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Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting - Monday, June 10, 2024
June 13th 2024 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Commissioner Meeting - Monday, June 10, 2024

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the regularly scheduled weekly meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for all the emergency workers clearing storm damage, the sheriff's depart and their deputies, and the National Guard who are currently overseas protecting us.

Dave Cooper, Water District #5

"Our leaks started on Friday about 4:30 p.m.," commented Cooper. "We searched until 10 p.m. looking for this leak.  About 7 a.m. on Saturday morning we starting looking again. We also consuleed with MO Rural Water."    

"A slight detection in the creek and in the process found out it was in the creek," continued Cooper. "So they got excavators and such to clear the brush and get to the leak.  They then used a 2 inch pipe, but it blew twice and effected people down stream.  This is in the Sherwood Forest area. We are now going to use a 3" pipe."

This lead has effected six customers where the break is and they have been inconvenienced fro about 72 hours.  Unfortunately on Sunday, the rains hampered the work efforts.

"Our plan as of last night (Sunday) is to bore underneath that creek and replace it with a 3" line and get a new type of part in Cape Girardeau today and repair the leak," stated Cooper.

"Financially we have been able to get our reserve up to around $50k and this one repair may take half of this," Cooper said.  "If it had not been for your help with the ARPA funds this would have ended us as a water district."

Mathis suggested since we have cases of water left over from our recent donation from the tornado damage that water can be distributed to the area resident.  He will contact Beau Bishop, Stoddard County EMA Director to get water to those families.

Water District #5 has recently hired an employee, Zach Carmack, and is doing maintenance and repairs for the district.  Prior to his hiring there had been zero maintenance in the water district for years.

A boil water may be advised, but Cooper said they will post on Facebook.  The Community has been very supportive and really haven't had any complaints.

Doug Lowery, Duck Creek Township

The Commission has asked the Townships if they had any road damage due to the recent storms and the Commission might be able to help using ARPA funds.  Duck Creek Township has been hit hard with water damaging gravel roads.  Lowery submitted a letter to the commission requesting $12,500 in ARPA funds to offset the major expenses of rock and hauling to repair the roads from the recent storms. 

"We estimate expenses to be at least $30 to $35,000 dollars to repair 13 country roads with about 77 loads of gravel," stated Lowery.

The Commission also received a request from New Lisbon Township in the amount of $26,240 for ARPA funds to repair 18 county roads.

The Commissioners are waiting to see if any other township puts in a request for gravel before they approve these two requests.

Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission

She stopped in to see if there was any new requests for ARPA funds.  There were none except the two from the townships for gravel.

SB40 Board of Directors

A letter was received from Josh Hester that he has resigned from the SB40 Board of Directors.

Patty Holloway has been recommend to be on the board per Peter Coutavas, IDA Director.

The Commissioner did not make a decision as they may need to published the opening in the local paper first before appointing a new board member.

Carl Hefner, Stoddard County Sheriff and Andy Holden, Stoddard County Sheriff's Office Requesting Support for a Jail Navigator

Jason Cowell and Lucas Alday will start in August to the Law Enforcement Academy and will work for the Sheriff's Department for three years.  They will complete the academy in December and have signed their contract to work at the sheriff's department as new deputies.

Seth Goins who just graduated is now on the road as a deputy and doing well at the Sheriff's Department.  

"Jail Navigator works thru the mental Health Department and a lot of people we have in jail now have mental health issues," stated Carl Hefner.

"We are 1 of 5 Sheriff's offices up to get a Jail Navigator in southeast Missouri," stated Hefner. "We have the new facilities and the best in the area."

Hefner had a letter prepared requesting the Jail Navigator. 

"As the County Commission of Stoddard County, we are writing this letter in support of a Jail Navigator being placed at the Stoddard County Jail in Bloomfield, Missouri.  Our county jail has an average daily population of approximately 100 inmates.  The County Commissioners believe that having a Jail Navigator to work directly with detainees within our jail will provide an opportunity to evaluate, support and provide mental health interventions services to offenders in a timely manner."

"According to Carl Hefner, the sheriff of Stoddard County, nearly 30% of citizens within our jail are affected by mental/behavioral health issues and lack the ability to properly manage the effects.  Utilizing a trained mental health specialist in the position of Jail Navigator will not only be beneficial to the detainee, but society in general.  This would allow a trusting relationship outside of law enforcement to be built and continued to ensure the best mental health outcome for individuals.  In return this would hopefully result in a reduction of repeat offenders due to mental/behavioral health issues.

Against, as a county commission, we write in strong support of providing a Jail Navigator position within our county.  The benefits that can be reached by providing proper mental health intervention are endless and in high need within our jail system."

Bootheel Counseling would provide the Jail Navigator services. 

Motion to signs off on this letter of support of adding a Jail Navigator to the Stoddard County Jail made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed. 

Hefner stated he wanted to know why the ShowMe Times didn't put photos on Facebook of his people volunteering inside the city limits of Dexter after the storm damage occurred.  Mrs. Loflin, owner of the ShowMe Times stated that she did not see his crew out on Ray Street and also asked why didn't he call her or text her to let her know there were photos on his Facebook page etc.  Mrs. Loflin also stated she does not look at Facebook all day, but is constantly posting and working on the website.  Any individual that wants to spotlight their accomplishments or promote an event should just call or text or email and she will post.  She also further said she would go to the Sheriff's Facebook page and grab the photos and post during the meeting.

Hefner said, "We bought some extra chain saws and oil etc to use next time when and if this happens again.  We were first on the ground in the city of Dexter cutting up trees and clearing streets.  Our guys volunteered to help cut and clear limbs."

"t was a Sunday morning and I wasn't going to call people in, but they called me and jumped at the chance to volunteer their time and help those in need."

Hefner purchased $1,410.96 for equipment used during the storm recovery efforts.

Stoddard County Sheriff's Department delivered a truck load of water to residents of Penermon and Essex.  Two more pallets were delivered to the County today and will be used for some of the folks without water in Water District #5.

The Stoddard County Sheriff is purchasing a new van and will need an insert for the back of the van to hold the inmates.  A bid must be done therefore it will be placed in the newspaper with a bid opening date of July 8, 2024 at 10 a.m. in the Commissioners office.

Other Business:

A cleaning individual has been hired for the Stoddard County offices and will begin on June 24, 2024.  

Motion to approve the County Road 752 bridge replacement out of the BRO Program in the amount of $2,863.37 to Smith & Co. for engineering and design services made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion pays $4,540.01 to Smith & Co. for 766 bridge replacement out of the BRO Program made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

"I have had quite a bit of input on SB190 with regards to Tax Cuts for the Elderly." commented Mathis.

"We will have a vote on the SB190 on Monday, June 17, 2024," Mathis said. Both Jarrell and Stewart were good with voting next week.  If you have questions or input please contact your Commissioner as soon as possible.  

Motion to amend June 3, 2024 minutes for a correction on the minutes from $35,000 to $3,500 for the city of Puxico for repeaters for their police cars.  We will approve the minutes next week after the correction is made," stated Mathis.  Motion by commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell.  Al three voted yes and motion passed.      

Motion to approve the Adds and Abates for May 2024 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Motion to close the meeting made at 11:43 a.m. made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell.  All three voted yes and motion passed.

Last Updated on June 13th 2024 by Dee Loflin

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