Local Schools

SEMO Students Time to Get Your Parking Permits!!!
July 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin
SEMO Students Time to Get Your Parking Permits!!!
Southeast Missouri State University students may begin registering for 2018-2019 parking permits at 8 a.m. July 9.

At that time, students may apply online at http://portal.semo.edu or, for students who do not have access to the internet, application can be made by calling Parking Services at (573) 651-2310.  Students should apply using only one method.

The application period for the preferred lottery, a system based on student seniority to determine distribution of the preferred decals, will close at 4 p.m. Friday, July 27. After this date, registration for perimeter, evening only and employee permits will remain open. This is the only application period for the preferred parking lottery and lottery applications will not be accepted after the July 27 closing date.  Because distribution of the preferred decals is assigned using a lottery, the time at which a student applies does not affect the chances of getting preferred parking. Likewise, the method used to apply does not affect selection in the lottery.  Applications are placed in the lottery and sorted according to student seniority.

New this year, parking registration will not be associated with tuition pre-payment, thanks to changes by Parking Services and Student Financial Services at Southeast. Previously, students had to pay their account balance in full, cover their balance by guaranteed financial aid or make their first installment payment before the close of the registration period to be included in the parking lottery.

This change, however, only affects the parking lottery. To remain enrolled in courses, students still need to have enough financial aid to cover their balance, set up a payment plan with the first installment made, or a make an out-of-pocket payment for the balance amount, by the due date of July 27.

The preferred permit lottery will be conducted and preferred decals will be assigned on Aug. 1. Students can determine preferred permit assignment by checking their online billing summary via the student portal after Aug. 2.

Preferred parking decals will be assigned into these allotments:

    55 percent will be distributed to students with 90 or more hours.
    30 percent will go to students with 60 to 89 hours.
    15 percent will be distributed to students with 30 to 59 hours.

Students who apply for preferred permits but are not drawn in the lottery may choose to be placed on a waiting list.  Students must choose and accept perimeter parking as an alternate permit type to be automatically added to the preferred permit waiting list.   Students will be placed on the waiting list based upon cumulative hours and will receive a perimeter decal to use until the time they become eligible for preferred parking from the waiting list.  Eligibility is determined as space in preferred parking lots becomes available. When space becomes available students will be contacted by University email.

Students who are not drawn in the lottery and who decline a perimeter parking permit will not be added to a preferred parking waiting list and will no longer be eligible for a preferred permit for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Two or more individuals who ride together and arrive and depart the campus at the same time may purchase a carpool permit. To purchase a carpool permit, students should not apply for the preferred parking lottery or for perimeter parking. Requests for carpool permits should be made in person at the Parking Services office after Aug. 13. Each member of the carpool must be present at the time of application.

Commuter and resident students may pick up their decals at the Parking Services office, 1401 N. Sprigg Street (in front of the Show Me Center) beginning Aug. 13. For one day only, during residence hall move-in Thursday, Aug. 16, resident students will pick up their permits from the Student Recreation Center adjacent to the Show Me Center.

Summer hours for Parking Services are 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Monday–Friday. Beginning the week of Aug. 13, Parking Services returns to fall business hours and will be open 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday–Thursday and 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday. Parking Services will be open between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. the weekend of Saturday, Aug. 18, and Sunday, Aug. 19.

Parking fees for the 2018-2019 year are:

    $190 for preferred decals
    $140 for perimeter decals
    $75 for evening only decals, which are valid only after 4 p.m.
    $255 for carpool permits
    $75 for a motorcycle or scooter without the purchase of a motor vehicle permit
    $25 for a motorcycle or scooter with the purchase of a motor vehicle permit

Last Updated on July 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Central Elementary 3rd Grade School Supply List
July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin
Central Elementary 3rd Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public Schools will have their first day of classes on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for grades one - twelve.  This will be a full day of classes.  On Friday, August 10th the kindergarten students will attend.

Registration will be held at the Bearcat Event Center on Thursday, July 26th from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Central Elementary has released their 2018 - 2019 suggested school supply list for Third Grade

1-LARGE ZIP-AROUND BINDER (Trapper Keeper style)

NO pencil sharpeners

NO mechanical pencils

NO art boxes

2-boxes of 24 crayons

1-container of disinfecting wipes

2-large pink erasers

2-glue sticks

2-large boxes of tissue

1-pair of scissors (sharp point)

4-packages of #2 yellow wooden pencils (no decorative pencils)

1-plain, clear, 3-hole punched pencil pouch

1-black dry erase marker


girls-1 box quart size zip-lock freezer bags

girls-1 package of notebook paper, wide-ruled

boys-1 box gallon size zip-lock freezer bags

boys -1 bottle of hand sanitizer (medium to large size)

2-composition notebooks, wide-ruled

1-spiral notebook, single subject

4 - pocket folders, 3-hole punched to fit in binder, plain colors, not decorative, no prongs

Folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow

1-folder with prongs, any color

Art Supplies

2- Pencils

1-Folder with pockets

P.E. Supplies

Tennis shoes to be worn to school on scheduled P.E. day

Last Updated on July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Central Elementary 4th Grade School Supply List
July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin
Central Elementary 4th Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public Schools will have their first day of classes on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for grades one - twelve.  This will be a full day of classes.  On Friday, August 10th the kindergarten students will attend.

