Local Schools
Dexter High School Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 4, 2018
September 04th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Tuesday, September 4th, 2018
Celebrating Birthdays this week
Austin Stieferman - 7th
Alyssa Morrison - 7th
Jazmine Sullivan - 8th
Dalton Warren - 8th
Ashlee Pyle - 9th
Samantha Dunlap - 9th
Announcements -
Congratulations to our 2018-19 Miss DHS Court. 2nd alternate - Miss Anna Bishop, 1st alternate Miss Macy Roper and our Miss DHS Natalie Size.
Congratulations to the varsity football team for their come from behind victory over Salem on Friday night. Was a great night to be a BEARCAT!!
Today during advisory we start our Intramural activities. Advisory Teachers will let their classes know when they play.
FCA dues are $15 and are due Friday, September 7th. Please pay Mrs. A. Simmons or Mr. Lovelady.
There will be a boys basketball open gym this Thursday after school in the BEC until 5:00 pm.
There will be a Model UN Meeting on today during advisory in Mr. Morse’s room.
Juniors, magazine sales end Wednesday, September 12th. See Miss Colley to pick up more order forms or referral cards and drop off orders.
FBLA Members - Krispy Kreme orders and money due NEXT Monday the 10th. $10 dues and Six Flags money by the 20th.
There will be a meeting for students interested in joining Scholar Bowl during 8th hour on Sept 5th. Students who do participate in other extra-curricular activities can join as sponsors try to schedule matches to accommodate team members.
Kicking Cats Dance Team - The make up dance camp is Saturday September 8th from 10:00-12:00 at Melissa's school of dance in Sikeston. Please bring money. It is $18 for the day and $10 for everyday that you missed unless you have paid in full. If you are unable to attend please turn in your money into the office and notify Mrs. Monroe. It is very important that you be there.
Calendar / Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 4th
Jr. Class Magazine Sales
FBLA- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Girls Tennis at Kennett, 4:00 pm, bus 2:30 pm
Wrestling Open Mat in DHS Gym, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Advisory - BETA Show Choir Practice / Dodgeball / Model UN Meeting Mr. Morse’s Room
Wednesday, September 5th
Jr. Class Magazine Sales
FBLA- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Girls Tennis at Poplar Bluff, 4:00 pm, bus 2:45 pm
Herff Jones in Auditorium from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm / Jrs/Srs
Advisory - Scholar Bowl Meeting & Westminster College Visit / Dodgeball
Thursday, September 6th
Jr. Class Magazine Sales
FBLA- Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Advisory - BETA Club Meeting Auditorium
Last Updated on September 04th 2018 by Dee Loflin