

Staff Schools” and “Hard to Staff Subject Areas”, as those terms

are defined in the policy.  

Policy 4506-New Policy-Minimum Teacher Salary:

The legislature increased the minimum teacher salaries for 

25-26, 26-27, and 27-28.  In the school year 28-29 and 

thereafter salaries will be increased using a formula based on the 


Policy 4515-Career Ladder:

The career Ladder Program is expanded to allow payments for

teachers preparing career ladder tasks that do not require a 

teaching certificate.  The changes also waive the 2-year eligibility

requirement for certain members of the Armed Forces.  

Regulation 4515-Career Ladder:

Changes were made to reflect the expansion of activities eligible

for compensation.  Specifically, crediting teachers for mentoring 

students and teachers.  The change also allows teachers to 

receive payments for activities that do not require a teaching 


Policy 4560-Employee Post Retirement Option (Title  


The change allows retired employees to receive up to 50% of the 

actual salary for the position filled. 

Policy 5550-Meal Charges:

A new section has been added as required by the Department of 

Agriculture.  The change adds a new subsection for collection of 

unpaid meal charges.  

Policy 6121-Holocaust Education:

Two years ago, the legislature mandated Holocaust Education 

with DESE to provide guidelines.  The policy reflects the DESE

guidelines.  Optional Update.  

Regulation 6190-Less Than Full-Time Virtual Education:

The virtual provider is required to provide the district with 

progress reports for its students.  

Policy 6191-Virtual Education-Full-Time Equivalent:

The legislative changes require parents seeking to enroll in a 

full-time virtual program must enroll with the virtual provider.  

In addition, the legislative changes require the districts to 

collaborate with the host district to implement the enrollment

policy to include financial terms for the local district expense 


Regulation 6191-Virtual Education-Full-Time Equivalent:

This change requires the virtual provider to provide 

parents/guardians with regular student progress reports.

7.  New Business: 

A.  The board approved the 2023-2024 audit report.  

B.  The board approved the 2024-2025 bus routes.  

C.  The board approved the 2023-2024 A+ report.  

D. The board approved the curriculum handbook updates.   


8.  Discussion Items: The following items were discussed with the board:

A.  Mrs. Carmode reviewed district testing data and the growth model with the board.  

B.  The nurses' reports were provided to the board.  

C.  The building reports were provided to the board.    

D.  The superintendent report and CSIP update was provided to the board.  

Superintendent Report October 2024

E.  The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m.  

In Closed Session:  

1.  The board approved the following substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year:

Krista Stafford

Whitney Barnes

Daisy Cochran


2. The board approved the following transfers for the 2024-2025 school year:

Laci Eaton-Transfer to EC. 

3.  The board approved the hiring of the following individuals for the 2024-2025 school year, 

pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification:

Christy Vaughn-Paraprofessional at middle school.  

4.  The following items were discussed with the board:

Long Range Planning/Bond Issue 2025 Update.

MSBA Scholarship-Board nominations

Simbli-board meeting software.

    Items at the Conclusion of Executive Session

    There were no items to be considered.  

    Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2-

    1. I provided an informational handout regarding Amendment 2.  I’ve been asked multiple times if this will be financially beneficial for public schools.  I’ve asked lots of questions about Amendment 2 and here is my take; it may or may not increase funding for Missouri schools.  I do notice that “public schools” is NOT in the language.  History shows us that similar amendments may have sent money to Missouri schools but it was not in addition to funds already received.  The amount generated from gambling was deducted from other revenue sources.  This resulted in a wash for our local school districts.  I don’t believe that Amendment 2 has anything to do with funding for public schools.  

    Last Updated on October 18th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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