Stoddard County Commission meeting began the weekly Monday morning meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Presiding Commissioner Mathis also praised the Advance Lady Hornets on their bid to the Final Four in volleyball as well as Puxico and Dexter Cross Country Teams headed to state.
Dale Moreland, 527A Closing in Castor Township
"We tore out that bridge and put some fill in it," Moreland stated. "Don contacted me and wants to maintain that bridge. He is wanting to put a gate about 100 feet past that bridge."
Motion to close a portion of 527A, 100 feet west of the bridge which is his property line that goes into Donnie Foster's property made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner C.D.Stewart. All three voted yes and the motion passed.
John MCarty and 2024 Health Insurance Rates with Arch Brokerage Inc.
We had a 79 percent of premium vs claims which is slightly under the 80% goal," McCarty stated. "We have coordinated with SoutheastHEALTh to get a better deal and we did get a better deal in my opinion.
"One of the differences is the Lab Work. There is $0 co-pay for the going to SoutheastHEALTH vs having a deductible/coinsurance with the base plan with Healthlink," McCarty said.
There is a 4.51% decrease in premium costs which is good for the County," continued McCarty. "Premiums for the 2023 were $254,781.00 and for 2024 will be 213,220 a savings of $41,560.00 in 2024. This is a self-insured plan," per McCarty.
"You all are putting more money back into the insurance bucket vs what is going out in premium costs," stated McCarty. "We went on to say that next year it may hurt the county depending on the claims and so forth and being year three of the plan."
Though the contract ends in 2023 the Commission opted not to bid out the insurance for 2024 and stay with the current employee health insurance with Arch Brokerage, Inc. The Commission does not have to bid each year per MO State Statute 67.150 and 376.696.
67.150. Insurance for elected officials and employees, political subdivision may contribute - contracting procedure. - The governing body of any political subdivision may utilize the revenues and other available funds of the subdivision, as a part of the compensation of the elected officials and employees of the subdivision, to contribute to the cost of a plan, including a plan underwritten by insurance, for furnishing all or part of hospitalization or medical expenses, life insurance or similar benefits for the subdivision's elected officials and employees. If any county elects to provide a plan for furnishing all or part of hospitalization or medical expenses, such plan shall include all elected officials, if any elected officials are to be covered.
No contract shall be entered into by the governing body of the political subdivision to purchase any insurance policy or policies pursuant to the terms of this section unless the contract is submitted to competitive bidding at least every three years and the contract is awarded to the lowest and best bidder.
376.696. Political subdivisions purchasing any insurance policies to submit to competitive bidding, when — renewal between bidding periods deemed extension. — Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, no contract shall be entered into by the governing body of any political subdivision to purchase any insurance policy or policies unless the contract is submitted to competitive bidding at least every six years and the contract is awarded to the lowest or best bidder. The renewal of any insurance policy during any period between submissions of the contract to competitive bidding shall not constitute a separate and distinct contract for the time covered by the renewal but shall be treated only as an extension of an existing contract.
Motion to accept the $35,000 County Deducible Stop Loss and the $500 deductible for Tier 1 and a $1500 deductible for Tier 2, and a $4,000 for Tier 3 on the 3-Tier Medical Plan 2024 Health Insurance as presented by Arch Brokerage, Inc. made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell and seconded by Commissioner C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and the motion passed.
Peter Coutavas, IDA
The Ghost Coffee Shop will be opening soon. The Wildflower Boutique is open and going. "I have exhausted my budget helping with repairs for them," commented Coutavas.
"Can the County replace the hot water heater? I have reached my budget helping the boutique and the coffee shop," stated Coutavas. Mathis said since the County owned the building and they are renting from the County and Coutavas already had someone working on the building to just get the hot water replaced and give the bill to the County.
New 2-Hour Parking Signs in Downtown Bloomfield
Mayor of Bloomfield Mr. Bill Aslin called and told Mr. Mathis that the city is placing 2-Hour parking signs up in downtown Bloomfield. If they park there on a long term basis they will be ticketed; however there will be a grace period before the ticketing will begin. This is due to the number of new businesses coming to downtown Bloomfield and the lack of parking when court is in session as well as the number of employees working in the County offices.
Close-out of the CDBG Grant with Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Motion to set November 13, 2023 for a Public Hearing for the closing/deobligation of the CDBG grant dealing with broadband at 10 a.m. made by Commissioner Carol Jarrell, seconded by C.D. Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Important Dates to Remember for the County Offices
Veterans Day is November 11th, Saturday
The County offices will be closed on Friday, November 10th
Thanksgiving on November 23rd
The County offices will be closed on November 24th and 25th.
Christmas on December 25th
The County offices will be closed on December 25th and 26th. The Stoddard County Commission will meet on December 27th and again on December 29th to do year end.
MoDOT Bridge and Road Signage
The Commission received a list of county roads from MoDOT in need of new signage to replace worn or broken signs. Mathis said MoDOT said some of the townships have not replaced the signs. There are about 11 signs that need replacing. The Commission has been asked to make contact with the Townships.
Water District #2 - ARPA Funding
Water District #2 has been approved for around !00k in ARPA funds for water meter replacement. They have yet to fill out and return the Distribution Agreement with Bootheel Regional Planning Commission. They have also hired an attorney out of Sikeston to represent them in obtaining such ARPA Funds.
Motion to accept the Regular Meeting Minutes from October 16th made by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the Closed Session Minutes from October 16th by Commissioner Jarrell and seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the Regular Meeting Minutes from October 23rd made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the Closed Session Minutes from October 23rd made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to enter in closed session to discuss personnel issues at 11:00 a.m. Monday, October 30th made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.