The Stoddard County Commission meeting began with Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Water District #4 - Board members present Clarence Smith and Oscar Tallmage, Water Superintendent David Tarkington and concerned citizen Randy Long (former board member)
Randy Long, customer and concerned citizen, had put in a second request of $253,000 in ARPA funding in April while he was a board member.
"The original water lines were put in around 1974," commented Long. "We are trying to replace all the old water lines, a new pump house and a well. We applied for a USDA loan in March 2021 and had $1.57 million available. The original pump and well went up in price in the two years it took the USDA to get the loan to us. In order to finish the 6" water lines on AD we need that money. If we get this $253,000 will get us pretty close to doing all of AD."
"We contacted your engineer, John Chittenden, Waters Engineering, on Tuesday during a work session," commented Mathis. "He told the Commissioners that the water district did not need that $253,000 so we cut agreed to cut that ARPA money and give to others."
Clarence Smith, President of Water District #4 Board, stated, "Our board disagrees and John didn't have the authority to take away what we as a board asked for, not him."
Commissioner C.D. Stewart also commented, "As we looked to make cuts and kide of distributed the money across the county and I think each water district got some monies and I think we have distributed the money fairly."
Water District #4 did get previously approved for $247,000, but are not approved for their second request of $253,000 in ARPA funds.
The Commissioners made other cuts as well during their work session as over 7 million in requests were made; however they only have 5.2 million in APRA funds to distribute. The funds were distributed based on their decision and need and not in the order the requests were made over the past two years.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Castor Township - Dale Moreland came in and signed the contract, still need the Commissioners' signature on the contract now. He brought in bid specs, advertisement twice in the paper, meeting minutes to accept Causey Asphalt. The ARPA funds approved were for $200,000.
Motion to sign the ARPA Funds contract between Castor Township and the Commission made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All voted yes and motion passed.
"Duck Creek Township has all their paperwork in order as well," stated Lambert.
Motion to sign the ARPA Funds contract between Duck Creek Township and the Commission made by Commission Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All voted yes and motion passed.
Dave Wyman, City of Dexter
"We brought the change of the agreement last week to the meeting and a letter would need to be drafted showing that we are not bidding out the meters, but utilizing a sole source procurement," stated Wyman. "The city is still honoring their commitment to the hotel project and will be paying for the water and sewer project out of the city's finances."
The city did review the plans for the hotel, all 100 pages and found them to be in good order. Lambert from the BRPC did send the letter to the attorney and it is sufficient for the sole source procurement.
Wyman is taking the city of Dexter contract to the Mayor Banken to get his signature, now that the Commissioners have signed it as well.
Motion to allow the City of Dexter to change their ARPA request from the hotel water and sewer project to the purchase of ultrasonic water meters in the amount of $800,000 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
City of Bell City - David Scherer
" According to Ray Patterson, the original owner, he had the tanks removed and the dirt tested and the area refilled," stated Scherer. Scherer is waiting on the paperwork to show proof it was done so they can build on top of it.
"We took $50,000 off the Bell City ARPA request during our work session on Tuesday," stated Mathis. "This now takes your request down to $203,170.00.
Motion to approve a request for the Bell City Fire Department for $203,170.00 in ARPA funds made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Scherer stated he would get the process started by putting bids in the paper and getting with Mrs. Lambert to start the procurement process.
Water District #5
Paperwork for $15,864.00 of requests from the ARPA funds was submitted by David Cooper to Mrs. Lambert last week.
Motion to approve the payment of $15,864.00 request for Water District #4 made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Water District #2 - Bill Knoderer, Donnie Wondel, and Dan Schlosser
Water District #2 requested $115,460 in ARPA funds.
Motion to approve the approval of $115,460.00 in APRA funds for meter replacements for Water District #2 made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Mr. Knoderer will get with Mrs. Lambert on the procurement procedures.
City of Essex
Motion to approve the funding for $50,000 in ARPA funds to the city of Essex for their street project by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
There was $428,000 in ARPA funds were originally requested by his predecessor. There were certain radios that were being needed. "We have discussed decreasing the funds to only a few radios distributed throughout the county. Advance bought enough for their city, Dexter and Bloomfield also have some radios as they are $6,800 a piece basically," stated Stewart.
Motion $62,981.59 and not the $428,000 originally requested in ARPA funds to the Stoddard County EMA to purchase radios made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion was passed.
City of Bloomfield
No update on where the city of Bloomfield is at the current moment. They have requested $450,000 to replace water lines.
City of Advance
Motion to change in scope for the city of Advance from the Annexation to their Infiltration and Inflow Project made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
The contract for the $714,000 in ARPA funds requested was made available and the Commissioners are signing today.
