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2017 Retiring Miss DHS Miss Morgan Aldridge
September 01st 2018 by Dee Loflin
2017 Retiring Miss DHS Miss Morgan Aldridge

Dexter, Missouri - The 2018 Miss DHS Candidates were presented at Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, August 31st prior to the Dexter vs Salem football game.

The retiring Miss DHS is Morgan Aldridge.

She is the daughter of Jimmy and April Aldridge.

Morgan is currently attending Missouri State University where she is pursuing a degree in Risk Management and Insurance.

She is currently a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Centennial Leaders Program, STUMO, and DECA.

She is escorted tonight by Carter Dorton, son of Brett and Christy Dorton.

Carter describes Morgan, as “kind, smart, and beautiful.”

Last Updated on September 01st 2018 by Dee Loflin

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