The Stoddard County Commissioners opened their weekly meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer for the community, Israel, and Mrs. Jarrell's husband, who is ill.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell will not be attending today as her husband is under the weather.
Katleyn Lambert, Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
Water District #5 requested additional approved funds in the amount of $5,563.23. Mrs. Lambert stated that all the paperwork was in order. They have $50,724.87 left of their approved ARPA funding.
Motion to pay PSWD #5 $5,563.23 for reimbursement on ARPA Funds for Project 1 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Mathis. Both voted yes and motion passed.
Updated spreadsheet available to the Commission.
According to the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission the Stoddard County Commission has available $188,943.04 not allocated to anyone. This is due to some interest and other projects that were not approved.
Daniel Kingree, Project Manger/Water with Horner Shifrin
"Just wanted to introduce myself as the Project Manager with Horner Shifrin," stated Kingree. "We would like to be able to help in any way we can to assist on projects."
They have had an office since 2012; however have never bid on any Stoddard County projects that anyone could remember. There are three engines and about 150 employees. They work with water, waste water, and road repair projected.
Issue with Speeding on Northveiw Drive in the County
Northview Drive is located on the east side of Country Club entrance off Three Mile Road and they have had an issue with speeding in the area. for quite some time.
Mr. Mark McMillion is the spokesman for the group who attended todays meeting. He is a resident of Northview Drive. Also four other families were in attendance. "We have spoken to people up and down the street and are concerned about our children and pets. We have about 15 or more homes on Northview St. In my opinion these folks are speeding in excess of 50 - 60 mph." The current speed limit is 25 mph.
One of the families on the street has spoken to this particular family that seems to be doing the majority of the speeding. We have spoken to Sheriff's office including Hunter Davis on May 10th and I spoke to a MO Highway Patrol Officer Arron Grainer on July 6th. We have a few videos of the speeders and a verbal discussion with the people," continued McMillion.
"We have asked about us putting in our own speed bumps with Liberty Township, but then we would be liable for any accidents. Liberty won't put them in because the snow plows and emergency vehicles have issues with the speed bumps.
Retired Marine Veteran and citizen that lives on the street stated, " Yes there is a danger to children and pets. My front yard is like a strip at Nascar. It is dumbfounding to see what is going on up there and in terms of quality of life it is not good. People are flipping us off and a particular family is racing down the street. You are on the edge of a drag strip and it's part of their daily entertainment and they don't care. I am trying to do something for our community. A change has to be made and this is an opportunity to fix."
There are signs, but they ignore them according to McMillion.
Andy Holden, Sheriff's Department stated, "As far as speed bumps go and emergency vehicles I don't think that is an issue and we will navigate those. Sounds like to me as a neighborhood has done what I would have done."
"We don't have radar guns and have never had them," continued Holden. " We can stop them and ticket them for C and I, but we can't write them a speeding ticket; however Highway Patrol can do that. We can put out a patrol car there, but the county is large and if they have to respond to another call then they do have to leave. It is with a very nice neighborhood and I will try to help you in any way I can."
The residents of the area presented a petition to address the speeding in their residential neighborhood outside of the city limit:
The residents of Glenwook Hills, specifically Northview Drive in Dexter are writing to express our deepest concerns regarding the ongoing issue of speeding in their residential area. Despite the clearly posted 25 mph speed limit signs, we have observed numerous instances of vehicles exceeding the speed limit, endangering the safety and well being of our community. We believe that immediate action is necessary to address this problem and ensure the safety of our neighborhood. We are particularly concerned about the safety of our children, pets, and elderly people who reside in our neighborhood. The presence of speeding vehicles poses a significant risk to their well-being. Our neighborhood is home to numerous families with young children who often play outside, ride bicycles or walk. Additionally, many residents have beloved pets that they walk or allow to roam within designated areas. The current speeding issues puts these vulnerable members of our community at an increased risk of accidents, injuries or even death. We strongly urge immediate action to ensure the safety of our children and pets by implementing the aforementioned measures to address speeding in our residential area.
We kindly request your support and assistance in implementing the following measures:
1. Increased police presence
2. Decreasing the speed limit
3. Traffic calming measures
4. Additional Signage
Cecil Weeks, Stoddard County Clerk
"It is hard to find anyone to do county audits, last year we bid it out in November. I would like to put that out for bids to find an audit firm soon," commented Weeks. "Daniel Jones is currently performing our 2022 audit."
Motion to give Cecil Weeks, County Clerk, permission to bid out the financial single audit for the 2023 year made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Greg Mathis. Both voted yes and motion passed.
Motion to except the minutes from the open session on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart
A request by Sawyer Smith it enter into Closed Session requiring personnel at 11:35 a.m. made by Commissioner C.D. Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Greg Mathis. Both voted yes and motion passed.