Beau Bishop, EMA Director Quarterly Update
The EMPG 3rd Quarter Grant claims for the operating period of January 1, 2023 thru march 31 2023 were submitted and approved. On March 8, 2023 were reimbursed $8,170.57 for this claim.
The EMPG 4th Quarter Gran claims for the operating period of April 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2023 were submitted and approved. On August 21, 2023 were reimbursed $8,828.98 for this claim.
The reimbursement received from he FY2022 EMPG Grant Cycle (EM Salary, Benefits, Operating Expenses and Equipment) totaling $30,678.70.
FY2023 EMPG Grant was submitted July 26, 2023 with a projected Federal reimbursement of $36,882.17. We are currently waiting on Application approval.
Stoddard County has provided COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting services at multiple buildings owned by the county, to help protect the citizens and employees from the spread of COVID-19. From August 2022 thru December 2022, the county paid $14,523 for this service. From January 2023 thru May 11, 2023, the county paid $11,443.00 for this service. Stoddard County emergency Management filed for FEMA Public Assistance under FEMA - 4490 - DR-MO, which was made available to help recover costs for such activities.
For the August - December, 2022 period, we were reimbursed $13,070.70.
for the January-May 11, 2023 period, we were reimbursed $10,298.70
HMPG Siren Grant Update: Currently working through the States Procurement Process.
HMPG Generator Grant Update: Grant approval was received. Grant agreements have been signed by appropriate parties with original signatures on file at Stoddard County Emergency Management and SEMA. Beginning the Procurement Process.
June 7th - 9th Bishop attended the 2023 Central States Hazmat Preparedness Conference in Kansas City. As a direct result of the conference, currently working with the Bootheel LEPD to obtain a list from the Missouri Emergency Response Commission, of all registered Tier 2 facilities within the 8 county LEPD coverage and incorporate those locations into a mapping software for better situational awareness during a possible emergency situation that might impact those locations.
On August 1, 2023 we transitioned to NWS Chat 2.0 on the Slack Platform. NWS Chat is used by Emergency Managers, Law Enforcement, Fire, Media, etc. for direct communication to the National Weather Service during severe weather. the old NWS Chat was a stand alone product that was becoming old and outdated. The National Weather Service upgraded to the Slack platform which is web based and more robust than before. Another added benefit is the availability of the Slack app for mobile phones, so users can now have access to it from anywhere, not just a desktop or laptop computer.
Mr. Bishop will be attended the August 22nd - 25th Missouri State Emergency Management Conference in Columbia, Missouri and then August 30th - September 1st he will be attending the MFSMA Annual Conference at the Lake of the Ozark.
Motion to approve the August 14th regular meeting minutes made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes an emotion approved.
Motion to enter in closed session at 10:56 a.m. made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All there voted yes and motion passed.
The Commissioners will be back in session on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Government building in Bloomfield.

Route Z in Stoddard County Reduced for Pavement Repairs
Route Z in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform pavement repairs.
This section of roadway is located from Route W to County Road 789 near LaValle, Missouri.
Weather permitting, work will take place Monday, Aug. 28 through Thursday, Sept. 7 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.
For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODO

You never realize how much stuff is accumulated over the year, but this is an estate sale you don't want to miss out on Friday and Saturday in Bloomfield!
Located 700 Cate Drive, Bloomfield. Off J Highway just past the Bloomfield Schools, Reed Street
Hours 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday and Saturday
Items for sale - Lots of tools, collectables, (glassware, pictures, milk glass, crystal, lamps) some furniture (day bed, chest of drawers, rocking chair, coffee table, end table)
Don't miss your chance on these wonderful treasures!!

The weekly Commission meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for county officials and employees.
Dave Wyman, City of Dexter Administrator
He announced that he is aware of the Tyson plant closing in Dexter. There will be not only a loss of 683 jobs, but loss to poultry farmers as well. Wyman also stated that it will impact the community as well as people spending money and they will now have to find other jobs. A press release was also given to the media and has been posted on the ShowMe Times.
An estimate of $280,000 of personal property taxes that could be a loss to the county according to Josh Speakman, Stoddard County Collector/Treasurer. Bloomfield Schools and Dexter Schools are going to have an impact of roughly $85,000 total, more for Dexter than Bloomfield. The ambulance district might lose around $40,000. These numbers are only estimates at this time. This mostly due to the number of chicken houses in the area as well as Tyson closing. Trucking and even rice farms will be impacted to some degree due to shipping and rice hulls being used for chicken bedding.
Katelyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission is out sick today and will not be able to update the county on ARPA Funds.
Loyd Rice, GoSEMO Fiber presented a final draft for the Commissioners to sign regarding the APRA grant monies for the broadband. Still no approval on getting broadband passed for rural Puxico, but the Commission is getting close to signing.