Registration will be held at the Bearcat Event Center on Thursday, July 26th from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Central Elementary has released their 2018 - 2019 suggested school supply list for Fourth Grade.

1 - Binder (Trapper Keeper style)

4 - Solid color, with holes, pocket folders (NO PRONGS)

Folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow

1- Box of colored pencils

1- Box of 24 crayons

2- Glue Sticks 

2- Red Pen/Pencils (more as needed)

4- Packages #2 Wooden Pencils (more as needed)

1- Highlighter 

4- Dry Erase Markers (more as needed)

2- White Erasers 

1- Scissors

3- Composition Notebook 

1- Package Wide-Lined Loose Leaf Paper 

1- Pencil Pouch (No boxes)

2- Large Kleenex 

1- Large Container Disinfecting Wipes (Girls)

1-Large Bottle Hand Sanitizer (Boys)

1-Box of Band-Aids (Girls)

1-Box Quart or Gallon ZipLoc Bags (Boys)

Art Supplies

1- Folder with pockets


P.E. Supplies

Tennis shoes to be worn to school on scheduled P.E. day

Last Updated on July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Central Elementary 5th Grade School Supply List
July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin
Central Elementary 5th Grade School Supply List
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public Schools will have their first day of classes on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for grades one - twelve.  This will be a full day of classes.  On Friday, August 10th the kindergarten students will attend.

Registration will be held at the Bearcat Event Center on Thursday, July 26th from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Central Elementary has released their 2018 - 2019 suggested school supply list for 5th Grade.

1 - Binder with zipper closure (Trapper Keeper style)

1 - Zipper pencil pouch (if this is included in your binder, you do not need another one)

4 - Solid color, with holes, pocket folders (NO PRONGS)

Folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow

2 - One-subject spiral notebooks (wide rule)

1 - Composition notebook

1 - Pack of loose-leaf paper (wide rule)

8 - Glue sticks**

1 - Pair of scissors (sharp point)

4 - 12-count packages of pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)

2 - Boxes of colored pencils 

2 – Red pens 

2 – Permanent black sharpie 

2 – 4-packs Black expo markers**

1 – Highlighter

1 - Pink or white eraser

1-Pump bottle of hand sanitizer

3 – Large boxes of Kleenex**

Disinfectant wipes**

**These items usually run out before the end of the year. If you are able to send more, it would be appreciated.
Art Supplies

1-Permanent black sharpie

P.E. Supplies
Tennis shoes to be worn to school on scheduled P.E. day

Last Updated on July 03rd 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes for June 28, 2018
July 02nd 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes for June 28, 2018
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter R-XI School Board met at the regularly scheduled date on Tuesday, June 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.  Below are the minutes from the meeting.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with Mr. Herman Morse being absent.  He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

4.  Consent Agenda:   The consent agenda was approved. 

5.  Public Comments:   There were no public comments

6.  Old Business: The board approved student handbooks for the 2018-19 school year. 

7.  New Business: 

A.  The board approved the 1 to 1 Student Chromebook Agreement for 2018-19.
B.  The board approved the two year contract with the City of Dexter for an SRO.

C.  The board approved All Star Pest Control for the 2018-19 school year.

D.  The board approved the budget amendments as presented.

E.   The board approved the transfer from General Fund to zero out the special fund at the end of the 2017-18 school year

F.   The board approve the revised 2017-18 school year.

G.  The board approve the 2018-19 School Budget
8.  Discussion Items:

A.  Mr. Counts discussed the progress of the Long Range Planning 

B.  Mr. Counts presented the Discipline and Attendance Reports 
for the 2017-18 school year for the 4 buildings.      

C.  Mr. Counts presented the transportation summary report for the 
                for the 2017-18 school year.
D.  Mr. Counts presented the bus inspection report.

     .  The board discussed using a administrator survey for the 2018-19
       school year. 

     .  The board discussed the 2018-19 kindergarten class.  They will 
               continue to monitor the enrollment of the class.

E.   The next board meeting was set for July 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. 
In Closed Session:
1.  The board approved the employment of the following substitute       
              teacher for the 2018-19 school year:

        Christy Ellis

2.  The board approved the following retirement letter effective at the  
     conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year:
    Tina Cox
3.  The board employed the following bus drivers for 2018-19:
    Ben Beecher
    Jeremy Thornburgh

4.   The board approved Kerri Goodman as Scholar Bowl Coach
for the 2018-19 school year:

Items presented to the board for informational purposes for future meetings or for discussion include:

None at this time

Last Updated on July 02nd 2018 by Dee Loflin

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