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Southeast Regents Extend Contract of President Vargas
June 29th 2018 by Dee Loflin

The Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents voted June 12 to offer Dr. Carlos Vargas a new three-year rolling contract to continue as President of Southeast Missouri State University.
According to Board President Donald G. LaFerla, the new contract, effective July 1, 2018, runs through June 30, 2021. No salary increase or additional compensation was awarded with the new contract.
Board President LaFerla noted that the new contract is consistent with the contract structure the Board of Regents approved at its June 26, 2017, meeting and was based on the Board’s assessment of the University’s accomplishments and University President Vargas’ leadership during the past year.
“This University is very fortunate to have a man of Dr. Vargas’ character and credentials as our president, and we want him to know how much we appreciate what he means to us,” LaFerla said.
Some of the accomplishments Mr. LaFerla cited include:
The University’s continued progress toward its retention and graduation goals, noting that retention and graduation rates reported in fall 2017 were both at the highest rate since the University began tracking the data.
The institution’s success in securing three new program-specific accreditations from the National Association of Schools of Art and Design, the National Association of Schools of Dance, and the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education – all of which attest to the quality and rigor of academic programs at Southeast.
The development of multiple new graduate and undergraduate programs such as the Bachelor of Applied Science, new undergraduate Agriculture options, and the Master of Science in Cybersecurity.
Execution of the Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program which exceeded participation goals endorsed by the Board of Regents.
The University’s ability to increase giving and identify new donors through initiatives led by University Advancement and the Department of Athletics.
The implementation of the new SE Alerts communication/notification system.
The University’s efforts to continue implementing innovative solutions to enhance enrollment and create alternate pathways to degree as evidenced by the addition of new Transfer Mentor Program partners and the corporate degree partnership with TG Missouri.
“I feel honored that the Board of Regents has renewed my contract,” Vargas said. “I continue to be committed and excited to work with the University community to enhance the visibility and recognition of Southeast Missouri State University.”
Last Updated on June 29th 2018 by Dee Loflin