Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis opened the regularly scheduled Commission meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer over the 1221st Transportation Unit who lost one of their own, Mr. Landewee, his family, the county employees and emergency management and first responders.
Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector, Agreement with Puxico Tax Collections
"The City of Puxico reached out to me a few weeks ago" commented Speakman. "Bloomfield, Essex and Bernie have already done so and I presented to them the ability to collect taxes for the city.
"The governing body of both the city and the county have to bless this agreement before I can move forward," continued Speakman. "The city of Puxico voted yes at their last meeting and now I am asking the Commission to agree to the arrangement."
This is an agreement between Josh Speakman, acting as Collector and the City. He would receive a 1099 at the end of the year and the County receives 1% to go to general revenue.
Motion Stoddard County Commission accepts the agreement between the Collector and the city of Puxico made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Drainage District with Clean-up on #13-33 and Ditch 14
"We are asking that MoDOT divert or consider diverting the water from the swamp low lying area down the north size of Hwy 25 going southwest to ditch 13-33 and 14. The highway ditch is already established, but would need excavated deeper to make this happen," stated Speakman.
"This area of issue, along Hwy 25 has been an existing issue for some time now, with water levels consistent and on the edge of the road that seems to remain and higher than normal levels of rlonger than normal periods of time."
Stoddard County has invested nearly $100,000 dollars on the ditch cleanup project on the north end of the county.
Speakman is spearheading this request. This would be in Little River Drainage system. No motion was made today.
SB190 Tax Credit for the Elderly
"I had two questions about the application," commented Speakman. "One is whether or not to put the Social Security number on the application and if it has to be notarized or not. The ball is in your court (referring to the Commission) as to the decision on these two matters."
Mathis stated they would look at the application and decide next week.
Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk - Election Update
Only 11 people have voted in the office thus far for the Primary in August. Absentee voting began on June 25th.
"In the last Presidential election the turnout was low for the August primary," commented Weeks. "Only 7,032 people voted in Stoddard County, that's only 36% turnout."
July 24th is the last day to request an Absentee Ballot by mail. You can come up to the government building in Bloomfield and get an Absentee Ballot.
The Saturday prior to the Primary the County Clerk's office will be open all day and on Monday, August 5th will be open until 5 p.m. so people can come in and vote.
Johnson Grass in Liberty Township
Mr. Mathis had received a call from a citizen regarding Johnson Grass in Liberty Township. He contacted someone on the board and they stated that they had already sprayed once and have some additional chemicals on order. They are behind due to picking up the limbs from the storm damage in May.
Dee Loflin, owner of the ShowMe Times asked about the Johnson Grass Board. There are three members on the board and their terms expired in December of 2023. The Commission appoints the board members and typically the Dept of Agriculture sends a reminder letter. No further action was taken at this time.
Scenic Byway Update
All Commissioners have looked over the information and letter received. Mathis said they can possibly get a public meeting set for July 19th.
Peter Coutavas, City of Puxico Alderman, stated that the city will discuss at their regular meeting next week on Thursday, July 18th at 6 p.m. He will discuss the byway coming through Puxico.
Air Conditioner at the IDA Building, owned by the County
Presiding Commissioner Mathis said that the IDA paid $900 to put freon in and there is still a slow leak. He has spoken to Alisha Trammell, Treasuer and Peter Coutavas, Director of the IDA. During the Commission meeting he stated that he has spoken to William Dowdy, Maintenance, who will get some specs on the unit. This will need to be bid out since it will be over $12,000.
The Community Center in Bloomfield, Missouri Grand Opening
Kerri Standley attend the meeting on behalf of the city of Bloomfield and invited everyone to attend a ribbon cutting. The city of Bloomfield received a $2 million dollar CDB Grant to building the new Community Center next to the city park.
On Friday, July 12th there will be a ribbon Cutting at 5 p.m. and then an open house from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Center is located at 808 S. Prairie St. Refreshments will be served.
10:00 a.m. Bid Opening for Transport Van Insert
Motion to enter into Bid Opening at 10:22 a.m. by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Then only bid that was presented was from Public Safety Upfitters in the amount of $19,224.00 out of Fenton, Missouri for the vent adapter and insert of the transport van.