Motion to approve $59, 557.15 to Duck Creek Township for ARPA funds made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed. This was for replacement of culverts as part of the structural expense from 2022-2023 as well as rock needed for rip rap and repairs to roads, employee labor, rental equipment expense and truck hauling expenses. Lambert had submitted all the necessary paperwork and the project was considered a good project to be reimbursed as they had requested earlier in the year.
Alan DeJournett from Pike Township dropped in to visit with the Commissioners. "We have a road west of Advance and we are wanting to get it re-blacked topped." He had a quote from one company. (All ARPA funds distribution requires a bid process). Mathis said he would give the request to Mrs. Lambert to get his name in the pot; however the funds are just about exhausted. Lambert will then get with him as to what the next steps are to continue the ARPA process.
Josh Speakman, County Collector/Treasurer
The tax season is quickly approaching. Would like to put in front of the building "30 minute" parking signs in November and December. The commission said he is ok to do that.
Air Quality Issue at the Justice Center Update
Mathis talked with the project manager of the crew who is cleaning and they should be done cleaning by this weekend. They are working nightly and no issues with the employees in regards to how the cleaning has been done thus far. No complaints from Stoddard County employees or office holders.
Water issue at the Wildflower Boutique (building is owned by the County and being rented out to a business owner) last week. Plumbers did come in and take care of that. They had to bust up concrete and repair the pipes. Both the new boutique and coffee shop are on the same water meter. They will need to be separated in the near future before the coffee shop opens up in downtown Bloomfield.
Peter Coutavas - Industrial Development Authority of Stoddard County Update
Due to a resignation of a board member, Mr. Coutavas has asked the Commission to approve Alisha Trammell (Director of Dexter Chamber of Commerce) as secretary/treasure to replace Janet Coleman on both the IDASC and the Stoddard County Foundation Board.
Motion accept the resignation of Janet Coleman, secretary/treasurer of the IDASC and the SCF and appoint Alisha Trammell made by Commissioner Jarrell and seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and passed.
Other Business
Motion to close the 2023 Board of Appeals made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted and motion passed.
Motion to approve the July 2023 Adds/Abates from Josh Speakman, Collector/Treasure made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to amend the July 31st Open Session Minutes that Gary Kitchen was resigning and it was actually Donna Deardorff that was resigning. The term ending is December 31, 2023. Motion to make the correction made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve July 31st Open Session Minutes made by Commission Stewart, Seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve July 31st Closed Session Minutes made by Commission Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to approve the July 24th Closed Session Minutes made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to accept the surveying invoice in the amount of $1,850.00 from Pullium Surveying for the county property that is being donated to the Stars and Stripes and the MO Veterans Cemetery made by Commissioner Jarrell, seconded by Commissioner Stewart. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to allow Mandy Clary, housekeeping, to get a Dollar General card and a Wal-Mart card to obtain cleaning supplies for the cleaning of the government buildings made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.
Roof top cooling unit control board has gone out according to Mr. William Dowdy, maintenance manager for the County buildings. He has a call into the company to look at it. This is over the Justice Center.
Motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to RSMo: Section: 610.021 (13) Personnel and RSMo: Section: 610:021 (01) Legal at 11:02 a.m.made by Commissioner Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Jarrell. All three voted yes and motion passed.

Today, Tyson Foods, announced the imminent closure of several food production plants across the Midwest, including the poultry production plants in Dexter.
According to Tyson res-tentative Jeff Wood, these closures are the result of several quarters of a struggling industry. This has forced the Tyson corporation to re-evaluate the asset utilization of its production plants. From a corporate standpoint, it makes sense to downsize the older plants and keep the bigger, newer plants.
The Dexter community has been home to an active poultry production industry since the 1890's and the current plant location has been active since the Swift Poultry Company opened in the 1930's. This loss will negatively affect the city's workforce, economy and the Dexter community as a whole. The closure is expected to impact 683 Tyson employees, as well as a vast network of chicken growers, farmers, truckers and more.
This plant closure comes from the corporate level, and local administration had no control over the decision. "We ned to remain positive about our local Tyson Management and local Tyson employees. They had zero input on the decision and we have enjoyed a tremendous relationship with them for years," Dave Wyman, City Administrator explains.
Recognizing that the Tyson facility is a significant part of the local economy, the city administration of Dexter will be focusing on how to encourage economic development following the shut-down. "We need to worry about the families here in town, and we need to be extremely smart about our expenses," said Wyman.
Tyson's current plan - which is subject to change - is to continue the current hatch and processing cycle, then clean everything and shut the plants down. They expect to lock the factory doors by October 13, 2023.