Local Schools
Regents Approve Tuition Rates for Fall 2018
May 15th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Southeast Maintains Affordability Commitment
In approving a new tuition and fee schedule, the Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents today approved a 2.1 percent increase, the allowable percentage increase in the consumer price index in accord with Senate Bill 389.
The Regents then waived all but one percent of that increase that will be charged to students as part of an agreement with state legislators that would reduce higher education funding cuts proposed by Gov. Eric Greitens.
Dr. Carlos Vargas, president of Southeast Missouri State University, said, “We have worked very hard to keep tuition increases at a minimum, and we remain steadfast in our mission to offer access to quality academic programs and services at a reasonable cost. Despite our funding challenges, Southeast is committed to keeping costs affordable for students and serving them well.”
Under the new fee schedule, per credit hour rates beginning fall 2018 are as follows:
Missouri resident undergraduate: $247.25
Non-resident undergraduate: $438.50
Online only-undergraduate: $284
Resident graduate students: $315.50
Non-resident graduate students: $555
Online only-graduate: $347.25
Tuition and general fees for lower division courses at the regional campuses will increase $5 per credit hour, bringing that rate to $175 per credit hour, which is consistent with area community college rates.
Included in the new tuition and fee schedule is a Student Government recommended three-year phased general fee increase of $7.40 per credit hour. The portion charged beginning in fall 2018 will be $5.40 per credit hour and includes reallocations to better support information technology and student wellness.
This change, along with the one percent tuition increase, will amount to a total tuition and fee increase of $7.75 per credit hour for resident undergraduate students in fall 2018.
In related action, Board also approved special course fees to take effect with the fall 2018 semester. These fees cover the cost of consumable supplies or expenses unique to a course making them higher than average in cost to deliver per student credit hour generated or on courses using electronic course materials directly from a publisher. The Regents also eliminated some previously approved special course fees and discontinued an electronic course fee for eight courses.
Last Updated on May 15th 2018 by Dee Loflin